The Siem Reap Library

The Siem Reap Library

Ecole française d'Extrême-Orient

Boeung Daun Pa, Slorkram
PO Box : 93300
Tel. : + 855 77 722 245
Fax : + 855 63 964 226

Librarian: Mr. TAUCH Atakama

Set up in 1992 as an internal resource when EFEO reopened its centre in Angkor, the Siem Reap Centre's library has grown significantly since 2002 and now includes 3.000 volumes in French, Khmer and English, a complete collection of maps of the country, and a number of computerised resources regularly updated by teams at the EFEO's Paris Centre. Most of the collections consist of material from the Angkor and Angkor Conservation Office archives from 1908 to 1975 (available on microfiche or CD-ROM on one of the library's public access computers), while other collections serve as documentary resources for the Centre's research teams: ancient Cambodian history, archaeology and architecture; epigraphy; social sciences.

Conditions of use and opening times

From Monday to Friday, 8 am to 12 am and from 2 pm to 5 pm

  • Closed on public holidays.
  • Users must be registered with the library.
  • Only members of the Centre's research staff can take books and documents out of the library
  • A photocopy service is available to readers for a small fee
The Siem Reap centre
Head: Brice Vincent

EFEO Angkor
Brice Vincent
Associate Professor at the French School of Asian Studies

Phum Boeng Daun Pa, Slorkram, Siem Reap
PO BOX 93300, Siem Reap, Cambodia
Mobile : (+855) 99 937 507

Read more on the Siem Reap centre
Visit the Siem Reap blog
EFEO Field Scholarships - 2nd Semester 2023
Paris, France, 15 March 2024
The deadline for submitting an application to an EFEO Field Scholarships for Master and PhD students enabling a field study in Asia at one of the EFEO centers is set to the 15th of March 2024.
Siem Reap Lectures
Siem Reap, Cambodia, 15 June 2023

As part of the Siem Reap LecturesSébastien Clouet (doctoral student at Sorbonne University) gives a lecture on the topic "Aux sources de l'or d'Angkor: orpaillage et orpailleurs dans le Cambodge ancien" [At the sources of Angkor gold: gold panning and gold panners in ancient Cambodia].

At 6 p.m., at the EFEO Centre in Siem Reap. The presentation will be in French with a Khmer translation. The lecture is free and open to all.

Visit of the Director to Cambodia
Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 28 October 2022
Nicolas Fiévé, Director of the EFEO, is in Cambodia to meet with the Cambodian authorities and the EFEO's main scientific partners in Cambodia.