France, Paris, 27-28 June 2013
Barbara Bonazzi and Tahee Onuma are both making presentations at the DocAsie 2013 meetings:
Tahee Onuma is talking on
Valorisation des bases de données de chercheurs
[Improvement of researchers’ databases] (BNF Mitterrand) on Thursday, June 27, 11:45 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Barbara Bonazzi is describing the website “Corpus des inscriptions du Campa” (BULAC) on Friday, June 28, 10:00-11:00 a.m.
Further information on:
United States, Washington, 19 June 2013
On June 19 (at noon) François Lachaud is talking on the topic
Deserts of the New World: Alexis de Tocqueville's Modern Melancholy
at the Fellows' Lunch at the Sackler Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.
France, Paris, 18 June 2013
Peter Skilling gives a presentation entitled
The Geography of Pali
at the seminar on Philologie moyen-indienne (Middle-Indian Philology) of Nalini Balbir (EPHE Section des sciences historiques et philologiques) on Tuesday, June 18, 2:00-4:00 p.m., at the Sorbonne (Place de la Sorbonne, 75005 Paris, staircase U, galerie Claude Bernard, 4th floor, large hall).
Thailand, Bangkok, 14 June 2013
On June 14, Christophe Pottier is giving a presentation entitled
From Angkor to Greater Angkor
at the Bangkok National Museum for volunteers at the museum (NMV).
United Kingdom, Leicester, 11-14 June 2013
From June 11 to 14, at the invitation of De Monfort University, Leicester, Pierre-Yves Manguin is taking part in the colloquium The Kollam plates in the world of the 9th century Indian Ocean (an experiment in large micro-history). There he is presenting a talk on
Shippers and trade networks at the Southeast Asian crossroads around the 9th century.
Taiwan, Tamsui, 6 June 2013
On Friday, June 6, Paola Calanca is giving a lecture on
Maritime history: between written sources and archaeology
(in Chinese), at the History Department of Tamkang University (Tamsui, Taiwan).
Germany, Bonn, 27 May 2013
Fabienne Jagou is taking part in the study day Recapturing the Tibetans who escaped the historian's net in Bonn on May 27, as part of the ANR/DFG project On Social History of Tibet. She is giving a talk entitled
In the Search of Tibetan Translators: intermediaries between the Dalai Lama's government and the Manchu amban yamen.
France, Paris, 24 May 2013
On May 24, at the Institut national d'histoire de l'art (INHA), there is to be a day-long memorial for Professor Flora Blanchon under the title De maître à élève, 20 ans de recherches au CREOPS [From master to student: 20 years of research activity at the CREOPs].
Marc Orange, former director of the Centre for Korean Studies at the Collège de France, and Élisabeth Chabanol speak on the topic:
La mort en Corée à l'époque des Trois Royaumes: les tombes du Silla
[Death in Korea during the Three Kingdoms period: the Silla tombs].
Thailand, Bangkok, 23 May 2013
On May 23, at the Siam Society (Bangkok), Bertrand Porte is talking on the sculpture conservation workshop at Cambodia's National Museum along with the work being done on the Museum's photograph collections.
Québec, Montréal, 1-3 May 2013
At the invitation of Timothy Brook (University of British Columbia) and Timothy Sedo (Concordia University), Luca Gabbiani is taking part in the workshop on
Statecraft in late imperial China: readings from Qiu Jun's Daxue yanyi bu
to be held at Concordia University, in Montréal, from May 1 to 3. He is presenting his translation of Chapter 33 of Qiu Jun's work.
France, Paris, 16 April 2013
On 16 April, as part of the seminar run by Xavier Paulès at the EHESS, Luca Gabbiani is giving lecture on
Le père Anatole Ghestin (1873-1961): le singulier destin d'un missionnaire jésuite dans la Chine du premier XXe siècle
[Father Anatole Ghestin (1873-1961): the strange fate of a Jesuit missionary in the China of the early 20th century].
United States, Washington, 13 April 2013
On April 13, at 3:30 p.m., François Lachaud is taking part in the National Cherry Blossoms and Fireworks Festival (NCBF) - Anime Marathon 2013, being organized at the Sackler Gallery on the topic:
In Darkest Tokyo: Gangsters, Girls, and Brocade Skins
France, Paris, 13 April 2013
On April 13 Pierre-Yves Manguin is giving a lecture,
Les Philippines, aux franges de l'ancienne Asie du Sud-Est
[The Philippines, on the fringes of ancient Southeast Asia], at the Quai Branly Museum, on the occasion of the round table discussion Les Philippines au coeur de l'Insulinde [The Philippines as part of the East Indies].
United States, Honolulu, 4-11 April 2013
From 4 to 11 April, Christophe Pottier is in Hawaii, where he is taking part in the 78th Annual Conference of the Society for American Archaeology (SAA). He is giving a talk entitled
Digging History in Angkor
at the symposium on Difference Theory and is the concluding participant at the symposium Old Borders and New Frontiers: Doing Historical Archaeology in Southeast Asia. In addition he is taking part, on 8 April, in the Southeast Asian Archaeology workshop at the University of Hawaii-Manoa.
United States, Honolulu, March 31 to April 9 2013
Pierre-Yves Manguin is visiting Honolulu (Hawaii) on a grant from the Luce Asian Archaeology Program (LAAP). He is giving a paper on
Religious and trade networks in early historic Southeast Asia: a pan-regional process
at the symposium Old Borders and New Frontiers: Doing Historical Archaeology in Southeast Asia being organized as part of the annual conference of the Society for American Anthropology.
France, Paris, 22 March 2013
On March 22, as part of the working group on Les lieux puissants [Centres of power] at the Centre Asie du Sud-Est [Southeast Asia Centre] (CASE), Eric Bourdonneau is giving a talk on:
Kamraten Jagat dans le Cambodge ancien
au Bât. France (190-198 avenue de France, Paris 16e, 6é étage A 641).
France, Paris, 18 March 2013
On March 18, at 10:15 a.m., Dominic Goodall is taking part in the in the VIIIe Journée Monde Indien [8th One-day conference on the "Indian World"] (UMR 7528CNRS) and is presenting a paper entitled
Quelques remarques sur le shivaïsme tantrique au Cambodge
[Some remarks on tantric Shivaism in Cambodia]" at the BULAC, 65, rue des Grands Moulins, 75013 Paris.
On the evening of the same day, 6:15-7:50 p.m., Dominic Goodall will give a lecture in the series Conférences du lundi [Monday lectures] on
Le temple de Shiva, une expression de la théologie ?
[The temple of Shiva, an expression of theology?]" at the Centre André Malraux, 78, boulevard Raspail/112, rue de Rennes, 75006 Paris. (An admission fee will be charged.)
Australia, Sydney, 7 March 2013
From February 24 to March 15 Andrew Hardy is a guest of the University of Sydney (School of Languages and Cultures). On March 7 he is talking on the subject
Who Built the Long Wall of Quang Ngai? Territory, Security and Trade along a Vietnamese Boundary
as part of the public lecture series Sydney Ideas.
United States, Princeton, 7 March 2013
On March 7 François Lachaud is giving an address at Princeton University on
Kikusha (1753-1826): The Wanderings of a Buddhist Nun in Edo Japan
France, Paris, 6 March 2013
On March 6, Élisabeth Chabanol is talking on
La Mission Archéologique à Kaesông : Étude architecturale et archéologique de la forteresse de Kaesông, République populaire et démocratique de Corée
[The archaeological project at Kaesông: architectural and archaeological study of the Kaesông fortress, Korean PDR]" as part of the teachiing given at the Korean Studies department (UFR LCAO) of the University of Paris 7-Diderot.
France, Paris, 27 February 2013
On February 27, at the invitation of the Friends of the Cernuschi Museum in Paris, Élisabeth Chabanol is giving a lecture in the museum's auditorium on the main historic and archaeological sites (tombs, palace and monastery sites) in Kaesông, North Korea. She will concentrate on archaeological materials discovered in the ancient capital of Koryô (918-1392), now dispersed.
Canada, Montreal, 16 February 2013
From February 16 to 22 Pierre-Yves Manguin is visiting Canada, McGill University in Montreal, at the invitation of the Indian Ocean World Centre (IOWC). There he is to take part in a workshop on Maritime Perspectives in Eurasian and Indian Ocean World History: towards a Global History, where he is giving the keynote speech entitled
Austronesian shipping in the Indian Ocean: from outrigger boats to trading ships
He is also giving a lecture at the IOWC and is taking part in the establishment of a program on ancient migrations across the Indian Ocean.
Great Britian, London, 14-15 February 2013
On Feburary 14 and 15 Michela Bussotti is taking part in a British Academy colloquium on The production and Circulation of Printed Books in the Occident and Orient, from the Accession of the Tang Dynasty (c. 618) to the First Industrial Revolution, in London. She is talking, with Han Qui (IHNS, CAS), on the topic:
Typography for a modern world? The ways of Chinese movable types
Thailand, Bangkok, 1st February 2013
On February 1, Pierre Pichard and Christophe Pottier are giving a presentation on
Archéologie et conservation patrimoniale: contributions françaises au Siam et en Indochine
[Archaeology and Heritage conservation: French contributions to Siam and Indochina]" as part of an MA seminar on the history of Franco-Thai relations directed by N. Revire at Thammasat University in Bangkok.
Germany, Marburg University, 1st February 2013
Peter Skilling is giving a lecture on the topic
Every rise has its fall: Thoughts on the history of Buddhism in Central India
at the international conference on Buddhism and Jainism organized jointly by the Lumbini Institute for Research (LIRI Nepal) and Marburg University (Germany).
Singapore, 21 January 2013
On January 21 (7:00 to 8:00 p.m.), Peter Skilling is giving a lecture on the topic
Aesthetics of Devotion: The Buddha in Thai art
to mark the exhibition Enlightened Ways: The Many Streams of Buddhist Art in Thailand at the Singapore Museum of Asiatic Civilizations.
Cambodia, Phnom Penh, 17 January 2013
On Thursday, January 17, Dominic Goodall and Csaba Dezső (of the Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest) are giving a lecture, at the Royal Fine Arts University in Phnom Penh, on the important Sanskrit inscription (K. 528) from the temple of the East Mebon. Bertrand Porte will also be unveiling there the restoration of this imposing stele, just now completed by the National Museum's sculpture restoration workshop (EFEO).
USA, Washington, 16 January 2013
On January 16, at 3:00 p.m., François Lachaud is giving a lecture at the Sackler Gallery, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., on the topic
Japan the Beautiful: Kaburaki Kiyokata (1878 -1972) and Ghosts of Modernity
Thailand, Nakhon Si Thammarat, 13 January 2013
On January 13 (at 9:00 a.m.), Peter Skilling is talking on
The Wat Maheyong Inscription: What can it tell us?
at the international Conference on The Origin of Buddhism in Southeast Asia: Dhamma and Archaeology organized by the University of Nakhon Si Thammarat Rajabhat from January 11 to 14 in Nakhon Si Thammarat (Thailandi).
France, Paris, 10 January 2013
On January 10, at 10:00 a.m., Daniel Perret is giving a talk on
La vaisselle de verre en Asie du Sud-Est (fin du premier millénaire-XVe siècle)
[Glassware in Southeast Asia (end of the first millennium to the 15th centuries] at the Maison de l'Asie) as part of the CASE/EHESS seminar.
Japan, Tokyo, 16 December 2012
Sunday, December 16, from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., is the first meeting of the Franco-Japanese project Mythe, rites et émotions: études comparées en Histoire, Mythologie et Anthropologie [Myth, rites, and emotions: comparative studies in History Mythology, and Anthropology], lecture hall at the Tôyô bunko. Nobumi Iyanaga is talking from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. on the topic
Vue personnelle sur l'histoire des religions au Japon
[A personal view of the history of religions in Japan].
France, Alençon, 15 December 2012
On December 15 Éric Bourdonneau is presenting an address on
Mythes de fondation et figures de l'étranger dans le Cambodge ancien
[Foundation myths and representations of the foreigner in ancient Cambodia] as part of a daylong workshop on Les étrangers dans l'histoire du Cambodge: témoins et acteurs de la vie économique, sociale et politique khmère [Foreigners in Cambodian history: observers and participants in Khmer economic, social, and political life], being organized at Alençon by the Association d'échanges et de formation pour les études khmères (Aefek) [Khmer Studies Exchanges and Training Assoication].
Thailand, Bangkok, 13 December 2012
On December 13, Peter Skilling is talking on the topic
The Buddhas of the Fortunate Aeon
at the meeting organized to mark the publication of Virginia McKeen Di Crooco's work The Footprints of the Five Buddhas of This Bhaddakappa in a Sinhalese-Siamese Context.
France, Paris, 13 December 2012
On Thursday, December 13, at 6:00 p.m., Fabienne Jagou is talking on the topic
Une 'nonne laïque' chinoise à l'origine de la diffusion du bouddhisme tibétain à Taiwan
[A Chinese ‘lay nun' at the start of the spread of Tibetan Buddhism into Taiwan] as part of the lecture series organized by the Société européenne pour l'étude des civilisations de l'Himalaya et de l'Asie centrale [European Society for the Study of the Civilization of the Himalayas and Central Asia] (SEECHAC), at the Cernuschi Museum.
Germany, Nurnberg, 7 December 2012
On December 7, Marianne Bujard is talking at the colloquium Popular Culture and Books of Fate in Early China, The Daybook Manuscripts of the Warring States, Qin, and Han, at Friedrich Alexander University (Nuremberg). Her topic is
Rishu within the scope of Qin and Han elite culture and religion
Indonesia, Jakarta, 5 December 2012
On December 5 the EFEO Center is coorganizing with the Universitas Indonesia an international colloquium Epigraphie et histoire ancienne de l'Indonésie [Epigraphy and the ancient history of Indonesia], on the occasion of the of the publication of the collection of articles and transcription by the great epigraphist Boechari (see above). Arlo Griffiths, chief editor of this collection, is to talk on the topic
Inscriptions avec mantra et dhâranî comme clé pour éclaircir l'histoire du bouddhisme en Indonésie
[Inscriptions with mantra and dhâranî as a key to shedding light on the history of Buddhism in Indonesia].
Korea, Seoul, 3 December 2012
From November 23 to December 3 Peter Skilling is in Korea. There he is giving an address entitled
Buddhist Meditation: Who holds the monopoly?
at the conference Buddhist Meditation from Ancient India to Contemporary Asia: International Conference on Buddhist Studies to commemorate 100 years of Master Seongchul at Dongguk University in Seoul.
France, Paris, 23 November 2012
On November 23, at 9:30 a.m., Fabienne Jagou is presenting a talk entitled
Transmission et pérennité des enseignements bouddhiques tibétains dans les milieux religieux taïwanais et thaï
[Transmission and survival of Tibetan Buddhist teachings in Taiwanese and Thai settings] at the workshop La place de l'enseignement dans les processus de transmission et de conversion du bouddhisme [The place of teaching in the processes of transmission and conversion in Buddhism]. Conceived as part of the series of workshops on Anthropologie comparée du bouddhisme [Comparative anthropology in Buddhism] and organized by Nicolas Sihlé (CEH) and Bénédicte Brac de la Perrière (CASE), this daylong workshop is taking place at the Centre Asie du Sud-Est [Southeast Asian Center], Le France, room 638 (7th floor, Complex A), 190 avenue de France, Paris 75013).
Taiwan, Taipei, 23 November 2012
On November 23 Bertrand Porte is giving a lecture at the National Palace Museum on the topic
Avec les danseuses royales du Cambodge
[With the royal dancers of Cambodia], using the photographs of George Groslier (drawn from the photographic holdings of the Cambodian National Museum).
Taiwan, Taipei, 22 November 2012
Luca Gabbiani gives a talk, on Thursday, November 22, on the topic
Histoire urbaine et histoire du gouvernement urbain dans la Chine imperial tardive
[Urban history and the history of urban government in late imperial China] as part of the monthly seminar at the Center for French Study of Contemporary China, in collaboration with the Taipei EFEO Center.
France, Paris, 16 November 2012
On Friday, November 16, François Lachaud is giving a lecture at the Guimet Museum's Buddhist Pantheon on the topic
Ikkyû et l'art du thé
[Ikkyû and the tea ceremony] along with the Reverend Yamada [Sôbin], high priest at the Shinju-an (Daïtoku-ji), one of the highest Japanese religious authorities (6:30 p.m., lecture hall of the Maison de l'Asie, 19 avenue d'Iéna 75116 Paris).
Taiwan, Taipei, 14 November 2012
On November 14 Franciscus Verellen is giving a talk at the National Palace Museum in Taipei on the topic
Une page régionale de l'histoire de l'art visuel en Chine, transmission et innovation au royaume Shu du Xe siècle
[A regional page in the history of visual art in China: transmission and innovation during the Shu kingdom of the 10th century].
USA, Champaign, Illinois, 8 November 2012
On November 8, at the University of Illinois at Urbana/Champaign, Illinois, Jacques Leider is attending the forum Ethnicity, Citizenship and Human Rights in Burma, History and Plight of the Rohingya. He is giving a talk titled
Communal strife at a cultural frontier: Buddhists and Muslims in Arakan in a historical perspective
Germany, Hamburg, 4-12 November 2012
From November 4 to 12, Dominic Goodall gives a public lecture entitled
Tantrischer Śivaismus: Yoga und die Anfänge des Mantra-Weges (mantramārga)
[Tantric Śaivism: yoga and the beginnings of the ‘way of mantras' (mantramārga)]as part of a new lecture series called Der esoterische (tantrische) Weg im Hinduismus und Buddhismus-religionsübergreifender Austausch von esoterischen Modellen [The esoteric (tantric) path in Hinduism and in Buddhism-the exchange of esoteric models across religious boundaries].
France, Lyon, 25 October 2012
On Thursday, October 25, Luca Gabbiani is giving a lecture at the Institut d'Asie orientale in Lyons on the topic
Quelques considérations liminaires à propos du bâti et du foncier en milieu urbain comme objet d'étude historique dans la Chine de la dynastie des Qing (1644-1911)
[Preliminary considerations of construction and land-holding in urban settings as an object of historical study in Qing dynasty China (1644-1911)].
Taiwan, Tainan, 20-21 October 2012
On October 20 and 21 Fabienne Jagou is speaking on the topic
Tibetan Buddhism in the Tainan area: A case study of two Karma bKa' rgyud School monasteries
at the Third International Conference on Tainan studies with the theme Religion in Transformation in the Tainan Area, in Tainan, Taiwan.
Norway, Trondheim, 19-21 October 2012
Dominic Goodall (Paris) and S.A.S. Sarma (Pondicherry) are both participating in an International Conference on Consecration Rituals in South Asia organised from 19th to 21st October at the Department of Archeology and Religious Studies of The Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim. Dominc Goodall gives a paper
On Image-installation Rites (linga-pratishtha) in the Early Mantramarga
and S.A.S. Sarma speaks about
The Re-installation of Damaged Idols, with special reference to the ritual literature of Kerala
Myanmar, Yangon, 18 October 2012
On October 18, at the French Embassy in Yangon (Myanmar), Jacques Leider is giving a lecture on
The Muslims in Rakhine and the political projects of the Rohingyas - Historical background of an unresolved communal conflict in contemporary Myanmar.
France, Paris, 15 October 2012
On October 15 (at 4 p.m.), Michela Bussotti is giving a lecture entitled
De la Chine à Naples: chinois et édition aux XVIIIe-XIXe siècles
[From China to Naples: Chinese and publication during the 18th and 19th centuries] as part of the seminar L'empire portugais, entre l'Amérique, l'Afrique et l'Asie: Perspectives coloniales et post-coloniales (XVe-XXIe siècle) [The Portuguese Empire in America, Africa, and Asia: colonial and post-colonial perspectives] at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation offices in France (39, Boulevard de la Tour-Maubourg, Paris, 75007).
PRC, Hangzhou, 11 Ocotober 2012
From October 11 to 14 Paola Calanca is in Hangzhou, for the 3rd colloquium on the culture of Kuahuqiao (Xiaoshan, Hangzhou, Zhejiang). She is talking on the topic
L'apport de l'archéologie fluviale et maritime à l'histoire navale chinoise
[The contribution of river and marine archaeology to Chinese naval history].
Taiwan, Taipei, 6 and 9 October 2012
From October 5 to 10 Jacques Gaucher is in Taipei in connection with the exhibition Vestiges archéologiques d'Angkor: travaux de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Archaeological remains of Angkor: the work of the EFEO] which is running from September 8 to October 14 in Chia-yi and from November 17 to December 29 in Taipei. The exhibition is jointly organized by the southern branch of the National Palace Museum and the EFEO. He is giving two lectures, one at Chia-yi on the topic
Angkor. Idées de villes et développement urbain
[Angkor. Ideas on towns and urban development] (October 6), and the second on
Angkor Thom, ‘la Grande Ville': archéologie et analyse d'un espace urbain
[Angkor Thom, ‘the Great City': archaeology and analysis of an urban space], (October 9) at Taipei National University of Technology.
France, Paris, 4-5 October 2012
On Thursday, October 4, Fabienne Jagou is presenting a paper entitled
A Manchu Imperial Edict written in Tibetan: Analysis of the ‘Ordinance for the More Efficient Governing of Tibet' (1793)
as part of the daylong workshop Hidden Treasures from the Roof of the World: New Resources for a Social History of Tibetan Societies, organized as part of the ANR-DFG program Histoire sociale des sociétés tibétaines [Social history of Tibetan societies], with the support of the CRCAO, at the Maison de l'Asie (2nd floor lecture hall).
PRC, Hong Kong, 4 October 2012
On October 4, as part of the series of lectures Workshop on Daoist Studies, organized by the Center for Taoist cultural Studies at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), Lü Pengzhi is giving a lecture on the topic
Origine et développement du rituel d'offrande dans le taoïsme
[Origin and development of the offering ritual in Daoism].
Irland, Dublin, 18-21 September 2012
Several EFEO instructors and researchers are taking part in the 14th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists (EurASEAA) being held 18 to 21 September in Dublin:
- Éric Bourdonneau : « Hunchback and Judgment of the Dead in Ancient Cambodia »
- Véronique Degroot et Agustijanto Indrajaya (Indonesian National Archaeology Center) : « Archaeological survey of the north coast of central Java: the district of Batang »
- Michel Lorrillard : « A new chapter in the history of Laos: Môn Buddhist culture in the first millennium »
- Pierre-Yves Manguin : « The stitched-plank and lashed-lug tradition of Southeast Asia: new data from archaeology »
- Christine Hawixbrock : « From the treasure to the city: excavations at Nong Hua Thong (Laos) »
- Christophe Pottier : « When did Angkor start? Archaeological challenges in an historical context »
- Christophe Pottier et Mitch Hendrickson (University of Illinois, Chicago) organisent le panel Historical archaeology of the Khmer Empire: challenges and new perspectives.
- Dominique Soutif : « Along the
southern bank of the eastern Baray. Two archaeological campaigns on
Yaçovarman's âçramas in Angkor »
- Dominique Soutif, Chea Socheat et Julia Estève : « Ritual objects and Epigraphy »
Taiwan, Chiayi and Taipei, 8-11 September 2012
On 8 September Dominique Soutif is giving a lecture on the topic
A century of research in Cambodia: the École française d'Extrême-Orient's activities in Siem Reap and Phnom Penh
and on 11 September (in Taipei, at the National Technology University, Archaeology Department) another lecture, on
The âçramas of Yasovarman I: monasteries and mediums for dissemination of royal power in Cambodia at the end of the 9th century.
France, Paris, 4-8 September 2012
At the meetings in Paris of the European Association for Chinese Studies (September 4 to 8), as part of the workshop on "Visual culture in Transition ," organized by Francesca Dal Lago (Thursday, September 6, 4:30-6:30 p.m.), Michela Bussotti is presenting a talk on
New Format for old Contents? Pages of Printing transition
and Alain Arrault on
Images in Time, Time in the Images
Germany, Erlangen-Nuremberg, 3-4 September 2012
On September 3 and 4 Kuo Liying is taking part in the colloquium on Caution and Creativity- Legitimizing and Conceptualizing Prognostic Practices in Chinese Buddhism, organized as part of the International Consortium for Research in the Humanities at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg (Germany). She is speaking on the topic
Key to Dream: Salvation in Chinese Buddhism
India, Chennai, 21 July 2012
On 21 July 2012 (4-6 p.m.), Eva Wilden and Jean-Luc Chevillard give a twin lecture at the Roja Muthiah Research Library in Chennai. J
ean-Luc Chevillard will give
A preliminary survey of the musical and metrical colophons in the /Nālāyira Tivya Prapantam/ Palm-leaf Manuscripts from the EFEO collection
while Eva Wilden will talk about
Vēṟu oru taṉip pāṣai: Deciphering, Copying and Printing Caṅkam Texts from Manuscript
United Kingdom, Cardiff, 7 July 2012
Peter Skilling will visit Cardiff, Wales, to attend the international conference on Early Mahayana organized by the UK Association of Buddhist Studies at St Michael’s College, Llandaff, where he will present a paper
Ensuring the continuity of the Three Jewels, or, Why become a bodhisatva?
on Saturday, 7 July, 08h00.
France, Paris, 2-6 July 2012
Peter Skilling will present paper on
Stupas and the spread of Buddhism in India: the early period
at the 21st Conference of the European Association for South Asian Archaeology and Art, l’École du Louvre, 2-6 juillet, Paris.
Norway, Oslo, 5 June 2012
On June 5, (2:00-4:00 p.m.) Peter Skilling is giving a lecture at the Oslo Buddhist Studies Forum, IKOS (University of Oslo) on the topic
Stupa Networks of Central India: Reflections on the Early Spread of Buddhism.
Netherlands, Groningen, 4-5 June 2012
On June 4 and 5, he is taking part in the colloquium on Epigraphical Evidence for the Formation and Rise of Early Śaivism: The Religious Landscape at the time of the Composition and Spread of the Skandapurāna at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands. He is talking on the topic
Śaivism in Early Historical Southeast Asia: the case of Campā
France, Paris, 30-31 May 2012
On May 30 and 31 Jacques Leider and Thibaut d'Hubert are talking on
Early Orientalism and Arakanese archives: the Persian Buddhist texts of the Staatsbibliothek, Berlin
at the first colloquium on Perso- Indica, traduction et écriture des savoirs indiens en persan [Perso-Indica - translation and writings on Indian wisdom in Persian] at the Sorbonne Nouvelle University - Paris.
France Paris, 29-30 May 2012
On May 29 and 30 at the Collège de France, as part of the colloquium Les matériaux de l'historien de l'Orient [Materials for the historian of East Asia] (Société Asiatique, Collège de France, CNRS UMR7192), Michela Bussotti will give a presentation entitled
Les généalogies familiales chinoises comme sources de l'histoire locale
[Chinese family genealogies as a source for local history], and Alain Arrault a presentation on
Matériaux inédits pour un phénomène peu documenté: les certificats de consécration de la statuaire domestique en Chine (XVIe - XXe siècle)
[Unpublished materials on a poorly documented phenomenon: consecration certificates for household statuary in China (16th to 20th centuries)].
France, Paris 7-29 May 2012
Leslie Orr (Concordia University, Montréal) has been invited by Charlotte Schmid (EFEO-EPHE) and Gerdi Gerschheimer (EPHE) for a series of lectures on the topic Historiography of Archaeology /Archaeology of Historiography: Reading and Writing the Temple Inscriptions of Medieval Tamilnadu
May 7
Imagining inscriptions: Epigraphy and the construction of Indian history
(2nd floor meeting room, Maison de l'Asie; 10:00 a.m.-noon)
May 14
Ordering, recording, transmitting: Documentation and history in medieval Tamilnadu history
(2nd floor meeting room, Maison de l'Asie; 10:00 a.m.-noon)
May 21
Building temples and building histories: Raising, razing, and re-using stone walls history
(ground floor meeting room, Maison de l'Asie; 2:00-4:00 p.m.)
May 29
Constructing histories: Dynastic representations in royal eulogies
(at Le France, 190-198, avenue de France, 75013 Paris, room 638), lecture also being given as part of the workshop day Défilé royal (voir ci-dessous).
Japan, Kyoto, 10-13 May 2012
From May 10 to 13 Benoît Jacquet is participating in a colloquium organized by the Japarchi network (Ministry of Culture, CNRS) at the Kansai Franco-Japanese Institute (May 10) and the International Center for Japanese Studies (Nichibunken, May 10 to 13) on the Vocabulaire de la spatialité japonaise [Vocabulary of Japanese spatiality]. On May 11 (beginning at 10 a.m.), he speaks on the topic
Chemins, voies et places: diverses approches de l'espace architectural et urbain au Japon
[Roads, pathways, and squares: various approaches to architectural and urban space in Japan], at the Nichibunken (Kyoto, Katsura).
France, La Rochelle, 9-12 May 2012
From May 9 to 12 Paola Calanca is in La Rochelle for the international colloquium La Piraterie au fil de l'Histoire. Un défi pour l'État [Piracy throughout history: a challenge to the state], organized jointly by the Military School's Institute for Strategic Research and the University of La Rochelle. She is presenting a talk entitled
Wokou ou haikou, une distinction socio-politique, socio-économique?
[Wokou or haikou - a socio-politicala or socio-economic distinction?]."
Japan, Kyoto, 28 April 2012
On April 28 (from 2 to 6 p.m.) Frédéric Girard is taking part in Professor Itō Takayuki's seminar Le corps et l'esprit dans la pensée japonaise et le confucianisme [The body and the spirit in Japanese thought and Confucianism], at the Nichibunken (Kyoto) with a presentation on
Le corps et l'âme dans le Compendium de Philosophie de Gomez et sa traduction en japonais (1595)
[The body and soul in Gomez's Compendium of Philosophy and its translation into Japanese (1595)].
United States, Washington, 13-14 April 2012
On April 13 and 14 François Lachaud is taking part in the symposium The Artist in Edo, organized by the Freer Gallery of Art and the Arthur M. Sackler Gallery of Art, the Smithsonian Institution, and the National Gallery of Art Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts. On April 13 at 2 p.m. he is talking on the topic
Eccentrics and Men of Taste: Biographies of Artists and Collectors in the Edo Period
in the session on "The Uses of Eccentricity."
Allemagne, Bochum, 12-13 April 2012
On April 12 and 13 Kuo Liying is taking part in a workshop organized by Dr. Michael Willis on Mantra and Dhāran.ī in the Religious Traditions of Buddhism, Jainism and Hinduism. This workshop is being organized as part of the international research consortium Dynamics in the History of Religions between Asia and Europe at the Ruhr Universität Bochum (Germany). The topic of her presentation is
Indian dhāran.ī and Chinese gāthā in Medieval Chinese Buddhism
Great Britain, London, 11 April 2012
Peter Skilling is giving a lecture on
Rhetoric of Reward, Ideologies of Inducement: Why produce Buddhist ‘Art'?
at the international forum on Buddhist art organized by the Courtauld Art Institute, Somerset House, in London from April 11 to 14. He is also continuing his research at the British Library and the British Museum.
France, Paris, 24 February 2012
Lecture by S.A.S. Sarma, research fellow at the EFEO Pondicherry Centre, on
Some remarks on Poison-Spells (viṣavidyā) and Protection in tantric literature from Kerala
at the Maison de l'Asie, 22, av. du Président-Wilson, F-75116 Paris, 1st floor (Metros : Iéna ou Trocadéro) 11;30-12;30 a.m.
India, New Delhi, 17 February 2012
Peter Skilling is presenting a paper
The Early Period of Buddhism in South Asia: New cognitive maps
at the International Conference on the Archaeology of Buddhism in Asia, February 17 to 19, to be held in celebration of the sesquicentennial year of the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) at the National Museum, New Delhi.
Myanmar, Pagan, 7 February 2012
Arlo Griffiths and Amandine Lepoutre are taking part in the colloquium Early Myanmar and its Global Connections at Pagan.They are making a presentation on the topic
Campā epigraphical data on polities and people of ancient Myanmar (12th - 13th centuries).
Italy, Vanice, 2 February 2012
From February 2 to 4 Luca Gabbiani is participating, at the invitation of the University of Warwick, in the workshop Landscape, City and Space in Modern China, 1500-2000 in Venice. He is presenting his research on real estate in urban settings and on "living in the city" in late impireal China.
Germany, Erlangen-Nurember, 20-21 January 2012
On January 20 and 21, at the invitation of the Friedrich-Alexander University in Erlangen-Nuremberg as part of the colloquium Between Science and Divination: Modes of Ordering the World (organized to mark the 1000th anniversary of the birth of Shao Yong (1012-1077), Alain Arrhault is giving a talk on Shao Yong's phonology and also taking part in a round table discussion on Shao Yong and divination.
India, New Delhi, 5-10 January 2012
As part of the 15th World Sanskrit Conference, organized by
Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan in New Delhi from January 5 to 10, Dominic
Goodall is presenting the CIK "Corpus des inscriptions khmères" project
at the Sanskrit and Sanskritic inscriptions in South East Asia exhibition
(at the Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts - Delhi) with ink
rubbings and descriptive posters of three Cambodian inscriptions
(rubbings made by the EFEO team at the sculpture conservation workshop
at the Phnom Penh National Museum).
At the same conference Dominic
Goodall is also giving two lectures entitled
The earliest surviving detailed account of the installation of a liṅga: An examination of chapter 2 of the Guhyasūtra of the Niśvāsatattvasaṃhitā
Can we identify the sectarian obedience of the Śaiva ascetics of non-royal cave-inscriptions in Cambodia?
France, Paris, 5 January 2012
On January 5, at 10 a.m., Daniel Perret is giving at talk at the CASE/EHESS seminar on the topic:
Réflexions sur les relations Asie du Sud-Est maritime-Vietnam/Cambodge dans la longue durée
[Thoughts on Southeast Asian maritime relations-Vietnam/Cambodia over the long term], at the Maison de l'Asie (2nd floor lecture room).
Great Britain, Cambridge, 5 December 2011
At the invitation of Dr. Vincenzo Vergiani, director of the project "The intellectual and religious traditions of South Asia as seen through the Sanskrit manuscript collections of the University Library, Cambridge", Dominic Goodall talks on
Palaeography and the Oldest Surviving Śaiva Tantra, the Niśvāsatattvasaṃhitā
Lecture at 3pm on Monday 5th December 2011, Room 7, Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, Sidgwick Avenue, Cambridge.
PRC, Beijing, 25-27 November 2011
Luca Gabbiani is taking part in the international colloquium on The 1911 Revolution and the evolution of society at the end of the Qing dynasty, organized by the Institute for Manchu History at the Peking Academy of Social Sciences. His address deals with the transformation of the pattern of city government in Peking at the end of the Qing dynasty.
France, Paris, 25-26 November, 2011
As part of the Colloque sur les études khmères [Colloquium on Khmer studies] being organized in Paris on November 25-26 (Aefek/Langues O'/CNRS/Péninsule), Éric Bourdonneau is presenting a talk entitled
L'histoire du Cambodge ancien: discipline impossible?
[The history of ancient Cambodia: an impossible discipline?].
Thailand, Bangkok, 19 October 2011
On October 19, Christophe Pottier gives a talk on
Angkor and its development: a case study of sustainability at Roluos
at the PNC 2011 Annual au Sasin Graduate Institute of Business Administration at the Chulalongkorn University.
PRC, Hong Kong, 6 October 2011
Lecture by Marianne Bujard on
Temples of Peking: Their written and oral history
at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). This lecture is jointly organised by the Center for the Study of the Daoist Culture and the EFEO Centre of Hong Kong.
France, Paris, 29 September 2011
On Thursday, September 29 (11:00 a.m.) Professor Phan Huy Lê, corresponding member of the Academy of Inscriptions and Belles-Lettres and president of the Historians' Association of Vietnam, is giving a talk at the EFEO headquarters on the topic
L'histoire millénaire de Thang Lon-Hanoi à la lumière des fouilles archéologiques réalisées en 2002
[A thousand years of the history of Thang Lon-Hanoi in the light of archaeological excavations carried out in 2002]."
Belgium, Brussels, 21-23 September
Frédéric Girard is presenting a lecture on
Âme et esprit dans le Compendium philosophique de Padre Gomez (1595) et ses échos éventuels chez les moines zen de la région de Nagasaki
[Soul and spirit in the Philosophical compendium of Padre Gomez (1595) and its later echoes among Zen monks in the Nagasaki region]" at the colloquium Spiritualités japonaises, Perceptions et représentations, entre tradition et occidentalisation [Japanese forms of spirituality: Perceptions and depictions, between tradition and westernization], to be held from September 21 to 23 at the Belgian Royal Academy (Palais des Académies, Brussels).
Australia, Sydney, 22 August 2011
Public Lecture by Prof Roland Fletcher (University of Sydney) and Dr Christophe Pottier (EFEO) on
Re-viewing Angkor: a long journey
Monday August 22nd 2011 1-2pm at CCANESA Boardroom, Room 480, Madsen Building, University of Sydney.
France, Paris, 23 May 2011
Mr. Zhang Xiantang, researcher at the Dunhuang Institute (China) and guest of the EFEO's "Buddhism" team and the Center for Research on the Civilizations of East Asia (UMR 8155), is giving a lecture on the
Portraits de donateurs et donatrices dans les grottes de Mogao, Dunhuang
[Portraits of donors in the Mogao Caves, Dunhuang] on May 23, 2 p.m., at the Centre Albert Châtelet (6 rue Jean-Calvin, 75005 Paris, 8th floor-EPHE IV).
France, Paris, 29 April 2011
On April 29 (5:00-7:00 p.m.) Benoït Jacquet is to talk on the topic
Du chemin de pèlerinage à la place publique: diverses approches de l'espace sacré dans l'architecture moderne japonaise
[From pilgrimage route to the public square: various approaches to sacred space in modern Japanese architecture] at the EHESS.
United Kingdom, London, 27 April 2011
On April 27 Pierre-Yves Manguin is giving two lectures at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) in London as part of the Post-graduate Diploma in Asian Art. They will deal with
Art and Archaeology of Srivijaya
ndian inputs in Early Southeast Asia
PRC, Hong Kong, 21 April 2011
From April 21 to 23, Lü Pengzhi is taking part in the international colloquium on The Comparative Ethnography of Local Daoist Ritual organized by the Department of Sociology (HKU), the Centre for Anthropological Research (HKU), the Centre for East Asian Studies of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and the UGC AOE Project "Historical Anthropology of Chinese Society" at the University of Hong Kong (HKU). He is giving a talk entitled
Catalogue descriptif des manuscrits rituels provenant de l'Autel du tonnerre de la réponse transcendante du district de Tonggu du Jiangxi
[Descriptive catalogue of ritual manuscripts from the Thunder Altar of the Transendant Response in Tonggu district, Jiangxi]."
France, Domrémy, 20 April 2011
Fabienne Jagou is giving a talk entitled
Momification de maîtres bouddhistes: représenter sa foi en Asie à l'époque contemporaine
[Mummification of Buddhist masters: demonstration of faith in Asia at the present time]," at the daylong workshop Représenter et dire sa foi: images et identités religieuses organized by the Conseil Général des Vosges, at Domrémy, on April 20.
USA, Harvard, 18 April 2011
On April 18 (6:30-8:00 p.m.), Benoît Jacquet is talking on the topic
Defining a Japanese Modern Monumentality: Kenzô Tange's Early Works
at the PhD seminar at the Graduate School of Design of Harvard University.
Japan, Tokyo, 9 April 2011
On April 9 Nobumi Iyanaga is taking part in the meeting of the Kodai bungakukai Association (Ancient Japanese Literature), at Kyôritsu joshi daigaku University, and will talk on the topic
Bukkyô shinwa to chûsei nihon shinwa: riron-teki shiten kara
[Buddhist mythology and medieval Japanese mythology: from a theoretical point of view].
Vietnam, Hanoi, 8 April 2011
On April 8, Olivier Tessier is taking part in the colloquium on Comprendre la solidarité [Understanding solidarity] organized by the Institute for Advanced International Studies and Development (IHEID) in Geneva. He is presenting a talk on
Solidarité codifiée et dépendance: l'échange comme espace de médiation dans un village du Nord du Vietnam
[Codified solidarity and dependence: trading as a mediation space in a North Vietnamese village].
PRC, Hong Kong, 8 April 2011
On Wednesday, April 20, the EFEO's Hong Kong Center and the Center for Research on Taoist Culture is organizing a lecture on
Le taoïsme du Lüshan dans la province de Fujian
[Lüshan Taoism in Fujian Province] to be given by Ye Mingsheng (researcher at the Institute for the Study of the Arts of Fujian Province) at the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Germany, La Halle, 7-8 April 2011
Fabienne Jagou is giving a talk entitled
Lifanyuan's limits of competence with regard to Tibet
at the workshop on Administrative and Colonial Practices in Qing ruled China Lifanyuan and Libu Revisited, being organized by the Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, at Halle on April 7 and 8.
United-States, Honolulu, 30 March - 4 April 2011
From March 30 to April 4 Pierre-Yves Manguin is to be in Honolulu, at the invitation of the Nalanda-Sriwijaya Centre of the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies de Singapore, to take part in the annual meeting of the American Asian Studies Association. He is presenting a talk on
Religion, Trade and State: Vaishnavism in Early Historic Southeast Asia
(at the session on Religious Expansion across Asian Borders: Networks and Mediations) and is participating in the round table organized by Robert Brown on the topic "Srivijayan Art in Light of New Scholarship."
Jacques Leider is presenting a talk entitled
Alaungmintaya (1752-60): Exploring the Representation of a Burmese Dynasty Founder in Burmese and Western Historiography
(at the session Questioning Historical Actors in Burmese Histories).
Luca Gabbiani is presenting a talk on
Of boats and men: economic activity and urban life along the northern reaches of the Grand Canal in 18th century China
Iyanaga Nobumi is participating on March 31 in the round table on Buddhism and the Medieval Religious Traditions of China/Tibet/Japan organized by Matthew Kapstein and Christine Mollier. He talks on the subject
Buddhist Ideas, Vocabulary and Quotations in Medieval Shinto Texts: the Case of the Yamato katsuragi hozanki
Paola Calanca is presenting a talk on
Xiamen: haven of peace in the midst of the storm?
at the session on Shifting the Balance of Power: Maritime East Asia in the 17th Century.
Portugal, Lisbon, 26 February - 2 March 2011
From February 26 to March 5, François Lachaud is going to the Universidade Católica Portuguesa to give a series of three seminars at the Instituto de Estudos Orientais on the topic
De l'ukiyo-e au Shin-hanga : mélancolie et discours critiques sur la modernité japonaise (1858-1942)
[From ukiyo-e to the Shin-hanga: melancholy and critical comments on Japanese modernity (1858-1942)].
France, Paris, 31 January - 7 February 2011
François Lachaud is giving a series of lectures to the Association française des amis de l'Orient (French Association of Friends of East Asia) called Interprétations japonaises: on Monday, January 31
Diminuendo in blue. La mélancolie et la ville d'Edo à Tôkyô (1881-1945)
[Diminuendo in blue: melancholy and the city, from Edo to Tôkyô (1881-1945) ; on Thursday, February 3,
Fantômes du Japon. Le retour des morts et sa représentation dans les lettres et les arts du Japon (1603-1939)
[Ghosts in Japan: the return of the dead and its representation in Japanese arts and letters (1603-1939) ]; on Monday, February 7,
Dans un bol de thé. Cérémonies du thé de Chine et du Japon (1550-1853)
[In a bowl of tea: the tea ceremonies of China and Japan (1550-1853)] - all at the EFEO beginning at 6:15 p.m.
Cambodge, Phnom Penh, 27 January 2011
On January 27, Jacques Gaucher is giving a talk entitled
La vie urbaine à Angkor Thom
[Urban life in Angkor Thom] at the seminar Quelques traits de l'histoire du Cambodge [Some features of Cambodian history] to take place at the Senate House in Phnom Penh at the request of the Secretary General of the Senate.
France, Paris, 21 January 2011
On 21 January Jacques Leider is talking about the "Golden Letter" at the Académie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres (Paris), describing its discovery, its extraordinary nature (historical context, etc...)
Germany, Hanover, 17 January 2011
On 17 January, in the presence of the Minister President of Lower Saxony, Jacques Leider is presenting the "Golden Letter", the 1756 manuscript on gold leaf sent by the Burmese King Alaungmintaya to King George II of England, at the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Library (Hanover).
France, Paris, 13 January 2011
Daniel Perret is presenting a lecture on Thursday, January 13 (at 10:00 a.m.), at the seminar "L'Asie du Sud-Est: approches pluridisciplinaires [Southeast Asia: multidisciplinary approaches]" on
Le programme archéologique franco-indonésien de Si Pamutung, Sumatra Nord
[The Franco-Indonesian archaeological program at Si Pamutung, North Sumatra].
France, Paris, 11 January 2011
Daniel Perret is presenting a lecture on Tuesday, January 11 (at 10:00 a.m.), as part of the seminar "Archéologie de l'océan Indien [Archaeology of the Indian Ocean]" on the topic
Sumatra et l'océan Indien: le cas de Barus, fin IXe à mi XVIIe s.
[Sumatra and the Indian Ocean: the case of Barus, from the end of the 9th to the mid 17th centuries]."
France, Paris, 7 January 2011
On January 7, as part of the interdisciplinary seminar of the EHESS Center for Research on Korea, Élisabeth Chabanol is presenting, at the Maison de l'Asie, a talk entitled
Les collections présentées au pavillon de la Corée à l'Exposition universelle de 1900
[Materials presented in the Korean pavilion at the 1900 Universal Exhibition].
PRC, Chengdu, 5 January 2011
On Thursday, January 5, at Sichuan University (Chengdu, China), Lü Pengzhi is giving a lecture on
Nouvelle recherche sur l'origine de la fête de Zhongyuan dans le taoïsme
[New research on the origin of the
Zhongyuan festival in Daoism]." This conference is being organized by
the Sichuan University Institute for Studies of Daoism and Religious
At the Maison de l'Asie, 22 avenue du Président Wilson, from 9.30 am to 6 pm.
It will be held in the Salon on the 1st floor of the Maison de l'Asie, from 9.45 am to 6 pm.
We are happy to announce the upcoming 22nd Classical Tamil Winter Seminar (CTWS), scheduled for two weeks, from 12th to 23rd February 2024. The event will be hosted at the Pondicherry Centre of the École française d'Extrême-Orient (EFEO).
READ MOREThe École française d'Extrême-Orient (EFEO - French School of Asian Studies) wishes you a Happy New year 2024
Follow this link to watch the EFEO New Year card.
EFEO Paris closes for the festive season.
We look forward to seeing you in 2024, from 2 January
As part of the "Destins d'objets: la circulation des traces matérielles du passé de l'Antiquité à nos jours" program run by the École française d'Athènes and accredited by the Réseau des Écoles françaises à l'étranger, the EFEO is hosting the study days "Dispersions: partage de fouilles et commerce des vestiges en Asie, au Moyen-Orient et en Europe aux XIXe et XXe siècles".
Thursday, November 23, from 9:45 am to 6 pm and Friday, November 24, from 9:45 am to 1:15 pm, in the Grand Salon of the EFEO, 22 avenue du Président Wilson, 75016 Paris.
Possibility of attending the conferences online through pre-registration.
Send your request by 19 October to Ariane de Saxcé.
The Réseau des Écoles françaises à l'Étranger - ResEFE - is taking part in the 26th Rendez-vous de l'histoire in Blois as part of its Carte blanche: "À tombeaux ouverts: les vivants face aux morts de l'Europe à l'Extrême-Orient."
Saturday, October 7, 9-10.30 a.m., Site Jaurès University, Amphi 2, Blois.
From October 8 to 10 the 5 EFEs will have a book stand at the Blois history book fair, represented by the bookshop Lerycerp (space N, stands 76 to 80, on the map).