
Japan, Kyoto, 12-13 November 2011

On November 12-13, the EFEO and ISEAS Centers are co-organizing two day-long workshops with the Australian Centre on China in the World (Australian National University) on the topic of

Scholarly Perspectives on China: The View from Japan

in collaboration with the Institute for Research in the Humane Sciences (Jinbun kagaku kenkyûjo) of Kyoto University.

Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, 9-10 November 2011

On November 9 and 10, EFEO the Kuala Lumpur Center jointly organises with the Malaysia Association of Archaeologists (Ikatan Ahli Arkeologi Malaysia) and with the support of the French Embassy a workshop in Kuala Lumpur titled

Epigraphy of Southeast Asia

The workshop, bringing together 16 scholars from France, Indonesie, Malaysia, Cambodia, de Thailand, and the Philippines, provides the starting point for a state of the art on epigraphic research in the region.


Ludvik Kalus (University Paris-Sorbonne, Paris IV): "The Formation of the Islamic Epigraphic System in Southeast Asia - 14th-beg. 15th century"

Titi Surti Nastiti (Puslitbang Arkenas, Jakarta): "Saŋ Pamgat Swaŋ Inscriptions : boundary stones (watu sīma) from Magelang, Central Java"

Peter Skilling (EFEO Bangkok): "Pali Inscriptions of Thailand: a Survey"

Santi Pakdeekham (Srinakharinwirot University, Bangkok): "Inscription of Khun Sri Chaiyaratchamongkhonthep"

Arlo Griffiths (EFEO Jakarta): "A Corpus Approach to the Study of Inscriptions in Old Malay Language"

Dominique Soutif (EFEO Siem Reap, Cambodia): "The Corpus of Khmer Inscriptions: State of the Art, Methods, and First Results"

Vong Sotheara (Royal University, Phnom Penh): "Analogous Toponyms between India and Cambodia"

Roderick Orlina (Philippines): "Asian sources of epigraphy in the Philippines with a focus on the Bud Datu Tombstone"

I Gusti Made Suarbhawa (Puslitbang Arkenas, Denpasar, Indonesia): "The Sacred Value of Inscriptions in Bali"

Hasan Djafar (Universitas Indonesia, retired, Jakarta): "Inscriptions of the Kingdom of Sunda (10th century - 16th century CE)"

Claudine Salmon (CNRS France, retired, Paris): "Chinese Epigraphic Studies in Southeast Asia - An Overview"

Daniel Perret (EFEO Kuala Lumpur): "The French-Indonesian Inventory Program of Inscriptions in Scripts of Indian Origin in Maritime Southeast Asia"

Tan Ai Boay (Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur): "Chinese Inscriptions of the Perak State, Malaysia"

Nasha Rodziadi Khaw (Univ. Sains Malaysia, Penang): "Inscriptions from Perlis (Malaysia): Preliminary Study"

Arlo Griffiths (EFEO Jakarta): "A Corpus Approach to the Study of Inscriptions in Old Cam Language"

Nik Hassan Shuhaimi (IAAM): "Classical inscriptions found in Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei"

Hadi Sidomulyo (Indonesia): "Reflections on the Grave Complex of Tralaya. A Tribute to L.C. Damais"

Claude Guillot (EHESS, Paris): "Islamic Epigraphy of Indonesia (14th-17th c.): A Project of Inventory of the Islamic Inscriptions of Indonesia. Researches Conducted and Preliminary Results"

France, Paris, 7-8 November 2011

International colloqium 

Empires on the Move: Encounters between China and the West in the Early Modern Era (16th-19th centuries)

organized in Paris on November 7 and 8 by the Gulbenkian Foundation, the EFEO and the École pratique des hautes études.

9:30 - Ouverture / Opening Session
Welcome by João Pedro Garcia, Director of Calouste Gulbenkian Cultural Centre, Paris,
Welcome by Franciscus Verellen, Director of École française d'Extrême-Orient
Opening remarks by Dejanirah Couto (École Pratique des Hautes Études) and François Lachaud (École française d'Extrême-Orient)
Au miroir des images réciproques / Reciprocal Images
Président de séance / Chair : Dejanirah Couto
10:00 - Zoltan Biedermann (Birbeck College, Université de Londres) - Another Distant Mirror: China, Rome and the Logics of Global History in the Work of João de Barros
10:30 - Rui Loureiro (Centre d'études historiques d'Além-Mar, Université nouvelle de Lisbonne) - IIberian Impressions of the Manchu Conquest of China
11:00 - Discussion
11:15 - Pause café / Coffee break
11:30 - Ronnie Po Hsia (Université de Pennsylvanie) - Chinese Wisdom, Chinese Barbarity: Images of China in Europe
12:00 - François Lachaud (École française d'Extrême-Orient/ Smithsonian Institution, Washington) -  «The Man with a Horse Head» : Jonathan Swift (1667-1745) in China and in Japan
12:30 - Discussion
12:45 - Déjeuner / Lunch
Commerce, diplomatie et agents médiateurs / Commerce, diplomacy and mediators
Président de séance / Chair : George Brian de Sousa
14:00 - James Chin (Université de Hong-Kong) - Pirate, Silver and Mandarin: The early Encounters between Ming China and Castilians in Philippines
14:30 - Paola Calanca (École française d'Extrême-Orient/Taipei) - Europeans and Chinese Sea Policy (16th-18th century).
15:00 - Discussion
15:15 - Pause café / Coffee break
15:30 - George Brian de Sousa (Université du Texas / Université de Tübingen) - The Portuguese and Qing China's Maritime Trade and Economy, c.1775 to c.1842
16:00 - Michel Wasserman (Université Ritsumei, Kyoto) - A French Consul in the Declining Chinese Empire : Paul Claudel
16:30 - Discussion
17:00 - Fin de séance / End of session

9:30 - Ouverture / Opening Session
Confrontations politiques, enjeux scientifiques et religieux / Political confrontations, scientific and religious stakes
Président de séance / Chair : François Lachaud
10:00 - Jorge Alves (Université catholique de Lisbonne) - Clash of Empires: Portuguese and Iberian Projects for the Conquest of China.
10:30 - Rui Magone (Centre d'Histoire des Sciences, Université de Lisbonne) - «God is in the details»: Manuel Dias' «Tianwenlüe» (Epitome of Questions on the Heavens) and the Scientific Strategies of the Jesuit Mission to China in the early 17th century
10.30 - Discussion
10:45 - Pause café / Coffee break
11:00 - Isabel Pina ( Centre culturel de Macao) - Chinese and mixed parentage Jesuits from the China Mission (1589-1689)
11:30 - Pierre-Emmanuel Roux (Institut National des Langues Orientales) - The Proscription of Catholicism in China: An Imaginary Cultural Shock between the Qing Empire and the West (beginning of 18h-middle of 19th century).
12:00 - Discussion
12:15 - Déjeuner / Lunch
Interactions et transferts culturels / Interactions and Cultural Transfers
Chair / Président de séance : Jorge Alves
14:00 - Alain Arrault (École française d'Extrême-Orient) - The Book of Changes and Binary Calculation: Pretexts and Misunderstandings
14:30 - Jean-Noël Robert (Collège de France) - Elementa linguae yaponicae classicae by G. H. Schils (1884): The Last Pre-modern Japanese Grammar?
15:00 Discussion
15:15 - Pause café / Coffee break
15:30 - Isabelle Landry-Deron (École des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales) - The Impact of the First Chinese-French Translations in the18th century
16:00 - Michela Bussotti (École française d'Extrême-Orient) - Transmission and Reproduction : The Printing Techniques of Matteo Ripa and of the ‘Collegio dei Chinesi' in Naples (18-19e century)
16 :30 - Dejanirah Couto / François Lachaud - Clôture / Closing Remarks

Taiwan, Taipei, 28-29 April 2011

On April 28 and 29, as part of the program Régir l'espace chinois [Governing Chinese space] funded by the Agence Nationale de Recherche, the EFEO's Taipei Center is organizing, in collaboration with the History and Philology Institute of the Academia Sinica, and with the support of the Cultural Sercice of the French Institute of Taipei, a workshop on

Droits de propriété, commerce et fiscalité sous la dynastie des Qing: perspectives tirées du Code impérial

[Property rights, trade, and taxation under the Qing dynasty: perspectives drawn from the Imperial Code]. Participants: Zhang Xiaoye (Zhengfa University, Peking); Matsubara Kentarô (University of Tokyo); Ch'iu Peng-sheng (History and Philology Institute); Wu Ching-chieh (Taiwan National University); Jérôme Bourgon (CNRS-Institut d'Asie Orientale, Lyon); Luca Gabbiani (EFEO Center, Taipei).

France, Paris, 6 April 2011

On Wednesday, April 6, as part of the EFEO program "Histoire et archéologie du site de Kaesông, RPDC [History and archaeology of the Kaesông site [PDRK]," Elisabeth Chabanol is organizing a conference on

Kaesông, une belle endormie: patrimoine et patrimonialisation d'une capitale historique de Corée


[Kaesông, a sleeping beauty: heritage and creation of the heritage of a historic Korean capital] at the Maison de l'Asie (2:00-6:00 p.m.). Yannick Bruneton, Elisabeth Chabanol, and Alain Delissen are presenting their work on this subject.

Cambodia, Siem Reap, 5-7 March 2011

Archaeometallurgy in Cambodia: Current Research and Future Prospects

CKS and EFEO, Siem Reap

Saturday March 5th

Vat Damnak, CKS

8:30-8:45am Welcome speech, Michael SULLIVAN and Dominique SOUTIF

8:45-9:00am Keynote speech, Representative of APSARA

Kuay and iron metallurgy

9:00-9:35am Special lecture (I): Les maîtres du fer et du feu: Study of iron metallurgy and Kouy of northern Cambodia, Bernard DUPAIGNE

9:35-10:10am Special lecture (II): Some elements helping assess the importance of the Kuy in the past, ANG CHOULEAN

10:10-10:40am Coffee break

10:40-11:05am Ethnographical research about iron making and forge in Cambodia in 2008-2010, Mariko IKEGAMI

11:05-11:30am Prehistory of the Kuay words for "charcoal" and "iron", Gérard DIFFLOTH

Iron smelting sites

11:30-11:55am New discovery of forges, THUY CHANTOURN

11:55-12:20pm Ancient archaeometallurgy in Malaysia, Stephen CHIA MING SOON

12:20-2:00pm Lunch break

2:00-2:10pm Introduction to the Living Angkor Road Project (LARP), IM SOKRITHY

2:10-2:35pm Integrated mapping of archaeological sites: Khvav as a case study, KIM SAMNANG and SRUN TECH

2:35-3:00pm The study of the iron smelting sites along the Royal Road from Angkor to Phimai: The excavation campaigns of 2009 and 2010, HENG THAN and KHIEU CHAN

3:00-3:25pm Analysis of the findings from the excavation campaigns of 2009 and 2010, EA DARITH

3:25-3:55pm Coffee break

3:55-4:20pm The Industries of Angkor Project: Investigating the history and significance of iron smelting at Preah Khan of Kompong Svay, Mitch HENDRICKSON

4:20-4:45pm The Iron Kuy Project: Ethnoarchaeological investigations of technological continuity in Preah Vihear Province, Cambodia, Thomas Oliver PRYCE

4:45-5:10pm The provenance of Angkor's iron: Methodology and preliminary scientific results of the Industries of Angkor and Iron Kouy Projects, Stéphanie LEROY, Thomas Oliver PRYCE, Mitch HENDRICKSON, and Philippe DILLMANN

5:10-5:40pm Refreshments

Metal crafts

5:40-6:10pm Casting of plougshares in Cambodia (1969) (movie, CNRS, 1970, 16 min), Bernard DUPAIGNE (introduction and commentary)

6:10-6:35pm The brass equestrian monument of king Ang Duong at Ponhea Leu of 2001-2003: A new and difficult genre of Khmer bronze casting, Jane P. ALLISON

6:35-6:45pm Introduction to the Bophana Audiovisual Resource Center, CHEA SOPHEAP

6:45-7:15pm The making of a bronze sculpture (movie, Cinema and Cultural Diffusion Department / Bophana, 2000, 12 min), HUOT SAMNANG (introduction and commentary)

7:15-7:45pm The silversmith (movie, Cinema and Cultural Diffusion Department / Bophana, 2003, 19 min), KONG VIREAK (introduction and commentary)

Sunday March 6th

Vat Damnak, CKS

Bronze metallurgy

8:30-8:55am Problems and history of technical investigations on Khmer "bronzes", Brice VINCENT

8:55-9:20am Reflections on Sacred Sculpture of Thailand, Hiram WOODWARD

9:20-9:45am Khmer bronze metallurgy during the Angkorian period (12th-13th C.): Technical investigations of a new selected corpus of copper-based artifacts from the National Museum of Cambodia, Phnom Penh, David BOURGARIT, Brice VINCENT, and Paul JETT

9:45-10:15am Coffee break

Metal conservation

10:15-10:40am From field to exhibition: Iron artifacts from Prohear and Village 10.8, SENG SONETRA

10:40-11:05am Metal conservation at Vat Bo, Siem Reap, HUOT SAMNANG

11:05-12:00pm Questions and discussion

12:00-1:30pm Lunch break

EFEO centre


1:30-2:30pm Metal conservation and Archaeology, HUOT SAMNANG, SENG SONETRA and Pierre BÂTY

2:30-4:00pm Archaeometric approaches to metal alloying and working traditions, David BOURGARIT

4:00-4:30pm Coffee break

4:30-6:00pm Archaeometric approaches to metal provenance and exchange networks, Thomas Oliver PRYCE

Monday March 7th


7:30-8:30am Vat Bo, Siem Reap, Introduction to the inventory project of Vat Bo collections  & Conservation and preservation of the bronze collection by HUOT SAMNANG

8:30-6:00pm Khvav, Chikreng district, Siem Reap province, Welcome speech by H.E. SOEUNG KONG and H.E. KHOUN KHUN NEAY

Introduction to the Iron Smelting Research Program by IM SOKRITHY

Archaeological site mapping and topographical mapping by KIM SAMNANG and SRUN TECH

Excavation and preliminary results by HENG THAN and KHIEU CHAN

EFEO centre

6:00-6:35pm Special lecture (I): Notes from the field: A preliminary ethnographic overview of Cham blacksmiths in Cambodia, Emiko STOCK

6:35-7:10pm Special lecture (II): Bits and pieces on a casting of a bronze Buddha in 1994, ANG CHOULEAN

7:10-7:25pm Closing speech

École française d'Extrême-Orient (EFEO) Siem Reap
P.O. Box 93 300, Siem Reap - Angkor
Phum Beng Don Pa, Khum Slâ Kram, Siem Reap, Cambodge
Tél : (885) (92) 993 502 / (63) 964 630 / Tél/Fax : (855) (63) 964 226
Email: /

Thailand, Bangkok, 28 February 2011

The Third Chulalongkorn-EFEO Graduate Symposium on 28 February

New Researches on Buddhism and Thai Studies

Organized by:
Thai Studies Center, Faculty of Arts and The Empowering Network of International Thai Studies (ENIT), Thai Studies Institute, Chulalongkorn University in conjunction with The Buddhist Studies Group of the École française d'Extrême-Orient

Programme on the Centre's blog

France, Paris, 28 January 2011

On January 28, from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., there is to be a daylong workshop on the topic:

Le vishnouisme dans tous ses états

[Vishnuism in all its States], at the Maison de l'Asie (room to be announced on the day itself).
Proposed and presided by Gerdi GERSCHHEIMER

Maison de l'Asie
22 avenue du Président Wilson, 75116 Paris

10 h - 12 h 30 (1st floor)
Leslie C. Orr [Concordia University, Quebec]: "Viṣṇu in the Tamil country: maps and mūrtis".

Pierre-Yves Manguin [École française d'Extrême-Orient]: "Early Vishnuism in South-East Asia: An Archaeological overview" .

Emmanuel Francis [Associate member of the Centre d'Étude de l'Inde et de l'Asie du Sud]: "Shaiva models in Vishnuism : from the Kailāsanātha to the Vaikuṇṭhaperumāḷ of Kāñcīpuram".

Valérie Gillet [École française d'Extrême-Orient]: "Presence of Viṣṇu in the Pāṇḍya caves".

2: 30 pm (downstairs)
The afternoon will be devoted to an informal discussion, where the Śaivasiddhāntin Dominic Goodall [École française d'Extrême-Orient, Pondicherry] will oppose the magic of this school to the Blessed one (bhāgavata) André Couture [Université Laval, Québec] and to the Anchorite (vaikhānasa) Gérard Colas [Centre d'Étude de l'Inde et de l'Asie du Sud], on the theme "Corpus and social body".

France, Paris, 18 November 2010

On Thursday, November 18, an EFEO study day devoted to Imagerie populaire en Asie orientale [Popular imagery in East Asia] is to be held from 9:30 a.m. to 5:15 p.m. at the Maison de l'Asie, 2nd floor seminar room, and includes participation from the following:
- Timon Screech (SOAS, London): "Popular Constructions of the Route from Edo to the Yoshiwara Pleasure District."
- Julien Faury (doctorant EPHE): "Mourir en scène: les portraits nécrologiques d'acteurs de kabuki (shini-e) [Dying on stage: necrologic portraits of kabuki actors (shini-e)."
- Takagi Gen (Chiba University): "Les illustrations dans les romans populaires (yomihon) à l'époque d'Edo [Illustrations in popular novels (yomihon) during the Edo period" (address in Japanese with simultaneous translation).
- Michela Bussotti (EFEO): "Images familières, images familiales dans la Chine rurale XVe-XIXe siècle. [Familiar images, family images in rural China during the 15th to 19th centuries]."
- Francesca Dal Lago (Leiden University): "La tradition au service de la propagande: images populaires pendant la guerre sino-japonaise (1937-1945) [Tradition in the service of propaganda: popular images during the Sino-Japanese war (1937-1945)]."
- Anne Kerlan (CNRS): "De la qipao au col Mao: les couvertures de magazines cinématographiques en Chine, 1921-1951[From the qipao to the Maoist collar: movie magazine covers in China, 1921-1951]."
- Olivier Tessier (EFEO): "Du geste au dessin - la vie à Hanoi au début du XXe siècle saisie par Henri Oger [From gesture to drawing - Life in Hanoi at the beginning of the 20th centure as recorded by Henri Oger]."

Thailand, Bangkok, 18 November 2010

18 November, the Buddhist Studies Group, EFEO, Bangkok, in collaboration with the Institute of Thai Studies, Chulalongkorn University, holds an International Symposium

Buddhist Manuscripts: Their Significance for the Global History of Buddhist Literature

chaired by Peter Skilling, with guest speaker Professor Jens Braarvig (Oslo University). Room 203, Maha Chulalongkorn Building, Chulalongkorn University.

Taiwan, 13-14 November 2010

Marianne Bujard is taking part in the international conference on The Modern History of Urban Daoism to be held in Taiwan on November 13 and 14. She will give a talk on the topic

Some remarks about the program. The temples of Peking: epigraphy and oral sources for the social history of an imperial capital

United States, Princeton, 8-10 October 2010

On October 8 and 10, Lü Pengzhi is at Princeton University to participate in an international colloquium on Buddhism, Daoism and Chinese Religion, jointly organized by Stephen F. Teiser (Princeton University) and Franciscus Verellen (EFEO). There he is presenting a paper on

The Lingbao Fast of the Three Primes and the Daoist Middle Prime Festival: a Critical Study of the Taishang dongxuan lingbao sanyuan pinjie jing

Kuo Liying presents a paper on:

Dhāranī Pillars Inscriptions : Text and Context

Thailand, Bangkok, 9-11 August 2010

The  Chulalongkorn University, the Project of Empowering Network for International Thai Studies (ENITS), the Institute for Thai Studies and the Thailand Research Fund, in collaboration with the EFEO, the Faculty of Arts, the Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts, the Institute of Asian Studies, and the Confucius Institute, organize an international seminar titled The Buddhist Narrative in Asia and Beyond held in Bangkok (Imperial Queen's Park Hotel) the 9-11 August

Olivier de Bernon

The ‘Journeys to Jetavana'ologic Elaborations of the Remembrance of Jetavana in Southeast Asia, and Namely in Cambodia

Jacques Leider

The rise of Alaungmintaya, king of Burma (1752-60) Buddhist constituents of a political metamorphosis

Nobumi Iyanaga

Buddhist Mythology and Japanese Medieval Mythology: Some Theoretical Issues

More informations

France, Marseille, 6-9 July 2010

Burma Studies Conference, Université de Provence, Marseille, 6-9 July. More informations

At the panel on the Burmese history « Dealing with Burmese historical sources: New perspectives on old challenges » lecture by Jacques Leider

The rise of a dynasty founder and the making of a king. An investigation into Alaungmintaya's self-representation

Japan, Kyoto, 3-4 juillet 2010

The EFEO Centre in Kyoto organizes the 3-4 July a two days conference at the Ochanomizu University in Tokyo.

The theme of the first day is: « La ville, le hameau, la demeure, la géomancie du cimetière : l'état des lieux de la géomancie considéré à partir de documents historiques » (Toshi, sonraku, jûkyo, bochi no fûsui : shishiryû kara miru fûsui no jittai).

The theme of the second day is: « L'espace architectural et le jardin japonais : leur diffusion et leur réception en Europe et en Amérique depuis l'ère Meiji jusqu'au début du XXe siècle » (Nihon no kenchiku kûkan to teien : Meiji kara 20 seiki shotô ni kakete ôbei ni okeru juyô to fukyû).

3 July (1 p.m.), presentation by Iyanaga Nobumi

L'historique des activités scientifiques menées par l'EFEO au Japon

4 July (10.30 a.m.), lecture by Nicolas Fiévé

Les premiers livres en langues occidentales sur le jardin japonais

(Nihon teien1 p.m.13 h), lecture by Benoît Jacquet

La villa Katsura et son jardin : la découverte de la modernité japonaise dans les années 1930

(Katsura rikyû to sono teien : 1930 nendai ni okeru Nihon no kindaisei no hakken).

People's Republic of China, Hong Kong, 26-28 November 2009

To mark the launch of the new international journal Daoism: Religion, History and Society 道教研究學報-宗教﹑歷史與社會, the École française d'Extrême-Orient and the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) are organizing an international conference

New Approaches to the Study of Daoism in Chinese Society and Culture

the conference will be chaired by Professor Lai Chi Tim, Director of the Centre for the Study of Taoist Culture at the CUHK and co-director, with Franciscus Verellen, of the journal, in the presence of the French Vice Consul General in Hong Kong, the Vice-President of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and the Director of the Institute for Chinese Studies.

Lecture by Francois Lachaud on

Daoist revivals in Edo Japan: hermits, lunatics and eccentrics

United Kingdom, Oxford, 12-13 November 2009

On November 12 and 13, Yves Goudineau has organized jointly with Charles Ramble of the Oriental Institute, Oxford, and the École Pratique des hautes etudes, Paris, an international conference at Oxford University on Centrality viewed from the borders. Comparisons in the ‘Asia Massif' from the Himalaya to Mainland Southeast Asia. This conference is sponsored by the EFEO (programme "Central authority and local resilience"), the Oriental Institute, the Maison française in Oxford, and the CNRS.

Yves Goudineau

Katu in Vietnam/ Kantou in Laos: Ethnic boundaries and national borders

Fabienne Jagou

Why the Tibetan Flag flew over Khams? Chinese policy at the onset of a new Tibetan nationalism

People's Republic of China, Beijing, 9-11 November 2009

Iinternational seminar

Of Ships and Men New Comparative Approaches in Asian Maritime History and Archaeology

organized by the École française d'Extrême-Orient (Paola Calanca, Pierre-Yves Manguin), the CNRS, the Institute of archaeology of the Chinese Academy of social sciences (Beijing) and the Chinese National centre of the sous-marine archaology from 9 to 11 November (Institute of Archaeology (CASS), Conference Room, 27 Wangfujing avenue, Peking)

France, Paris, 12-17 October 2009

From October 12 to 17, at the Maison de l'Asie, workshop on

Les versions tamoules du Mahâbhârata

[Tamil version of the Mahâbhârata]." The Corpus du Monde indien [Literature of the Indian World] team have invited G. Vijayavenugopal (EFEO Center in Pondicherry), Alexander Dubianski (Moscow University) and Whitney Cox (SOAS) to begin a reading of the Tamil versions of the Mahâbhârata which will be the subject of a workshop in Pondicherry in 2010, under the direction of Eva Wilden. The reading session will run from 7:30 to 9:00 p.m. in the fifth floor seminar room.

India, Tamil Nadu, Tiruchirappalli 17-21 August 2009

The III International Conference on remote sensing in archaeology which has been held in Tiruchirappalli, India on 17-21 August 2009.

The IIIrd International Conference has been organized jointly by Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli, the University of California, Merced and Berkeley, the University of Siena (Italy) and the REACH Foundation, Chennai.
It is co-sponsored by the EFEO (Ecole Française d'Extrême-Orient).

The conference has discussed a wide range of perspectives, approaches and issues on the use of remote sensing and digital technologies in documenting, analyzing and interpreting archaeological and anthropological contexts. Innovative contributions, case studies, research projects and posters are invited under the following themes and related topics:

  • Aerial archaeology: satellite, aerial photography and airborne scanning
  • 3D remote sensing: technologies and archaeological interpretation
  • Close-range aerial photography: mast, balloon, kite, blimp, UAV, helikiteÎ
  • Ground-based sensing archaeology
  • Integrated remote sensing technologies for the Interpretation of landscape ecosystems: confronting scales of detail.
  • Issue of archaeological interpretation of remote sensing data
  • Cyber archaeology and 3D landscapes visualization through the time
  • Issues of quality framework in archaeological remote sensing: defining high standards
  • Experience of archaeological remote sensing from commercial sector
  • Special sessions will be addressed to archaeology in the digital age and heritage management
  • Digital Cultural Atlases (projects and prototypes) and cultural atlas components (gazetteers, time-periods, biography and social networks, thesauri, technical infrastructure, content sources and display models)
  • National and Trans-National Historical GIS
  • Conservation Issues: methods, environmental issues, causes/remedies, legal status, traditional and international norms, integration
  • Cultural and natural sites resource management
  • Sustainability, utility and management of Heritage sites

Cambodia, Phnom Penh, 15 August 2009

Conference co-organized with the Musée nationale de Phnom Penh, le Ministère de la culture du Cambodge and the FOKCI on the preèhistory of Cambodia, 15 August at the National Museum of Phnom Penh with the exhibition Les Ancêtres d'Angkor.

Cambodia, Phnom Penh, end of July 2009

Inauguration at the National Museum of Phomù Pehn of a section retracing its history. This exhibition has been realized with the photographs of the EFEO and of the National Museum of Phomù Pehn.

Japan, Kyoto, 26-29 June 2009

From June 26 to 29 the Kyoto Center, in collaboration with various American and European universities, has organized the colloquium on

Reduction to Japanese-ness : Discourses on Katsura Villa

at Kyoto's Seika University.

France, Paris, Institut national d'histoire de l'art, 11-13 June 2009

On June 11, 12, and 13 there has been an international colloquium on


Le livre non commercial dans la Chine impériale

Non commercial books in imperial China

[Non-profit publication? Non-trade books in imperial China] at the National Art History Institute (Vasari room, at 6 rue des Petits Champs / 2 rue Vivienne, 75002 Paris). Organized by the EFEO and the Center for Research in the Chinese, Japanese, and Tibetan Civilizations (UMR 8155), with the support of the Chiang Ching-Kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange, and the EPHE and CNRS.

Taiwan, Taipei, 9-10 June 2009

International colloquia

Popular Confucianism and Redemptive Societies

organized by the Fo Guang University, the EFEO Centre in Hongkong, the Centre d'études français sur la Chine contemporaine, the University of Montreal, the National University of Singapore and the Renmin University

Lecture by David Palmer (professorat the Chinese University of Hong Kong)

Chinese Redemptive Societies: Historical Phenomenon or Sociological Category ?

Cambodia, Phnom Penh, 6 May 2009

Opening of the exhibition

Les ancêtres d'Angkor: recherches préhistoriques récentes dans la région d'Angkor

[The ancestors of Angkor: recent research into the prehistory of the Angkor region] at the National Museum in Phnom Penh.

Study Days
Paris, France, 24 June 2024
Attend the study days "An Intellectual History of Late Vedānta" on the reception of classical and medieval Vedāntic sources in late Sanskrit works (18th-20th century), on 24 and 25 June 2024, at the Maison de l'Asie

Study Day
Paris, France, 21 June 2024
Charlotte Schmid is organising a study day entitled "Depuis l'Inde, les Passeurs d'art", at the EFEO, 22 avenue du Président Wilson, Friday, June 21, from 2.30 to 5.30 p.m.

Workshop on ''Dunhuang Studies''
Paris, France, 17 June 2024
The University of Zhejiang and the EFEO, with the support of the GIS Asie and the collaboration of the BnF Manuscripts Department, are organising a workshop on Dunhuang Studies.

At the Maison de l'Asie, 22 avenue du Président Wilson, from 9.30 am to 6 pm.

Study Day
Paris, France, 13 June 2024
Luca Gabbiani and Frédéric Constant are organising a study day entitled "Savoirs administratifs (16e-19e siècles): approches comparatives".

It will be held in the Salon on the 1st floor of the Maison de l'Asie, from 9.45 am to 6 pm.

The 22nd Classical Tamil Winter Seminar (CTWS)
Pondicherry, India, 15 January 2024

We are happy to announce the upcoming 22nd Classical Tamil Winter Seminar (CTWS), scheduled for two weeks, from 12th to 23rd February 2024. The event will be hosted at the Pondicherry Centre of the École française d'Extrême-Orient (EFEO).

Read more

Happy New Year 2023
Paris, France,

The École française d'Extrême-Orient (EFEO - French School of Asian Studies) wishes you a Happy New year 2024

Follow this link to watch the EFEO New Year card.
Annual closure
Paris, France,

EFEO Paris closes for the festive season.
We look forward to seeing you in 2024, from 2 January
Study days
Paris, France, 23 November 2023

As part of the "Destins d'objets: la circulation des traces matérielles du passé de l'Antiquité à nos jours" program run by the École française d'Athènes and accredited by the Réseau des Écoles françaises à l'étranger, the EFEO is hosting the study days "Dispersions: partage de fouilles et commerce des vestiges en Asie, au Moyen-Orient et en Europe aux XIXe et XXe siècles".

Thursday, November 23, from 9:45 am to 6 pm and Friday, November 24, from 9:45 am to 1:15 pm, in the Grand Salon of the EFEO, 22 avenue du Président Wilson, 75016 Paris.

Workshop ''South India between the 4th and the 6th century CE''
Bonn, Germany, 19 October 2023
Valérie Gillet (EFEO), Ariane de Saxcé (German Archaeological Institute), and Coline Lefrancq (CNRS, ArScAn UMR 7041) are organising an international workshop entitled South India between the 4th and the 6th century CE at the University of Bonn.

Possibility of attending the conferences online through pre-registration.
Send your request by 19 October to Ariane de Saxcé.
26th Rendez-vous de l'histoire in Blois
Blois, France,

The Réseau des Écoles françaises à l'Étranger - ResEFE - is taking part in the 26th Rendez-vous de l'histoire in Blois as part of its Carte blanche: "À tombeaux ouverts: les vivants face aux morts de l'Europe à l'Extrême-Orient."
Saturday, October 7, 9-10.30 a.m., Site Jaurès University, Amphi 2, Blois.

From October 8 to 10 the 5 EFEs will have a book stand at the Blois history book fair, represented by the bookshop Lerycerp (space N, stands 76 to 80, on the map).