Colloquia, workshops, etc.

Fifth International Intensive course in Old Javanese

Yogyakarta, Central Java, Indonesia – 21 July through 3 August 2019

Co-organized by the National Library of the Republic of Indonesia (Perpusnas) and the École française d’Extrême-Orient (EFEO), with support from the École Pratique des Hautes Études (EPHE), a founding member of PSL Research University (Paris).

Aiming to support the training of a new generation of Old Javanese philologists and to stimulate international collaboration in this field, the École française d'Extrême-Orient (French School of Asian Studies, EFEO) and the National Library of the Republic of Indonesia (Perpusnas), with support from the École Pratique des Hautes Études (Paris), founding member of PSL Research University (Paris), will co-organize this year, for the fifth time, an international intensive course in Old Javanese.

Fourth International Intensive course in Old Javanese

Yogyakarta, Central Java, Indonesia - 15 through 29 July 2018

Co-organized by the National Library of the Republic of Indonesia (Perpusnas) and the École française d'Extrême-Orient (EFEO), with support from the École Pratique des Hautes Études (EPHE), PSL Research University (Paris), and the Royal Netherlands Institute for Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies (KITLV).

Aiming to support the training of a new generation of Old Javanese philologists and to stimulate international collaboration in this field, the École française d'Extrême-Orient (French School of Asian Studies, EFEO) and the National Library of the Republic of Indonesia (Perpusnas), with support from the École Pratique des Hautes Études (Paris), PSL Research University (Paris), and the Royal Netherlands Institute for Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies (KITLV), will co-organize this year, for the fourth time, an international intensive course in Old Javanese.

Breakdowns and Ruptures in Temple Life

International Workshop 7, 8, 9 December, 2016

Upload the programme

Workshop on Local Primary Sources on Late Imperial China (900-1900)

organized by Michela Bussotti and Joseph McDermott

From 19 to 23 September, 2016 a workshop dedicated to the study of local primary sources on late imperial China (900-1900) was held in Cambridge. Organised by the Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies (Cambridge Humanities Reasearch Grants) and with the support of PSL ("FOEs-Chine" Program), of the French Schoold of Asian Studies (EFEO) and of the UMR 8173 - China, Korea, Japan (CNRS-EHESS), this workshop was dedicated to encourage collaboration between research students and teachers in Cambridge and Paris.
The September's workshop dealt with the great amount of primary source documentation from this long period of Chinese history that even if still unpublished has now been made available for study. Few European researchers have had the training to read these often technical sources with confidence, and this workshop was in part designed to help them overcome this problem. For five consecutive days scholars from both Cambridge and Paris led in turn the workshop's other participants through a careful reading and analysis of instructive examples of primary sources, such as lay associations' bylaws, legal cases, wills, contracts, account books, religious associations' records, water control inscriptions and genealogies. By the end of the week participants read these documents independently and, moreover, they had a sense of how to use them creatively in research on all sorts of historical and cultural issues. The workshop was intended at least as much to foster fresh ways of thinking about historical methods and methodology as about reading historical sources accurately.

Two sessions held every day, one in the morning and one in the afternoon, focused as much on analysis as on translation headed by one of the Cambridge or Paris experts The participating teachers included Alain Arrault, Michela Bussotti, Adam Chau, Claude Chevaleyre, Imre Galambos, François Gipouloux, Christian Lamouroux, and Joseph McDermott. Participants received in advance annotated copies of the texts, so that all has been able to contribute to the reading and discussion of each document. The workshop was designed for all to learn and teach together.

To access the web pages of the Workshop, click here.

Taiwan Maritime Landscapes from Neolothic to Early Modern Times: Cross-Regional Perspectives

From 17 to 18 November 2015

Organized by Paola Calanca (EFEO), Liu Yi-ch'ang (Academia Sinica, Taiwan), Frank Muyard (National Central University, Taiwan) et Alain Thote (CRCAO / EPHE)

Salle Claude Lévi-Strauss, CRCAO / Institut des hautes études chinoises, Collège de France (52 rue du Cardinal Lemoine, Paris 5ème)

Upload the program

Indonesia, Trawas, Mojokerto, East Java, Indonesia, 31 July through 15 August 2015

Second international intensive course in Old Javanese

Organized by the National Library of the Republic of Indonesia (Perpusnas) in collaboration with the École française d'Extrême-Orient (EFEO) and the Royal Netherlands Institute for Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies (KITLV).
Aiming to support the training of a new generation of Old Javanese philologists and to stimulate international collaboration in this field, the National Library of the Republic of Indonesia (Perpusnas) in collaboration with the École française d'Extrême-Orient (French School of Asian Studies, EFEO) and the Royal Netherlands Institute for Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies (KITLV) will organize this year an intensive course in Old Javanese.


Indonesia, Trawas, Mojokerto, East Java, 13-28 June 2014

Intensive course in Old Javanese

Organized by the National Library of the Republic of Indonesia (Perpusnas) in collaboration with the École française d'Extrême-Orient (EFEO) and the Royal Netherlands Institute for Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies (KITLV).
Aiming to support the training of a new generation of Old Javanese philologists and to stimulate international collaboration in this field, the National Library of the Republic of Indonesia (Perpusnas) in collaboration with the École française d'Extrême-Orient (French School of Asian Studies, EFEO) and the Royal Netherlands Institute for Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies (KITLV) will organize this year an intensive course in Old Javanese.


France, Paris, 14 May 2013

On May 14, Fabienne Jagou is organizing the study day Pratiques du bouddhisme tibétain en France and à Taiwan: Tradition, Adaptation and Transformation [Tibetan Buddhist practices in France and in Taiwan: tradition, adaptation, and change] as part of the research project "Practices of Tibetan Buddhism in Taiwan with a comparative analysis with the French example" being supported by the Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation, at the Maison de l'Asie (2nd floor meeting room, 22 avenue du Président Wilson, Paris 75116).

France, Lyon, 2-4 May 2013

From May 2 to 4 Fabienne Jagou is taking part in the 10th European Association of Taiwan Studies Conference, in Lyon. She is giving a talk entitled

The Dalai Lama in Taiwan: establishment of complex relationships between the Tibetan government-in-exile and the Taiwanese political parties.

France, Paris, 21-22 March 2013

The colloquium Routes and Waterways, Settlements and Hinterlands: South Asia in the 11th century organized jointly by the École française d'Extrême-Orient (EFEO), the Institut de recherche pour le développement (IRD), the British Academy, the British Museum and the Art & Humanities Research Council is taking place on March 21 at the IRD and March 22 at the EFEO (22 avenue du Président Wilson, Paris 16e, salon).

PRC, Beijing, 5 March - 5 April 2013

The exhibition

Archéologues à Angkor, archives photographiques de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient

[Archaeology at Angkor: photographic archives of the EFEO] is being presented at the Chinese Cultural Heritage Academy in Peking from March 5 to April 5. To mark its opening, there is a workshop on the afternoon of March 5 to be dedicated to the archaeological and restoration work done at Angkor. Pascal Royère and Jacques Gaucher are taking part in this event.

Cambodia, Phnom Penh, 28 February 2013

Exhibition Phnom Penh

"Royal Funeral Ceremony in Cambodia"

Archive exhibition at the National Museum of Cambodia

In Khmer custom, funerals are organized according to Buddhist rites, with influences from Brahmanism.For Kings and people of high rank, the ceremonies, from the recitation of prayers until the cremation and collection of the relics afterwards, are lavish, elaborate and take place over several months. A special but temporary construction, the Men, a symbol of Mount Meru, is prepared for the cremation. Since King Norodom, Men have been constructed on Veal Men an area situated north of the Royal Palace, in front of the National Museum.

In the north wing of the museum, displayed near the statue of King Sisowath and the royal funeral urn, is an historical film, drawings and photographs depicting the funeral ceremonies for King Norodom and King Sisowath.

Exhibition in homage to His Majesty King Father Norodom Sihanouk and his work for the Cambodian Nation and Khmer culture.

Organised by the National Museum of Cambodia and the École Francaise d'Extrême-Orient (EFEO) with generous support of Michele and Steve Pesner, San Setpheap and the French Institute of Cambodia.
Thanks to Preap Chanmara, Ang Choulean, Michel Antelme, Gregory Mikaelian , Yam Sokly, Margaret Bywater, Dominic Goodall, Béatrix Latham and the Municipal Library of the City of Alençon.

Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh City, 26 February 2013

On February 26 a second exhibition, entitled

Imagerie populaire du Vietnam-triptyque

[Popular imagery of Vietnam-triptych], is opening at the media library of the Idécaf (Institut d'échanges culturels avec la France [Institute for Cultural Exchanges with France]). In some fifteen panels, this exhibition presents selected extracts from, on the one hand, the two great collections put together during the first half of the 20th century in the northern part of the country (the Henri Oger collection and the Maurice Durand collection), and, on the other, an original illustrated manuscript of the Luc Vân Tiên, the epic poem of the South, preserved at the Academy of Inscriptions and Belles Lettres. This manuscript is in the process of being digitized and published by the delegation from the South of Vietnam. The exhibition opening offers the opportunity for an accompanying conference dedicated to popular imagery in Viêt Nam, with addresses by four contributors: Professor Phan Huy Lê (President of the Association of Historians of Vietnam and corresponding member of the Academy of Inscriptions and Belles Lettres, Paris); Olivier Tessier (on Henri Oger's Encyclopedia of Annamite technologies); Philippe Papin (on Maurice Durand and popular imagery); and Pascal Bourdeaux (on the manuscript of the Luc Vân Tiên and the digitization-publication project).

Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh City, 25 February 2013

On February 25, a reception is being organized in the premises of the villa at 13 Hai Ba Trung, in the presence of the French Ambassador to Vietnam, the political officials of the People's Committee in Ho Chi Minh City, the AFD's director in Vietnam, and the EFEO's Director of Studies. On this occasion an exhibition made up of some thirty panels shows the activities of both the EFEO (Textes et Terrain. Remise en perspective de 20 ans d'activités de l'EFEO au Vietnam [Texts and Terrain. An Overview of 20 years of EFEO Activities in Vietnam]) and the AFD (AFD: Objectif développement [AFD: Development Objectives]). This exhibition will highlight the cooperative efforts, both scholarly and operational, that unite these two institutions.

Taiwan, Taipei, 7-8 January 2013

On January 7 and 8, the

First Workshop on GIS Cartography

of the program Régir l'espace chinois (Jérôme Bourgon, IAO Lyon, and Luca Gabbiani, EFEO Beijing with support from the Agence Nationale de la Recherche) is taking place at the Academia Sinica in Taipei, in collaboration with the team China Historical GIS directed by Professor Fan I-chun (Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica). The participants are Jérôme Bourgon (CNRS, IAO), Julie Erismann (IAO), Luca Gabbiani (EFEO), Cécile Lochet (EFEO), and Tam Ka-chai (Baptist University Hong Kong).

Cambodia, Siem Reap, 4-13 January 2013

From January 4 to 13, the Huitième retraite internationale de sanskrit intensif [Eighth International Retreat on Intensive Sanskrit] is being organized by the Siem Reap Center; 25 participants, researchers and students, are reading Cambodian inscriptions in Sanskrit, especially those that have not been published or exist only in editions in need of revision.

Thailand, Bangkok, 4 December 2012

The seminar

Archaeology in Asia: Past Heritages in contemporaneous issues

is organized by Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn Anthropology Centre (SAC) and the French School of Asian Studies (EFEO)
Date: 4th of December 2012, 1:30PM-5:30PM
Venue: Room 207; Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn Anthropology Centre, 20 Boromarachachonani Road, Taling Chan, Bangkok 10170, Thailand
Moderator: Dr. Trongjai Hutangkura (SAC)

Session 1

  • M. Peter Skilling (EFEO): " Reading Suttanipata on the Ground: The ancient routes of Central India ".
  • Mme Sirin Yuanyaidee (Phra Pathom Chedi National Musuem), " Digging the past : M. P.Dupont’s report from 1937 and the recent excavation at Wat Thammasala / Nakhon Pathom Province, Thailand "
  • M. Martin Polkinghorne (USYD): " Ayutthaya Buddha dissemination in Angkor "

Session 2

  • M. Christophe Pottier (EFEO): " Any Heritage beyond the temples? Geoinformatics investigations in Angkor (Cambodia) "
  • M. Pierre Pichard (EFEO): " Developments and conservation issues in Pagan (Myanmar) "
  • M. Jacques Leider (EFEO): " Buddhists and Muslims in Arakan  (Rakhine) in a historical perspective "

Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, 6-7 November 2012

The EFEO Kuala Lumpur Centre, with the help of Franch Ambassy in Malaysia, co-organize with the Department of History of the University of Malaysia an international conference on

Seals as Symbol of Power and Authority in Southeast Asia

Twenty-two lectures are presented by researchers form Malaysia, France, Indonesia, Japan, Viet Nam and United Kingdoms. The conference is held the 6 and 7 November at the University of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur.

See detailed programme (PDF file 451 Ko)

India, Pondicherry, 22-27 October 2012

As part of the ANR program Panini et les Paninéens aux XVIe et XVIIe siècles [Panini and his followers in the 16th and 17th centuries], a workshop will be held in Pondicherry from October 22 to 27 at the EFEO and the French Institute of Pondicherry on the topic

Pre-Prakriya-grantha Prakriya: le système de dérivation des mots avant les Prakriya-grantha.

[Pre-Prakriya-grantha Prakriya: the system of word derivation before the Prakriya-grantha works].

France, Paris, 15 October 2012

The French branch of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, the EFEO, the École pratique des hautes etudes, and the École des hautes études en sciences sociales are organizing the seminar L'empire portugais, entre l'Amérique, l'Afrique et l'Asie: Perspectives coloniales et post-coloniales (XVe-XXIe siècle) [The Portuguese Empire in America, Africa, and Asia: colonial and post-colonial perspectives] at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation offices in France (39, Boulevard de la Tour-Maubourg, Paris, 75007). On Monday, October 15, Michela Bussotti is addressing the group on

De la Chine à Naples: chinois et édition aux XVIIIe-XIXe siècles

[From China to Naples: Chinese and publication during the 18th and 19th centuries].

Vietnam, Hanoi, 11 October - 8 November 2012

On October 11, opening of the exhibition

Vivre et mourir à Hanoi en 1972

[Living and dying in Hanoi in 1972] mounted by Olivier Tessier, head of the EFEO Center in Hanoi, with the help of Huyen Mermet and Dang Duc Tuê, at the request of the French Embassy to Vietnam, to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the bombing of the central bureau. Thé exhibition is held from October 11th to November 8th at the Institut de France - l'Espace, 24 rue Tràng Tiến, Hanoi.

Irland, Dublin, 18-21 September 2012

Several EFEO instructors and researchers are taking part in the 14th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists (EurASEAA) being held 18 to 21 September in Dublin:

USA, New York, 14 September 2012

On the invitation of Professor Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, Jacques Leider is taking part in a forum organized by Amnesty International on Burma in Transition: Ethnic Minorities, Human Rights and Democratic Process at Columbia Unversity (New York) on 14 September. He is to talk about the recent conflicts between Buddhists and Muslims in Arakan.

Taiwan, Chiayi and Taipei, Sptember-December 2012

On 8 September: opening of the exhibition Vestiges archéologiques d'Angkor: travaux de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Archaeological remains of Angkor: work of the French School of East Asian Studies] (8 September to 14 October in Chiayi; from 17 November to 29 December in Taipei) organized jointly by the southern branch of the National Palace Museum and the EFEO.

Vietnam, Hanoi, 16-21 July 2012

The 6th edition of the Summer School in Tam Dao (Summer School on social sciences jointly organized by AFD, EFEO, IRD and ASSV) is dedicated this year to L'eau dans tous ses états.

Lecture by Olivier Tessier on:

L'aménagement hydraulique du delta du fleuve Rouge : mise en perspective historique du rôle de l'État impérial puis colonial

See complete programme (PDF file 85 ko)

France, Paris, 9 July 2012

The workshop Terre en Chine (Land in China) organized by l'Observatoire de l'architecture de la Chine contemporaine [the Observatory of the Architecture of Contemporary China]/ Cité de l'architecture & du patrimoine [City of Architecture and Cultural Heritage], and l'Ecole française d'Extrême- Orient, Monday 9 July 2012 from 1pm to 6pm at the l'Ecole française d'Extrême-Orient, 22 avenue du Président Wilson, Paris 16ème.

1pm - 2.30pm: screening room located on the ground floor "Yaodong, a little treatise of construction", directed by Elodie Brosseau, based on an original idea by
Caroline Bodolec (89').
2.30pm - 6pm: Presentation and discussions with Caroline Bodolec, Hubert Guillaud, Marc Auzet, Anne-Monique Bardagot, Victoire Surio, Benjamin Mouton, Fabrice Duffaud.

France, Paris, 18-19 June 2012

Conference on

New Research in Historical Campa Studies

Maison de l'Asie, 22 avenue du président Wilson, Paris 18-19 June 2012.
With a public lecture hosted by the Musée Guimet on the evening of June 18.

For those wishing to attend the conference, advance registration is required.

Monday, 18 June 2012
08:30 - 09:15 Registration
09:15 - 09:30 Welcome and Opening Remarks
Franciscus VERELLEN, Director, École française d'Extrême-Orient
Tansen SEN, Head, Nalanda-Sriwijaya Centre, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS), Singapore

Chairperson: William SOUTHWORTH

  • 09:30 - 10:00 LÂM THỊ MỸ DZUNG, University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vietnam National University, Hanoi
    "Champa Settlements from the First Millennium AD (New Archaeological Studies)"
  • 10:00-10:30 Mariko YAMAGATA, Showa Women's University, Tokyo, NGUYẼN KIM DUNG, Institute of Archaeology, Hanoi, BUI CHI HOANG, Southern Institute of Sustainable Development, Ho Chi Minh City
    "The Development of Regional Centers in Ancient Champa: Viewed from Recent Archaeological Advancements in Central Vietnam"
  • 10:30-11:00 Coffee

Chairperson: Pierre-Yves MANGUIN

  • 11:00-11:30 NGUYỄN TIẾN ĐÔNG & Federico BAROCCO, both Institute of Archaeology, Hanoi,
    "The Champa Archaeological Territories in QuẢng Nam and Phú Yên Provinces"
  • 11:30-12:00 Andrew HARDY & NGUYỄN TIẾN ĐÔNG, EFEO/Hanoi Institute of Archaeology, Hanoi,
    "Evidence for a Hypothesis About the Champa Territory of Quảng Ngãi"
  • 12:00-14:00 Lunch

Chairperson: Patrizia ZOLESE

  • 14:00-14:30 Pierre BAPTISTE, Musée Guimet, Paris,
    "A propos de l'iconographie du temple de Ðồng Dương : Un piédestal sensé représenter le démon Māra"
  • 14:30-15:00 Parul Pandya DHAR, University of Delhi,
    "Pride and Penitence of an Anti-hero: The Rāvaṇānugrahamūrti in India and Campā"
  • 15:00-15:30 John GUY, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York,
    "Śaivism and the evidence of liṅgakośapūjā in early Champa (with a short contribution by Anne-Valérie Schweyer)"
  • 15:30-16:00 Coffee

Chairperson: Geoff WADE,

  • 16:00-16:30 Julian R. BROWN, School of Oriental and African Studies, London,
    "Unravelling the Visual Archive of Ancient Champa: The Architectural Line-Drawings of Henri Parmentier"
  • 16:30-17:00 Mara LANDONI, Scientific University "Politecnico di Milano", Italy,
    "Study on Cham construction techniques and materials at the Mỹ Sơn Site"
  • 17:00 - 17:30 Anne-Valérie SCHWEYER, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris,
    "Des lieux puissants au Campa"

18:30-20:00 PUBLIC LECTURE
Speaker: Patrizia ZOLESE, Lerici Foundation,
"Temple, Power and Policy: Historical Implications of Archaeological and Conservation Work at Mỹ Sơn" Venue: Auditorium Musée Guimet

Tuesday, 19 June 2012
Chairperson: Pierre BAPTISTE

  • 08:30-09:00 Stephen A. MURPHY, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York,
    "Cultural Connections and Shared Origins between Champa and Dvaravati: A comparison of common artistic and architectural motifs, ca. 8th-10th centuries CE"
  • 09:00-09:30 William A. SOUTHWORTH, "Rijksmuseum, Netherlands (and, in absentia, Trần Kỳ Phương),
    "On the movement and interrelationship of Cham and Khmer sculpture during the Angkorian Period: in regard to the overland trade routes between Champa and Cambodia"
  • 09:30-10:00 Amandine LEPOUTRE, Center for Khmer Studies, Siem Reap,
    "Le Haut Campā en Asie du Sud-Est Au XIIe siecle l'apport des inscriptions de Jaya Harivarmadeva"
  • 10:00-10:30 Coffee

Chairperson: Andrew HARDY

  • 10:30-11:00 Arlo GRIFFITHS, EFEO/Jakarta,
    "Epigraphical texts and sculptural stelae produced under the Vīrabhadravarmadevas of fifteenth century Campā"
  • 11:00-11:30 John K. WHITMORE, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor,
    "1471, The Fall of Vijaya, Decline or Competition? Champa in the Fifteenth Century"
  • 11:30-12:00 Brian ZOTTOLI, Council on International Educational Exchange,
    "From Champa to Cochinchina: regional economic,political and cultural dimensions of Champa's transformation from the 14th to 16th century"
  • 12:00-14:00 Lunch

Chairperson: Anne-Valérie SCHWEYER

  • 14:00-14:30 Fabien CHÉBAUT, Ecole pratique des hautes études, Paris,
    "L'organisation des échanges à travers le réseau routier : Un exemple de compréhension de l'évolution de l'organisation du territoire du pays de Panrang (XVIIe-XIXe siècle)"
  • 14:30-15:00 MOHAMED EFFENDY Bin Abdul Hamid, University of Hawa‘i, Manoa,
    "The Dalikal Manuis jieng Gru Cruw (Man becomes the teacher of the Cruw (Churu): The rise of the Po Gru and Cam understandings of power and authority"
  • 15:00-15:30 Thérèse GUYOT-BECKER, Ecole pratique des hautes études, Paris,
    "Le droit coutumier cam au 18e siècle : Permanence des traditions et des lois cam sous protectorat vietnamien"
  • 15:30-16:00 Coffee

Chairperson: Arlo GRIFFITHS

  • 16:00-16:30 Trương Văn Món (Sakaya),Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City,
    "The Relationship between Champa and the Malay World Though Raja Praong and Mak Yong Rituals"
  • 16:30-17:00 Marc BRUNELLE, University of Ottawa,
    "Revisiting the expansion of the Chamic language family"
  • 17:00-17:30 Geoff WADE, Nalanda-Sriwijaya Centre, ISEAS,
    "Champa in the Ming Reign Annals: References to Champa in the Ming shi-lu (14th-17th centuries)"

Chairpersons: Arlo GRIFFITHS
Andrew HARDY
Tansen SEN

Cambodia, Siem Reap, 6-7 June 2012

The 21st technical session of the International Coordination Committee for Angkor is taking place June 6 and 7 in the facilities of the APSARA Authority in Siem Reap.
Presentations by EFEO students and researchers:

Éric Bourdonneau

Mission archéologique à Koh Ker. La fouille du Prasat Kraham et l'étude du groupe sculpté de la danse de Shiva

[Archaeological project at Koh Ker. The excavation of the Prasat Kraham and the study of the sculpture group showing the dance of Siva];

Jacques Gaucher

Vers un modèle explicatif de la formation d'Angkor Thom: nouvelles données sur la capitale khmère (campagne archéologique 2012)

[Towards an explanatory model of the development of Angkor Thom: new data on the Khmer capital (2012 archaeological season)];

Christophe Pottier

Recherches récentes de la Mafkata (Mission archéologique francokhmère pour l'aménagement du territoire angkorien)

[Recent research of the Mafkata (Franco-Cambodian Archaeological Mission for the management of the Angkor site];

Pascal Royère and Hang Peou

Restauration du Mebon occidental

[Restoration of the Western Mebon];

Dominique Soutif and Julia Estève

Résultats de la campagne de fouilles archéologiques à Prasat Kamnap Sud et Prasat Ong Mong en 2011-2012

[Results of the 2011-2012 archaeological excavation season at South Prasat Kannap and Prasat Ong Mong].

PRC, Shanghai, 30-31 May 2012

On May 30 and 31, as part of the ANR program Régir l'espace chinois [Governing Chinese territory] the EFEO's Peking Center is organizing in Shanghai, in collaboration with the Law School of Fudan University (Shanghai) and the Institut d'Asie orientale (Lyon), a colloquium on Procedure Law, Evidence and the Practice of Torture in Europe, the Islamic World and Traditional China: A Comparative Perspective.

France, Paris, 29 May 2012

Défilé royal [Royal Procession], a joint EPHE-CEIAS-EFEO workshop has been organized by Charlotte Schmid, on Tuesday, May 29, 9:30 am to 5:30 pm, at Le France (190-198, avenue de France, 75013 Paris, room 638). The participants will be Leslie C. Orr (Concordia University, Montreal), Crispin Branfoot (SOAS), Sylvain Brocquet (University of Aix-en-Provence), Nicolas Cane (EPHE), Emmanuel Francis (Hamburg University), Dominic Goodall (EFEO), Denis Matringe (CEIAS), and Charlotte Schmid (EFEO-EPHE).

France, Paris, 22-23 May 2012

On May 22 and 23 Kuo Liying is participating in two day-long workshops on La tombe de l'Empereur Qianlong. L'empereur et le bouddhisme tibétain [The tomb of the Qianlong Emperor. The emperor and Tibetan Buddhism], organized at the Collège de France (3 rue d'Ulm, Paris) by Françoise Wang-Toutain (CNRS UMR 8155 - CRCAO Paris and UMR 3495 MAP Marseilles). Her talk deals with

The funerary use of the sacred formula of the Victory of the Buddha's head summit (Buddhoṣṇīṣa vijayā dhāraṇī) in Mediaeval China

Japan, Kyoto, 20-21 April 2012

On April 20 and 21 the EFEO is co-organizing the colloquium Architecture et nature [Architecture and Nature] at Seika University on April 20 (5:00-6:30 p.m.), and at the Kansai Franco-Japanese Institute on April 21 (3:00-6:30 p.m.).

Japan, Tokyo, 14 April 2012

On the occasion of the exhibition The East India Company and piracy in Asia at the Tôyô bunko Museum from March 7 to June 24, the Tôyô bunko is organizing, with the Tokyo Maison franco-japonaise, the Franco-Japanese Orientalis Association, and the EFEO's Tokyo Center, a round table on this same topic on April 14, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., in the auditorium of the Maison franco-japonaise.

Paola Calanca talks on

Commerce et piraterie le long des côtes chinoises (1620-1640)

[Trade and piracy on the coasts of China (1620-1640).

Vietnam, Hanoi, February 2012

Hanoi, views and perspectives of the period 1873-1945

This exhibition, created on the initiative of the Thăng Long - Hanoi Heritage Conservation Centre (CCPTLH - Hanoi People's Committee) and arranged by Philippe Le Failler and Olivier Tessier, has recently been inaugurated in the heart of the ancient citadel. Retracing the main stages of the city's transformation and modernisation, it follows on the heels of narratives presented in the permanent exhibition A Thousand Years from Underground (VASS-EFEO) at the Museum of Archaeology and the exhibition From the transformation to the Dismantling of the Hanoi Citadel in the 19th Century: Political Stakes and the Development of Urban Space (CCPTLH - EFEO, Olivier Tessier), both open since October 2010.

Thailand, Bangkok, 6-7 January 2012

The 2012 Chulalongkorn-EFEO International Conference on Buddhist Studies

Imagination, Narrative, and Localization

will be held from 6-7 January 2012, at Room 304, Maha Chakri Sirindhorn Building, Faculty of Arts, Chulalongkorn University.

Twenty academic papers will be delivered by Thai and international scholars. HRH Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn will graciously preside over the opening ceremony.

Day 1: Friday, 6 January 2012

7.30 - 8.30 Registration
9.00 - 9.15 Opening ceremony presided over by HRH Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn

9.15 - 10.00 Keynote speech (I)
Representing the opponents: brahmanas and others in the Jatakas, Kumkum Roy

10.00 - 10.45 Keynote speech (II)
Mapping Burma and Northern Thailand in 1795 - Francis Buchanan-Hamilton's critical accounts of native maps, Jacques Leider

Section I Chair: Hwang Soonil

11.15 - 11.45 The notion of "force majeure" in the Three Seals Law Code and the Cambodian Legal Codes of 1891, Olivier de Bernon

11.45 - 12.15 Display and installation: uses of the Buddha's word in Early Southeast Asia, Peter Skilling

Section II Chair: Justin McDaniel

13.30 - 14.00 Early Buddhism in Laos: insights from archaeology , Michel Lorrillard

14.00 - 14.30 Anant Laulertvorakul: TBA

14.30 - 15.00 Manuscriptology and literature: reflecting on northern Thai Buddhist chronicles, François Lagirarde

Section III Chair: Ulrich Timme Kragh

15.30 - 16.00 Hermits and the question of Hinduism in Thailand , Justin McDaniel

16.00 - 16.30 Rethinking Thai Buddhist missions , Ven. Anil Sugandha Dhammasakiyo

16.30 - 17.00 Discussion

18.30 - 21.00 Book launch dinner
Justin Thomas McDaniel: The Lovelorn Ghost and the Magical Monk: Practicing Buddhism in Modern Thailand, Columbia University Press, 2011

Day 2: Saturday, 7 January 2012

Section IV Chair: François Lagirarde

9.00 - 9.30 Buddhist vocabulary and doctrines in medieval Shinto texts: the case of the fourteenth chapter of the Reikiki , Iyanaga Nobumi

9.30 - 10.00 A comparative Study of the Pali and Sanskrit versions of the Ratnasutra, Chanwit Tudkeao

10.00 - 10.30 Seven Buddhist female authors from Uddiyana, Northwestern Pakistan, in the ninth to eleventh centuries , Ulrich Timme Kragh

Section V Chair: Arthid Sheravanichkul

11.00 - 11.30 Saving animals and winning a war: the war between the devas and the asuras in the Kulāvakajātaka , Hwang Soonil

11.30 - 12.00 Jatakas value-added Thai amulets , Sukanya Sujachaya

12.00 - 12.30 Monks, miracles and sacredness: the construction of Thai Phra Kechi Achan images through sets of miraculous events in their life histories, Saipan Puriwanchana

Section VI Chair: Potprecha Cholvijarn

14.00 - 14.30 The story of Buddhapalita: an Indian monk in Wutaishan , Liying Kuo

14.30 - 15.00 Xuanzang and the Dhyana schools, Frédéric Girard

15.00 - 15.30 The way to paradise: the Chinese legends of the Buddhapada at Saraburi, Arthid Sheravanichkul

Section VII Chair: Chanwit Tudkeao

16.00 - 16.30 An analysis of and Ayutthaya meditation method: the diagrams of Buddha, Dhamma, and Sangha qualities , Potprecha Cholvijarn

16.30 - 17.00 Narratives of the four assemblies in Wat Pho inscriptions, Warangkhana Srikamnerd

17.00 - 17.30 Discussion

17.30 Closing ceremony

Please contact Dr. Arthid Sheravanichkul at


2009 - 2010 - 2011

Study Days
Paris, France, 24 June 2024
Attend the study days "An Intellectual History of Late Vedānta" on the reception of classical and medieval Vedāntic sources in late Sanskrit works (18th-20th century), on 24 and 25 June 2024, at the Maison de l'Asie

Study Day
Paris, France, 21 June 2024
Charlotte Schmid is organising a study day entitled "Depuis l'Inde, les Passeurs d'art", at the EFEO, 22 avenue du Président Wilson, Friday, June 21, from 2.30 to 5.30 p.m.

Workshop on ''Dunhuang Studies''
Paris, France, 17 June 2024
The University of Zhejiang and the EFEO, with the support of the GIS Asie and the collaboration of the BnF Manuscripts Department, are organising a workshop on Dunhuang Studies.

At the Maison de l'Asie, 22 avenue du Président Wilson, from 9.30 am to 6 pm.

Study Day
Paris, France, 13 June 2024
Luca Gabbiani and Frédéric Constant are organising a study day entitled "Savoirs administratifs (16e-19e siècles): approches comparatives".

It will be held in the Salon on the 1st floor of the Maison de l'Asie, from 9.45 am to 6 pm.

The 22nd Classical Tamil Winter Seminar (CTWS)
Pondicherry, India, 15 January 2024

We are happy to announce the upcoming 22nd Classical Tamil Winter Seminar (CTWS), scheduled for two weeks, from 12th to 23rd February 2024. The event will be hosted at the Pondicherry Centre of the École française d'Extrême-Orient (EFEO).

Read more

Happy New Year 2023
Paris, France,

The École française d'Extrême-Orient (EFEO - French School of Asian Studies) wishes you a Happy New year 2024

Follow this link to watch the EFEO New Year card.
Annual closure
Paris, France,

EFEO Paris closes for the festive season.
We look forward to seeing you in 2024, from 2 January
Study days
Paris, France, 23 November 2023

As part of the "Destins d'objets: la circulation des traces matérielles du passé de l'Antiquité à nos jours" program run by the École française d'Athènes and accredited by the Réseau des Écoles françaises à l'étranger, the EFEO is hosting the study days "Dispersions: partage de fouilles et commerce des vestiges en Asie, au Moyen-Orient et en Europe aux XIXe et XXe siècles".

Thursday, November 23, from 9:45 am to 6 pm and Friday, November 24, from 9:45 am to 1:15 pm, in the Grand Salon of the EFEO, 22 avenue du Président Wilson, 75016 Paris.

Workshop ''South India between the 4th and the 6th century CE''
Bonn, Germany, 19 October 2023
Valérie Gillet (EFEO), Ariane de Saxcé (German Archaeological Institute), and Coline Lefrancq (CNRS, ArScAn UMR 7041) are organising an international workshop entitled South India between the 4th and the 6th century CE at the University of Bonn.

Possibility of attending the conferences online through pre-registration.
Send your request by 19 October to Ariane de Saxcé.
26th Rendez-vous de l'histoire in Blois
Blois, France,

The Réseau des Écoles françaises à l'Étranger - ResEFE - is taking part in the 26th Rendez-vous de l'histoire in Blois as part of its Carte blanche: "À tombeaux ouverts: les vivants face aux morts de l'Europe à l'Extrême-Orient."
Saturday, October 7, 9-10.30 a.m., Site Jaurès University, Amphi 2, Blois.

From October 8 to 10 the 5 EFEs will have a book stand at the Blois history book fair, represented by the bookshop Lerycerp (space N, stands 76 to 80, on the map).