Taiwan Maritime Landscapes from Neolothic to Early Modern Times: Cross-Regional Perspectives

Ecole française d'Extrême-Orient (EFEO)
Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica
Centre de recherche sur les civilisations d'Asie orientale (CRCAO, EPHE-CNRS)

Organized by 

Paola CALANCA, EFEO (École française d'Extrême-Orient))
LIU Yi-ch'ang, Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Frank MUYARD, National Central University, Taiwan
Alain THOTE, EPHE (École pratique des hautes études)


November 17, 2015 (Tuesday)

  • 8:30-9:00 Registration
  • 9:00-9:30 Opening Session 
  • 9:00-9:15 Yves Goudineau (EFEO), Alain Thote (CRCAO), BRT & MOST representative
  • 9:15-9:30 Paola Calanca, Frank Muyard, Liu Yi-ch'ang
  • 9:30-10:30 Opening Keynote Speech

Chair: Jean-Paul Demoule
Liu Yi-ch'ang 劉益昌, Taiwan Prehistoric Maritime Trade Networks and Impacts

  • 10:30-10:45 Pause - Coffee Break

  • 10:45-11:45 Panel 1: Introduction - Taiwan Maritime Geography and Archaeology

Chair: Paola Calanca
Lionel Siame, Oceanic Currents and Wind Patterns in the Seas Surrounding Taiwan: Implications for Early Austronesian Seafaring
Frank Muyard, Taiwan's Place in East Asian Archaeological Studies

  • 11:45-13:30 Lunch
  • 13:30-15:30 Panel 2: North-Western Seas: Interactions across the Taiwan Strait with the East Asian Mainland

Chair: Alain Thote / Discussant: Roderick Ptak
Tsang Cheng-hwa 臧振華, Ancient Migrations and Contacts in the Taiwan Straits as Seen from Archaeological Materials
Hugh Clark, Material Remains and Open Hypotheses: Pondering Links Between the Pre-Sinitic Cultures of the Central Coastal Region of Fujian and Taiwan From Pre-History through the 1st Millennium CE
Paola Calanca, Minnan Seas and Maritime Network (14th-17th)
Chen Kuo-tung 陳國棟, Chinese Cognition of the Seas Surrounding Taiwan in the 16th-18th Centuries

  • 15:30-15:45 Pause - Coffee Break
  • 15:45-17:30 Panel 3: Southern Seas: Interactions between Taiwan and the Philippines 

Chair: Frank Muyard / Discussant: Roger Blench
Liu Yi-ch'ang 劉益昌, Interactions and Migrations between Taiwan and the Philippines from Neolithic to Metal Age
Roderich Ptak, The Sea Route between Taiwan and the Philippines in Chinese Texts (c. 1100-1600): New Questions Related to an Old Theme
Lee Yu-chung 李毓中, Early Modern Minnan Interactions between Taiwan and the Philippines: Settlement Strategies of "Mestizo de Sangley" in Spanish Manila and Northern Taiwan in the 17th century

November 18, 2015 (Wednesday)

  • 9:00-11:00 Panel 4: South China Seas: Trade and Interactions with Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia

Chair: Chen Kuo-tung / Discussant: Eric Bourdonneau
Berenice Bellina, Highlighting Late Prehistoric Exchange Networks in the South China Sea through Trading Polities' Industries
Chao Chin-yung 趙金勇, Early Glass Beads in Prehistoric Taiwan and their Significance in Southeast Asia
Aude Favereau, Late Prehistoric Interactions in the South China Sea: Ceramic Assemblages from Thailand, Vietnam and the Philippines in Relation to Taiwan (500BC-200AD)
Pierre-Yves Manguin, Trade Networks in Southeast Asia in the Early First Millennium CE

  • 11:00-11:15 Pause - Coffee Break
  • 11:15-12:00 Cross-Regional Outlook Guest Speech I

Chair: Chao Chin-yung
Zhao Bing, The Global Mapping of Chinese-style Ceramics in East Africa (9th-16th century)

  • 12:00-13:30 Lunch
  • 13:30-15:00 Panel 5: Interactions in the Taiwan Eastern Seas: Yaeyama Islands and the Ryukyus

Chair-Discussant: Michèle Pirrazoli-t'Serstevens
Chiang Chih-hua 江芝華, Possible Interactions between Taiwan and the Ryukyu Islands
Wang Su-Chin 王淑津, Trade patterns of Chinese Ceramics In East and South China Seas - Comparing Excavated Ceramics from the 10th to 16th century in Taiwan with the Ryukyus, the Philippines and Indonesia

  • 15:00-15:15 Pause - Coffee Break
  • 15:15-16:15 Cross-Regional Outlook Guest Speech II

Chair: Pierre-Yves Manguin
Jean-Pierre Brun, A Western Point of View : Trade between Mediterranean and Indian Ocean from the 4th c. BC to the 6th c. AD

  • 16:15-17:30 Final Roundtable and Discussion: Taiwan Maritime Landscapes in Cross-Regional Perspectives

Participants: Roger Blench, Jean-Pierre Brun, Paola Calanca, Chen Kuo-tung, Liu Yi-ch'ang, Pierre-Yves Manguin, Frank Muyard, Alain Thote, Tsang Chen-hwa


- Bérénice BELLINA, Archaeologist, CNRS (French National Center for Scientific Research), Paris
- Roger BLENCH, Anthropologist, Kay Williamson Educational Foundation & McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, Cambridge, U.K.
- Eric BOURDONNEAU, Archaeologist, EFEO (French School of Asian Studies), Paris
- Jean-Pierre BRUN, Archaeologist, Collège de France, Paris
- Paola CALANCA, Historian, EFEO (French School of Asian Studies), Taipei
- CHAO Chin-yung, Archaeologist, Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica, Taipei
- CHEN Kuo-tung, Historian, Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica, Taipei
- CHIANG Chih-hua, Archaeologist, National Taiwan University, Taipei
- Hugh CLARK, Historian, Ursinus College, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.
- Jean-Paul DEMOULE, Archaeologist, University Paris I Sorbonne, Paris
- Aude FAVEREAU, Archaeologist, Préhistoire et technologie Laboratory-UMR 7055, CNRS, Paris
- LEE Yu-chung, Historian, National Tsing-Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan
- LIU Yi-ch'ang, Archaeologist, Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica, Taipei & Institute of Archaeology, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan
- Pierre-Yves MANGUIN, Historian, Archaeologist, EFEO (French School of Asian Studies), Paris
- Frank MUYARD, Sociologist, National Central University, Taoyuan, Taiwan
- Michèle PIRRAZOLI-T'SERSTEVENS, Historian, EPHE (École Pratique des Hautes Études), Paris
- Roderich PTAK, Historian, University Ludwig Maximilian, Munich, Germany
- Lionel SIAME, Geologist, University of Aix-Marseille, Marseille, France
- Alain THOTE, Archaeologist, EPHE (École Pratique des Hautes Études), Paris
- TSANG Chen-hwa, Archaeologist, Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica, Taipei
- WANG Su-chin, Ph.D. Candidate, Institute of Art History, National Taiwan University, Taipei
- ZHAO Bing, Historian, Archaeologist, CNRS (French National Center for Scientific Research), Paris

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