Thailand, Bangkok, 18 December 2010
18 December 2010, Peter Skilling will give a talk entitled
Reliquary networks: From Bharhut to Sanchi to Sanghol
at the Centre for Southeast Asian Art Studies, Faculty of Archaeology, Silpakorn University, Bangkok.
France, Strasbourg, 14 December 2010
Jacques Gaucher is giving a lectures on December 14 (at 8:00 p.m.) at the Strasbourg National School of Architecture, on
Angkor, la cité retrouvée
[Angkor, the rediscovered city].
France, Paris, 9 December 2010
Jacques Gaucher is giving a lectures on December 9 (4:00 p.m.) at the Cernuschi Museum on
Angkor, la ville en questions
[Angkor, the city under scrutiny].
Thailand, Bangkok, 23 November 2010
23 November, Peter Skilling delivers a Keynote Speech, entitled
Rich and Diverse: The Thai Buddhist Literary Heritage
at Chulalongkorn International Conference of Oriental Studies (CHICOS) In Commemoration of the Centenary of King Chulalongkorn's Death, 23 - 25 November, Maha Chulalongkorn Building, Hall 105, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok.
Thailand, Bangkok, 9 November 2010
9 November 2010, Fabienne Jagou presents two lectures at the invitation of The Buddhist Studies Group, EFEO, Bangkok, in collaboration with the Faculty of Arts, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok (Room 707 Boromarajakumari building):
Tibetan Masters in Modern China (1911-1949): Transmission of the Tibetan Buddhist teachings.
Chinese lay Buddhist disciples of Tibetan Masters (1949 to now): Continuity of the Buddhist teachings.
Nepal, Katmandu, 1-4 November 2010
Peter Skilling will visit Kathmandu, Nepal, from 29 October-4 November. On Monday 1 November he will visit Nepal Research Centre (an EFEO partner in ECAF). On 2 November he will visit the Centre for Buddhists Studies, Kathmandu University, where he will give a talk on
Translating the Tibetan Kanjur
(16h00-17h00). On 03 November he will present a lecture at Nagarjuna Institute, Patan:
Nepal and Thailand: shared texts, different traditions
Taiwan, Taipei, 25-28 Octobre 2010
A member of the organizing committee for the 5th World Congress of Korean Studies of the Academy of Korea Studies, Korean Studies for the Advancement of Global Civilization, to be held from October 25 to 28 at the Chinese Culture University in Taipei, Élisabeth Chabanol is taking part in the committee’s meetings as a representative of the Association of Korean Studies in Europe. She is also to present a talk on
Korean Collections Kept Overseas: The Case of the Korean Pavilion at the Paris Exposition of 1900
France, Paris, 5-6 October 2010
On October 5 and 6, Benoît Jacquet is taking part in meetings on the arrangement and conceptions of the Japanese sense of space. These meetings are organized by the Japarchi network at the Maison de la Culture de Japon in Paris. On October 6, at 2 p.m., he is talking on the topic:
Des chemins (sandô) et des places (hiroba) dans l'architecture et la ville au Japon
[Paths (sandô) and public squares (hiroba) in Japan’s architecture and towns].”
PRC, Hong Kong, 4 October 2010
On Monday, October 4, at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Michèle Pirazzoli-t'Serstevens (Professor Emeritus at the EPHE), is giving a lecture entitled
Giuseppe Castiglione (1688-1766): An artist between two traditions
This lecture is co-sponsored by the Institute for Chinese Studies at the CUHK and the EFEO Center.
France, Paris, 30 September 2010
François Lachaud is giving a talk on
Angkor et les voyageurs de Chine et du Japon: un autre regard sur l'empire khmer
[Angkor and travelers from China and Japan: another view of the Khmer emprie]" on September 30 (at 4:00 p.m.) at the Cernuschi Museum as part of the exhibition Archéologues à Angkor, archives photographiques de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient.
Germany, Berlin, 27 September - 1st October 2010
Dominique Soutif is taking part in the 13th conference of Euraseaa (European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists) taking place in Berlin from September 27 to October 1. He is giving a lecture on
The inscribed pendant of the National Museum of Phnom Penh: a new inscription from the reign of Jayavarman the 7th (K. 1277)?
In collaboration with Julia Estève (EPHE), Annie Bolle (INRAP), Chea Socheat (APSARA), and Till F. Sonnemann (University of Sydney) he is also making a presentation on
The aśramas of Yaśovarman I: Instruments of and testaments to the spread of royal power in Cambodia at the end of the 9th century
Pierre-Yves Manguin chairs a panel on the archaeological study of Sumatra. .
Daniel Perret is giving a talk on
The 2009 Archaeological Excavations at the Si Pamutung Site in Sumatra
Vietnam, Hanoi, 24 September 2010
On September 24, Olivier Tessier is giving a lecture entitled
De la transformation au démantèlement de la citadelle d'Hanoi au XIXe siècle: enjeux politiques et aménagement de l'espace urbain
[From the transformation to the dismantling of the Hanoi citadel in the nineteenth century: political maneuvers and the managing of urban space] at L'Espace-Centre Culturel français in Hanoi, to mark the opening of the exhibition of the same name that runs until September 21.
France, Paris, 24 September 2010
Franciscus Verellen, Director of the EFEO and member of the Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres (AIBL), presente the Rapport sur l'activité de l'EFEO 2009-2010 [Report on the activities of the EFEO, 2009-2010] at the public meeting of the AIBL at 3:30 p.m. on Friday, September 24.
France, Paris, 16 September 2010
On September 16, as part of the research workshop on Sûreté maritime [Maritime security] at the Institute for Strategic Research at the Military School (IRSEM) Paola Calanca is talking on the topic
La piraterie dans les codes de la Chine imperial
Piracy in the imperial Chinese legal codes].
France, Paris, 21-22 June 2010
Lecture by François Lachaud entitled
Femmes fatales et crimes étranges dans la littérature et les arts du Japon (1853-1945)
on the occasion of the colloquium of the Société Asiatique to be held at the Collège de France on June 21 and 22.
France, Paris, 15-17 June 2010
As part of the colloquium on Lecteurs et copistes [Readers and copyists] (UMR 7528), lecture by Peter Skilling the topic
Merits and materialities of manuscript culture: Random notes on Buddhist North India
(Sorbonne nouvelle - Paris 3, salle Las Vergnas).
France, Paris, 14 June 2010
Publication by François Lachaud of the book Le Vieil Homme qui vendait du thé: excentricité et retrait du monde dans le Japon du XVIIIe siècle [The Old Tea Seller:eccentricity and withdrawal from the world in the
Japan of the 17th century], Paris:Les Éditions du Cerf, in the series
"Conférences de l'École pratique des Hautes
Études [Lectures at the EPHE]," 2010.
France, Paris, 8 juin 2010
Lecture by Peter Skilling
Buddhist scriptures in 2010: an overview
in the course Histoire et doctrines du bouddhisme [History and doctrines of Buddhism] organized by Jean-Noël Robert, Matthew Kapstein, and Sylvie Hureau (6:00-8:00 p.m. in the Delamarre Room).
France, Paris, 26 May
Publication launch of the work Empires éloignés: l'Europe et le Japon XVIe-XXe siècles [Distant Empires: Europe and Japan in the 16th to 20th centuries], on May 26, at 6 p.m., in presence of François Lachaud along with Professors Dejanirah Couto (EPHE) and João Paulo Oliveira e Costa (New University of Lisbon).
France, Paris, 5 May
On Wednesday, May 5 (at the auditorium of the Grand Palais, at 6:30 p.m.), lecture by Alain Arrault on statuettes from Hunan province as part of the series of lectures being organized by the Réunion des Musées nationaux [Consortium of National Museums] on the occasion of the exhibition La Voie du Tao [The way of the Dao].
France, Paris, 4 May
Lecture by Frédéric Girard, On Tuesday, May 4, on
Le Traité sur l'acte de foi dans le Grand Véhicule et son héritage dans le bouddhisme sino-japonais
[The Treatise on the act of faith in Mahayana Buddhism and its heritage in Sino-Japanese Buddhism," as part of the course on Histoire et doctrines du bouddhisme [Buddhist history and doctrines] (EPHE), (Delamarre Room, 6:00-8:00 p.m.).
Canada, Vancouver, 28 April
At the invitation of Professor Timothy Brook of the History Department at the University of British Columbia, lecture by Luca Gabbiani at the seminar on Ming-Qing traditions of statecraft (April 30 to May 2) on the topic of the government of towns in the Daxue yanyi bu by Qiu Jun (1418-1495),
France, Paris, 15 April
Lecture by Paola Calanca on
L'apport d'Etienne Sigaut à la connaissance des navires chinois
[The contribution of Etienne Sigaut to our knowledge of Chinese ships], on April 15 at the National Maritime Museum in connection with the exhibition Tous les bateaux du monde [All the world's vessels].
France, Paris, 13 April
Lecture by Okuda Isao (Emeritus Professor at the Seishin University for Young Women, Tokyo, and Visiting Professor at Columbia University) on
Les bibliothèques monastiques du Kansai: Kôzanji, Ishiyamadera et Daigoji
[Kansai Monastic libraries: Kôzanji, Ishiyamadera, and Daigoji], on April 13 at the EFEO (2:00-4:00 p.m., second floor conference room).
France, Paris, 12 April
Lecture by Alain Arrault on his recent research on popular statuary in China at the Calouste Gulbenkian
Foundation. This lecture is part of the interdisciplinary seminar Les Portugais et le monde asiatique: religions, culture et politiques XVIe-XXIe siècle [The Portuguese and the Asian world: religions, culture, and politics from the 16th to the 21st centuries].
France, Paris, 10 April
Lecture by Frédéric Girard on
Concepts philosophiques et terminologie bouddhique
[Buddhist philosophical concepts and terminology], on April 10 (2:00-4:00 p.m.) at the Center for
Japanese Studies (INALCO).
France, France culture, 8 April
Pierre-Yves Manguin and Éric Rieth (CNRS) have been taking part in the broadcast La marche des sciences, les origines de l'ethnographie nautique [The March of Science - the beginnings of nautical ethnography] aired on France Culture, Thursday, April 8 (2:00-3:00 p.m.).
France, Paris, 1st April
Talk by Paola Calanca on the topic
Quadrillage de la population et service de garde-côte en Chine (16e-18e siècles)
[Population control and the coast guard service in China (16th to 18th centuries)], on April 1, as part of the research workshop on Maritime Security being given by the Institute for Strategic Research at the Military School (IRSEM).
Italy, Palermo, April 2010
Presentation of the restoration workshop at the Phnom Penh museum by Bertrand Porte for students in the Corso di Laurea, Conservazione e Restauro dei Beni Culturali (Degree Course in Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Goods) at Palermo University.
United States, Philadelphia, 26 March 2010
On the occasion of the annual meetings of the Association of Asian Studies, in Philadelphia (March 25 and 28), Emlisabeth Chabanol has taken part in the panel Interfaces, interstices, and enclaves: a decade of Korean debordering (1998-2008), with a presentation (on March 26) on :
The Impact of ‘Kaesŏng Special Zone' on the Material Heritage of a Historical City - Heritage as a Multifaceted Interface
Australia, Sydney, 19 March 2010
On March 19, at 12:30 p.m., Christophe Pottier has given a lecture on
The Mafkata archaeological mission: objectives, methods, and preliminary results
as part of the Archaeology & Heritage Research Seminar series of the Archaeology Department of the University of Sydney.
France, Paris, 19 March 2010
On March 19, at the Maison de l'Asie, Élisabeth Chabanol has participated in the seminar of the EHESS's center for research on Korea with a presentation on Franco-Korean relations at the end of the 19th century.
United States, Pennsylvania, 18 March 2010
Franciscus Verellen has given a public lecture on
Community and Ritual in Heavenly Master Taoism
as the annual Rickett Speaker at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, on March 18.
Italy, Rome, 12 and 15 March 2010
On March 12 and 15, as part of the Korea Foundation Exchange Program of European Lectures, Élisabeth Chabanol has given two seminars at the Facoltà degli Studi Orientali at the University of Rome on the study of the archaeological and historical sites at Kaesông (Korean Popular Democratic Republic) and the impact of the development of the industrial zone on these sites.
United States, Charlottesville, 11-15 March 2010
From the 11th to the 15th, Kuo Liying has been in Charlottesville to take part in the colloquium on Cultural Crossings: China and Beyond in the Early Medieval Period, organized by the McIntire Department of Art (University of Virginia), on the occasion of the exhibition Treasures Rediscovered: Chinese Stone Sculptures from the Sackler Collections at Columbia University. There she has given a talk entitled
Dhāranī pillars in China: fonction and symbol
United States, Saint Louis, 15 March 2010
Arlo Griffiths has spoken on March 15, on the topic
An Unpublished Cambodian Inscription in Sanskrit and Old Khmer in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
at the annual meeting of the American Oriental Society in St. Louis.
France, Paris, 12 March 2010
On March 12, Franciscus Verellen has presented an address
La conservation du patrimoine khmer aujourd'hui
on the occasion of the solemn ceremony of installation of His Majesty the King of Cambodio Norodom Sihamoni under the cupola of the Institut de France.
France, Paris, 12 March 2010
On March 12, François Lachaud he has taken part in Ines Zupanov's seminar on religious missions in the Iberian world, talking on :
Itinéraires de Hasekura Tsunenaga (1571-1622) : fortunes et infortunes d'une mission japonaise en 1614
[The Itinerariries of Hasekura Tsunenaga (1571-1633): the ups and downs of a 1614 Japanese mission]" (EHESS 13 h à 15 h, salle 2, 105 bd Raspail, 75006 Paris).
France, Grenoble, 10 March 2010
Fabienne Jagou has talked on
Histoire des relations sino-tibétaines du VIIe siècle à 1950
[History of Sino-Tibetan Relations from the 7th century to 1950] at the Maison des Sciences de l'Homme in Grenoble on March 10.
France, Rennes, 8 March 2010
Fabienne Jagou has talked on
Relations Inde-Tibet
[Indo-Tibetan Relations]" at the Political Studies Institute at Rennes on March 8.
United States, New York, 8 March 2010
On March 8, Arlo Griffiths has given a lecture on
Rediscovering the inscriptions of Campa (Vietnam)
at the Institute for the Study of the Ancient World at New York University.
United States, Chicago, 5-6 March 2010
On March 5 and 6, at the University of Chicago, Franciscus Verellen has participated in a workshop on Religion and Realia in Medieval China where he has given a talk on
Textual Glimpses of Medieval Heavenly Master Realia
United States, Harvard University, 26 February 2010
On Feburary 26, Franciscus Verellen has took part in the Chinese Religions Seminar at Harvard University with a presentation on
The emergence of local centers of power and religious renewal under the Five Dynasties: The case of Shu 蜀 (Chengdu) and Jiaozhi 交趾 (Hanoi)
France, Paris, 22 February 2010
On Monday, February 22, at the Calouste Gulbenkian Cultural Center, François Lachaud has taken part in the 2010 interdisciplinary seminar organized by the Calouste Gulbenkian Cultural Center, the EFEO, and the EPHE on Les Portugais et le monde asiatique: religions, culture et politiques XVIe-XXIe siècle [The Portuguese and the Asiatic world: religions, cultures, and politics from the 16th to 21st centuries]. He has spoken on the topic
La modernité et ses critiques: du Japon à l'Europe (1875-1935)
[Modernity and its critics: from Japan to Europe (1875-1935].
United Kingdom, London, 19 February 2010
On February 19, Antony Boussemart will be in London to take part in the conference on Minakata Kumagusu and London held at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS). He has given a talk on
Dogi (Toki) Horyu and Shingon Buddhism
United States, Princeton, 16 February 2010
On February 16, Franciscus Verellen has given a talk as part of the Spring 2010 East Asian Studies Seminar, School of Historical Studies, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton:
The tenth-century kingdom of Shu 蜀: Cultural innovation and the politics of secession
France, Paris, 12 February 2010
On February 12, François Lachaud has given a lecture on
La religion dans le Japon medieval
[Religion in medieval Japan] (9 a.m. to noon) at the Paris-Diderot University, at the invitation of Charlotte von Verschuer (EPHE).
United States, Princeton, 11 February 2010
On February 11, Franciscus Verellen, Director of the EFEO and Edwin C. and Elisabeth A. Whitehead Fellow at the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, has talked at the After Hours Conversations of the IAS on
Fateful Liabilities: the Ritual Agenda of Early Daoism
France, Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, 5 February 2010
On February 5, Michela Bussotti has taken part in the seminar on Livre, édition et lecture en système colonial (XVIIIe -XXe siècles) [The book, publishing, and reading in a colonial setting (18th to 20th centuries)]" organized by Jean-Yves Mollier at the University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (UVSQ). She has discussed
Les éditions xylographiques et lithographiques en Chine autour de 1900: un carrefour d'influences
[Xylographic and lithographic publication in China around 1900: a crossroads of influences].
France, Chambéry, University of Savoy, 28 January 2010
On January 28 Fabienne Jagou has spoken on
Les maîtres bouddhistes tibétains et la politique
[Tibetan Buddhist master and politics] as part of the master's program on History of Religions in the History department of the University of Savoy at Chambéry.
France, Paris, Institut catholique de Paris, 22 January 2010
On January 22 Fabienne Jagou has spoken on
Religion populaire et bouddhisme tibétain à Taiwan
[Popular religion and Tibetan Buddhism in Taiwan], at the Institut catholique de Paris.
France, Paris, Maison de l'Asie, 7 January 2010
On January 7 Daniel Perret has given an address on the occasion of the publication of the work Histoire de Barus. Regards sur une place marchande de l'océan Indien (XI e-milieu du XVI e siècle.) as part of the CASE seminar at the Maison de l'Asie (10:00 a.m. to noon).
France, Lyon, IAO, 26 November 2009
On November 26, Fabienne Jagou has given a lecture entitled
Élaboration des politiques mandchoues au Tibet au XVIIIe siècle
[Development of Manchu policies in Tibet during the 18th century] at the Institut d'Asie Orientale, Lyon.
France, Paris, Musée du Quai Branly, 7 November 2009
On Saturday, November 7, François Lachaud has given a lecture at the Quai Branly Museum entitled
Le zen et la cérémonie du thé au Daitoku-ji sous le regard Chrétien
[Zen and the tea ceremony at the Daioku-ji as seen by Christians].
France, Perpignan, 25 September and Spain, Barcelona 28 September 2009
François Lachaud has traveled to Perpignan (the Torcatis Library), and then to Barcelona to give a lecture on the tea ceremony and bull fighting and to present the books Le bouddhisme en Asie: Images et imaginations [Buddhism in Asia: images and imaginations], along with Des cérémonies et des hommes: réflexions sur l'art du thé et des toros [Ceremonies and man: reflections on the art of tea and of bulls].
France, Paris, 10 September 2009
François Lachaud has take part in the colloquium marking the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Institute for Advanced Japanese Studies at the Collège de France. He has given an address on
Edo: à la croisée des mondes
[Edo: at the crossroads of the world]
Frédéric Girard has presided at the meeting and has given an address on
Études japonaises, textes et contextes
[Japanese studies, texts, and contexts]. Collège de France, 3 rue d’Ulm, 75005 Paris.
Russia, St. Petersburg, September 2009
Frédéric Girard has been in St. Petersburg where he has participated in the colloquium Dunhuang studies: Prospects and problems for the coming second century of research held at the Oriental Studies Institute at the Russian Academy of Sciences (Dvortsovaya naberezhnaya, 18). He has presented a talk on
Dunhuang in Japan: Zen, Dasheng qixinlun, Shōtoku taishi
Kuo Liying has given a talk on
Dunhuang sūtras' copies and other related elements: Case studies of the Foding zunsheng tuoluoni jing
France, Paris, 3 July 2009
On Friday, July 3 (at 3:30 p.m.) Frédéric Girard has given a lecture at the Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres
Le rêve de la fleur de prunier: La transmission généalogique chez Dōgen (1200-1253) en Chine
[The plum blossom dream: genealogical transmission of Dōgen (1200-1253) in China].
Holland, Leiden, 27-28 June 2009
As part of the Architecture and Phenomenology colloquium, on June 27 (6:30-8:00 p.m.), Benoît Jacquet has introduced a lecture by the architect Fujimori Terunobu. On June 28, beginning at 11:00 a.m., Benoît Jacquet and Dermott Walsh (University of Leiden) have made a presentation on the topic
Reduction to Japanese-ness: Discourses on Katsura Villa
France, Marseille, 18-20 June 2009
From June 18 to 20 Cristina Cramerotti has taken part in the Burma Wokshop organized at Marseille by the Institute for Research on Southeast Asia (IRSEA). With Louise Pichard-Bertaud she has made a presentation on the Burmese collections in French libraries.
United States, Stanford, California, 15-19 June 2009
From June 15 to 19, Peter Skilling has participated in the workshop Indic Buddhist Manuscripts: The State of the Field to held at Stanford University, California. He has presented a paper entitled
New Frontiers in the Pali and Vernacular Literatures of Siam
Italy, Rome, 15 June 2009
Jacques Gaucher has given a lecture in Rome, on
Recent archaeological researches in Angkor Thom (Cambodia)
France, Paris, 12 June 2009
On June 12 Michela Bussotti has taken part in the colloquium Imprimer sans profit? Le livre non commercial dans la Chine impériale and has talked on
Quelques généalogies de Huizhou
[Some Huizhou genealogies] (at 1:15 p.m. in the Vasari Room at the National Art History Institute (6 rue des Petits Champs / 2 rue Vivienne, 75002 Paris).
France, Paris, 12 June 2009
Paola Calanca has participated in the colloquium on La Chine et l'Afrique: regards historiques, dynamiques spatiales et mobilités croisées [China and Africa: historical views, spatial dynamics, and exchange movements], organizad by the Center for Chinese Studies (CEC) of the INALCO. She has talked on the topic
L'Afrique dans les sources chinoises anciennes
[Africa in ancient Chinese sources]. The colloquium has been held on June 12, in the Raymond Aron Room at the Dauphine Center.
France, Paris, 11 June 2009
Jacques Gaucher has given a lecture (Iéna Lectures, Guimet Museum, 12:15 p.m.) on
Angkor Thom, de la Cité des dieux à l'horizon urbain: archéologie d'une mise en scène
[Angkor Thom, from the City of the Gods to the urban landscape: archaeology of a stage set].
France, Paris, 4-5 June 2009
On June 4 and 5 at the Collège de France, Luca Gabbiani has participated in a seminar on Les manuels d'administration de la Chine impériale. Conclusions et comparaisons [Administrative manuals in imperial China: Conclusions and comparisons] organized by Pierre-Étienne Will (Professor and Chair of Modern Chinese History, Collège de France). He has been giving a lecture on Friday, June 5, at 10:30 a.m., on
La formation et le travail d'un administrateur mandchou au XIXe siècle, vue à travers la biographie professionnelle de Shengyin (1762-1834)
[The training and duties of a 19th century Manchu administrator as seen through the professional biography of Shengyin (1762-1834)].
Hungary, Budapest, Eötvös Loránd University, 2-3 June 2009
On June 2 and 3, Franciscus Verellen has been visiting Budapest to give a talk at Eötvös Loránd University on the medieval history of Taoism. He has also meet with the international relations personnel of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
Holland, Leiden, 1-3 June 2009
From June 1 to 3 Frédéric Girard has taken part in the conference on Perspectives on Religion and Ritual in Early Modern Japan organized by Leiden Institute for Area Studies (Leiden University, Gravesteen room 111). He has talked on the topic
Collèges jésuites dans le Japon des XVIe - XVIIe siècles
[Jesuit colleges in Japan in the 16th and 17th centuries].
France, Paris, 8-9 April 2009
Marianne Bujard has given a talk entitled
Inventaire des temples de Pékin (1750-1949): épigraphie, archives et enquêtes de terrain
[Inventory of the Peking temples (1750-1969): epigraphy, archives, and site studies], at the colloquium Qu'est-ce qu'un paysage religieux [What is a religious landscape?] organized by the Collège de France (Paris) for April 8 and 9.
United-States, Chicago, 26-29 March 2009
From March 26 to 29 Paola Calanca has been taking part in the annual meeting of the Association for Asian Studies to held in Chicago. She has talked on
Wokou or Haikou: A Socio-political Distinction?
Antony Boussemart has been giving a talk on Japanese studies in Europe, and more especially on the establishment of the first European consortium intended to develop electronic documentary resources on Japan.
United-States, Columbia University, 27-28 March 2009
Benoît Jacquet has taken part in the colloquium Ambiguous Territories: Articulating New Geographies in Latin American Modern Architecture and Urbanism organized by Columbia University (March 27 and 28).
France, Strasbourg, 22 March 2009
Frédéric Girard has taken part in the 4th colloquium on Japanese Studies at the University of Strasbourg, on Censure, autocensure et tabous [Censorship, self-censorship, and taboos]. He has presented a talk there on March 22 (11:40 a.m. to 12:10 p.m.) as part of the session on "Society and Religion". His topic was
Quelle efficacité pour la censure et la proscription chrétiennes?
[How effective were censorship and proscription against Christianity?].
France, Paris, 19 March 2009
On March 19, Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn, third child of Their Majesties the King and Queen of Thailand, has honoured the EFEO with her presence at the headquarters to receive an honorary doctorate. With the awarding of this degree, the EFEO has recognized Her Royal Highness's great scholarly contributions in the area of East Asian and archaeological studies, especially in Sanskrit and Pali epigraphy. A graduate of the Faculty of Letters at Chulalongkorn University, Her Royal Highness directs many humanitarian projects and is dedicated to the preservation of Thailand's cultural heritage.
France, Paris, 13 March-3 April 2009
From March 13 to April 3, Élisabeth Chabanol has been running four sessions of the multidisciplinary seminar on Korean studies at the Center for Reseach on Korea of the EHESS, Maison de l'Asie. The subject was
De Sinûiju à Cheju, de l'époque japonaise à nos jours - le patrimoine archéologique dans la péninsule coréenne
[From Sinûiju to Cheju, from the Japanese period to our own times].
France, Paris, 19 March 2009
On March 11, Élisabeth Chabanol has given a lecture entitled
Kaesông: a symbol of the past and the future
at the Paris Institut d'Études Politiques [Institute for Political Studies] as part of the program Executive Training Programme Korea (ETPK) financed by the European Commission.
United Kingdom, London-Cambridge, 3-13 March 2009
From March 3 to 13, Jacqueline Filliozat, honorary member of the EFEO, has been giving a series of lectures in England on the study of Pali codices at the School of Oriental and African Studies in London (Centre for Buddhist Studies, Centre for Southeast Asian Studies) and at Cambridge (Ancient India and Iran Trust). A workshop on the deciphering of Pali manuscripts has been organized by SOAS and the Wellcome Institute in London.
United-States, New York University, 7-8 March 2009
Benoît Jacquet has been invited by the Institute of Fine Arts at New York University to talk on the topic
Compromising Modernity: Japanese Monumentality during World War II
at the colloquium Front to Rear: Architecture and Planning during World War II organized by that institution in collaboration with the Centre Canadien d'Architecture (CCA) and Princeton University on March 7 and 8.
France, Paris, January-June 2009
Interdisciplinary seminar :
Les Portuguais et le monde asiatique : religions, cultures et politiques XVIe-XXIe siècles
Conferences will be held on mondays at 4 p.m. at the EFEO (22, avenue du Président Wilson, 75116 Paris) or at the Centre culturel Calouste Gulbenkian (51, avenue d'Iéna, 75116 Paris).
France, Paris, 6 February 2009
François Lachaud has given a lecture on February 6 has addressed the Société Asiatique on
Jésuites et amateurs: regards croisés sur les cérémonies du thé
(at 5:15 p.m., Hugot lecture hall, Palais de l'Institut, 23 quai de Conti, 75006 Paris).
France, Paris, 2 February 2009
François Lachaud has given a lecture on February 2 at the Nacional Institute of Art History (INHA) on
Esthétique du thé au Japon: excentriques métissages
(4:00 to 8:00 p.m., 58 rue de Richelieu, 75002 Paris, EPHE lecture hall).
France, Paris, 29 January 2009
Franciscus Verellen has taken part in a round table entitled "Extrême-Orient [Far East]" at the colloquium La recherche française dans les grandes aires culturelles du monde [French research in the major world cultural areas] organized by the Centre national de recherche scientifique (CNRS).
France, Paris, 21 January 2009
Lecture by Sylvain Vogel, professor at Phnom Penh University, on
Langue et littérature des Phnongs de Mondulkiri (étude de terrain)
[Language and literature of the Phnongs of Mondulkiri-a field study]." Wednesday, January 21, at 5 p.m. at the Collège de France (11 place Marcelin Berthelot, Paris 5e).
France, Nîmes, 17 January 2009
On January 17, at the invitation of the Association de la Cause freudienne [Freudian Support Assocation] and with the support of the bullfighting community of Nîmes and of Simon Casas, director of the Nîmes arenas, François Lachaud has presented a lecture entitled
Une géométrie morale: voir et rêver les toros
[A moral geometry: seeing and dreaming fighting bulls].
France, Paris, 9 January 2009
François Lachaud, has given a talk at the Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres at the January 9 public session of the colloquium on L'œuvre scientifique des missionnaires en Asie [Scholarlywork of missionaries in Asia] organized by the Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres and the Société asiatique. His talk has been entitled
Le bouddhisme au miroir ibérique : quand les jésuites découvraient le thé, les analyses de João Rodrigues
[Buddhism through Iberian eyes: when the Jesuits discovered tea - the analyses by João Rodrigues].
At the Maison de l'Asie, 22 avenue du Président Wilson, from 9.30 am to 6 pm.
It will be held in the Salon on the 1st floor of the Maison de l'Asie, from 9.45 am to 6 pm.
We are happy to announce the upcoming 22nd Classical Tamil Winter Seminar (CTWS), scheduled for two weeks, from 12th to 23rd February 2024. The event will be hosted at the Pondicherry Centre of the École française d'Extrême-Orient (EFEO).
READ MOREThe École française d'Extrême-Orient (EFEO - French School of Asian Studies) wishes you a Happy New year 2024
Follow this link to watch the EFEO New Year card.
EFEO Paris closes for the festive season.
We look forward to seeing you in 2024, from 2 January
As part of the "Destins d'objets: la circulation des traces matérielles du passé de l'Antiquité à nos jours" program run by the École française d'Athènes and accredited by the Réseau des Écoles françaises à l'étranger, the EFEO is hosting the study days "Dispersions: partage de fouilles et commerce des vestiges en Asie, au Moyen-Orient et en Europe aux XIXe et XXe siècles".
Thursday, November 23, from 9:45 am to 6 pm and Friday, November 24, from 9:45 am to 1:15 pm, in the Grand Salon of the EFEO, 22 avenue du Président Wilson, 75016 Paris.
Possibility of attending the conferences online through pre-registration.
Send your request by 19 October to Ariane de Saxcé.
The Réseau des Écoles françaises à l'Étranger - ResEFE - is taking part in the 26th Rendez-vous de l'histoire in Blois as part of its Carte blanche: "À tombeaux ouverts: les vivants face aux morts de l'Europe à l'Extrême-Orient."
Saturday, October 7, 9-10.30 a.m., Site Jaurès University, Amphi 2, Blois.
From October 8 to 10 the 5 EFEs will have a book stand at the Blois history book fair, represented by the bookshop Lerycerp (space N, stands 76 to 80, on the map).