
19 February 2011

Wednesday, February 19 (4:00 to 7:00 p.m.), is the meeting time for the seminar

Beyond Cultural Borders in Modern Japan: Documents from the Beginning of the Global Age

(Ibunka sesshoku to kindai Nihon : "dôjidaika" wo ikita hitobito no kiroku), organized by visiting researchers from the EFEO and the ISEAS, at Kyoto University's Institute for Research in the Humane Sciences.

For the Japanese academic year 2010-2011, the seminar given by visiting researchers from the EFEO and the ISEAS at the Institute for Research in the Humanities of Kyoto University will be on the topic

La rencontre du Japon moderne avec les cultures étrangères: les récits des témoins de la ‘synchronisation' historique

[The encounter of modern Japan with foreign cultures: accounts from witnesses to historic ‘synchronization'; Ibunka sesshoku to kindai Nihon: "dôjidaika" wo ikita hitobito no kiroku]. This seminar will be on Mondays, from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. or from 3:00 to 5 p.m.

1st December 2010

On December 1 (4:00-7:00 p.m.), Darren Swanson (Kobe University) is taking part in the seminar

Beyond Cultural Borders in Modern Japan: Documents from the Beginning of the Global Age

(Ibunka sesshoku to kindai Nihon: "dôjidaika" wo ikita hitobito no kiroku), organized by guest researchers from the EFEO and the ISEAS at the Kyoto University's Institute for Research in the Humanities.

14 December 2009

Lecture by Benoît Jacquet on the subject

Des regards modernes sur la villa Katsura : une histoire croisée de l'architecture japonaise

(Gendai no me de mita Katsura rikyû : Nihon kenchiku no kôsa shita rekishi) as part of the seminar Japon moderne avec les cultures étrangères au début de la mondialisation (Ibunka sesshoku to kindai Nihon : Dôjidai wo ikita hitobito no kiroku) jointly organised by the EFEO and the ISEAS at theResearch  Institute for Humanities (Jinbunken) of the Kyoto University.

30 November 2009

On November 30 (at 3 p.m.), Benoît Jacquet has talked on the topic

Des regards modernes sur la villa Katsura: une histoire croisée de l'architecture japonaise

[Various modern opinions on the Katsura villa: an interrelated story from Japanese architecture] as part of the seminar on relations between modern Japan and foreign cultures at the onset of globalization (Ibunka sesshoku to kindai Nihon. Dojidai wo ikita hitobito no kiroku) organized by the EFEO and the ISEAS at the Humane Sciences Research Institution (Jinbun kagaku kenkyujo) of Kyoto University.

8 June 2009

On June 8 (at 3:00 p.m.), Silvio Vita, Giulio Bertolli, and Andrew Elliot have taken part in a debate on the voyage of Charles Longfellow to Japan as part of the seminar on the relations between modern Japan and foreign cultures at the beginning of the opening to the outside world (Ibunka sesshoku to kindai Nihon. Dôjidai wo ikita hitobito no kiroku) organized by the EFEO and the ISEAS at the Institute for Research in the Humane Sciences (Jinbun kagaku kenkyûjo) of Kyoto University.

April 2009

A new seminar is organized by the EFEO and ISEAS at the Institute for Research in the Humane Sciences (Jinbun kagaku kenkyûjo) at Kyoto University, to begin in April. This seminar will take up

The relations between modern Japan and foreign cultures at the outset of globalization

(Ibunka sesshoku to kindai Nihon. Dôjidai wo ikita hitobito no kiroku).

9 and 23 March 2009

The seminar on impressions of modern Japan drawn from travelers' accounts (Soto kara mita kindai nihon no kiroku), organized by the EFEO and the ISEAS at the Institute for Research in the Humanities (Jinbunken) at Kyoto University, has taken place on Monday, March 9 and 23, beginning at 10:00 a.m.

9 and 23 February 2009

The seminar on impressions of modern Japan drawn from travelers' accounts (Soto kara mita kindai nihon no kiroku), organized by the EFEO and the ISEAS at the Institute for Research in the Humanities (Jinbunken) at Kyoto University, has taken place on Monday, February 9 and 23, beginning at 10:00 a.m.

19 January 2009

The seminar on impressions of modern Japan drawn from travelers' accounts (Soto kara mita kindai nihon no kiroku), organized by the EFEO and the ISEAS at the Institute for Research in the Humanities (Jinbunken) at Kyoto University, has taken place on Monday, January 19, beginning at 10:00 a.m.

Japan, Kyoto, 20 April 2012
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On April 20 and 21 the EFEO is co-organizing the colloquium Architecture et nature [Architecture and Nature]. READ MORE
Kyoto Lectures
Japan, Kyoto, 15 March 2012
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Lecrure by Marc-Henri Deroche on: "Memory, Revelation and Authority: The gter ma Traditions from the Ancient Tibetan Empire to the Fifth Dalai Lama"
Two workshops on China
Japan, Kyoto, 12 November 2011
The EFEO and ISEAS Centers are co-organizing two day-long workshops on the topic of "Scholarly Perspectives on China: The View from Japan".
Kyoto Lectures
Japan, Kyoto, 02 November 2011
Lecture by Benjamin Perry on the topic "Philosophy and Vain Deceit: Anti-Buddhist Polemics in mid-nineteenth century China"
Kyoto Lectures
Japon, Kyoto, 14 July 2011
Fabio Rambelligives a lecture at the Kyoto Lectures on the subject: « ‘The Dharma Preaches Equality and Has No Hierarchy' : Uchiyama Gudô and the Experiment of Buddhist Anarchism » READ MORE
Kyoto Lectures
Japan, Kyoto, 16 June 2011
Lacture by Scot Hislop (National University of Singapore) on: "Traces of the Gods: Writing and Hirata Atsutane's Imagining of the ‘Illustrious Imperial Land'". READ MORE
Lecture By Benoît Jacquet
France, Paris, 29 April 2011
Lecture by Benoït Jacquet is to talk on the topic "Du chemin de pèlerinage à la place publique: diverses approches de l'espace sacré dans l'architecture moderne japonaise. READ MORE
Lecture By Benoît Jacquet
USA, Harvard, 18 April 2011
Lecture by Benoît Jacquet on the topic "Defining a Japanese Modern Monumentality: Kenzô Tange's Early Works". READ MORE
Modern architects' view of Japanese architecture
Canada, Montreal, 12 April 2011
From April 12 to 17, Benoît Jacquet is visiting the study center at the Centre canadien d'architecture in Montréal to do research on "modern architects' view of Japanese architecture."
Japanese Architecture
USA, New York, 08 April 2011
On April 8 (9:00 a.m. to noon) Benoît Jacquet is talking on the topic of Japanese architecture at the global history seminar of Tamar Zinguer's course on the history of architecture at the Cooper Union, New York.