
The Jakarta Centre, Indonesia

Head : Arlo Griffiths
Ecole française d'Extrême-Orient,
Jl. Jeruk Purut Dalam no. 36A
RT.6/RW.3, Cilandak Timur, Pasar Minggu
Jakarta Selatan 12560

Tél. : + 62-21-27844179


The first member of the EFEO in Indonesia was the epigraphist Louis-Charles Damais who settled in "Batavia" in 1938. Historian Denys Lombard followed in 1966. Since that time the Jakarta Centre has developed without interruption. And since 1976, the work of the EFEO has been conducted under a cooperation agreement with the Indonesian National Centre for Archaeological Research (Pusat Penelitian Archaeology National).

The Jakarta Center, a key logistic and documentary centre, has allowed succeeding generations of scholars - from the EFEO and other partner organizations - to further their work during long term stays on the Indonesian archipelago.

Archaeology has always been an essential component of the EFEO programme in Indonesia. Illustrating this are the significant contributions the School has made in partnership with UNESCO on the restoration of the Borobudur temple. More recent excavations in Java and Sumatra, on the sites of the first great cities built under Indian influence, are another example. Other major projects in philology and literature, history (both ancient and contemporary) and ethnology have also been carried out in collaboration with various Indonesian institutions of research of and higher education, particularly Indonesia University.

Current research program:

Since 1980 the EFEO has taken on an ambitious translation project from French into Indonesian. This series titled Textes et documents nousantariens (Nusantarian Texts and Documents) includes previously unpublished manuscripts written in Malay, Javanese, Sudanese, Bugis, and Arabic. An Indonesian student has recently published sources in a thesis that were chosen for their philological and historical significance.

The EFEO documentation and research center, opened in Jakarta in 1991, welcomes and advises young researchers and scholarship holders. Its library houses some 9,000 works and around 50 current periodicals.

The Jakarta centre
Head: Arlo Griffiths

École française d'Extrême-Orient
Jl. Ampera III no.26
Jakarta Selatan 12550
Tel/fax +62 21 781 14 76
+62 21 781 47 85

The Jakarta Library
Visit the Jakarta blog
News from the Jakarta centre
Conference : The Bajo maritime diaspora in Indonesia : what language tells us about history
16 MAY 17 Philippe Grangé, Université de La Rochelle
(France) pgrange@univ-lr.frWedenesday 17 May, 17.30Auditorium IFI, Jl Thamrin No 20
The Bajo (Sama-Bajau)  ... Read more
Archipel 91 - Interdisciplinary Studies on Island Southeast Asia
09 MAY 17 The 91st issue of the journal Archipel is available in the EFEO Jakarta library. Archipel is a journal that is both scientific and accessible to the general public It is entirely  ... Read more
Conference: Honey collecting and beekeeping of the Asian giant honeybee in Indonesia
08 MARCH 17 As part of the conference series "Man, territories and societies", the EFEO and the IFI are pleased to invite you to attend the lecture of Nicolas Césard (National Museum  ... Read more
EFEO publications

In order to highlight the EFEO publications, a new website dedicated to them is online.
You can now consult the catalog of all the books published since the creation of the EFEO and buy directly those that interest you HERE.
EFEO on Instagram

Follow the virtual photo library of the EFEO on Instagram account: ecolefrancaisedextremeorient
Intensive course in Old Javanese
Indonesia, 13 June 2014
An academic retreat lasting 15 days attended by about 20 students who will be guided in intensive manner by 3 specialists of Old Javanese philology. The program will take place in typical Javanese natural surroundings while the learning experience will be enriched by excursions to vestiges of ancient Hindu and Buddhist civilization in East Java READ MORE
Lecture on Glassware in Southeast Asia
France, Paris, 10 January 2013
Lecture by Daniel Perret on "Glassware in Southeast Asia (end of the first millennium to the 15th centuries". READ MORE
Lecture on the history of Buddhism in Indonesia
Indonesia, Jakarta, 05 December 2012
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Lecture by Arlo Griffiths on the topic "Inscriptions avec mantra et dhâranî comme clé pour éclaircir l'histoire du bouddhisme en Indonésie [Inscriptions with mantra and dhâranî as a key to shedding light on the history of Buddhism in Indonesia]". READ MORE