Phnom Penh

The EFEO in Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Currently closed


Head : Bertrand Porte
Ecole française d'Extréme-Orient
National Museum of Cambodia
Rue 13, Chey Chumneas, Duan Penh
Phnom Penh, Cambodia
BP 878 Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Mobile: + 855 16 920 356

In 1990, the EFEO returned to Phnom Penh. As of now, the EFEO Center there is located in the premises of the National Museum of Cambodia, see The sculpture conservation workshop of Phnom Penh National Museum

The Cambodian Edition Manuscripts Fund (FEMC)

From 1990 to 2012, under the direction of Olivier de Bernon (Paris), an FEMC staff of six located, restored, identified, and inventoried the manuscripts surviving in the monastery libraries of Cambodia. Previously housed at the royal palace, in 1999 the FEMC was relocated to Vat Unnalom. In the neighboring monastery of Vat Saravann, the FEMC managed a large library of Cambodian manuscripts. Since 2009 the FEMC constituted the main office of the joint EFEO-UNESCO program for the digitization of the microfilms of the pagoda manuscripts. Since spring 2011, the website is online.

The sculpture conservation workshop at the Phnom Penh National Museum

Under the leadership of Bertrand Porte (technical engineer), this workshop was created in 1996 and enjoys the constant support of the EFEO. The work done there is improving the conservation and restoration of the remarkable archaeological collection in the Phnom Penh Museum. The workshop also widens knowledge about and appreciation of the works in the collection through the organization of permanent and temporary exhibits. The personnel are also available to provide expertise on archaeological collections held in provincial archives and the museums.

The National Museum's restoration experts are much in demand in Vietnam and Laos. They are especially appreciated for their skills in making rubbings of inscriptions.

Other research projects linked to EFEO Phnom Penh:

The Archeological Inventory

The on-site archaeological inventory, led since 1990 by Bruno Bruguier (Professor) in partnership with the Ministry of Culture, came to an end in 2007. Since then, a significant publication program has been initiated - with the first product being a series of archaeological maps in French and in Khmer - along with the launching of a website. The inventory is based on archives, publications, photographs, and maps that have been gathered by researchers over more than a century.

Archeology outside Angkor - Social and cultural history of ancient Cambodia

The research programme directed by Eric Bourdonneau (Lecturer), in partnership the Ministry of Culture, has as its primary main mission the study and inventorying of the historical sources on Ancient Cambodia that exist outside the Angkor archaeological site. A number of themes are emphasized: "serfdom", "sacred sites" (an archaeological mission on the Koh Ker site in partnership with the APSARA authority), and "the formation of the state." The project, on the basis of data acquired in the fields of archaeology, the history of art and architecture, epigraphy and linguistics, works to promote dialogue on the topics selected.

Affiliated research programs:

Khmer Inscriptions Corpus Program (CIK)

Being run in Paris by Gerdi Gerschheimer (Professor, EPHE)
Associate Researcher:
Ang Chouléan Teacher of Ancient Khmer, URBA. Editor of the journal Udaya and the website "khmerenaissance".


The EFEO Centre has access to the library of the National Museum of Cambodia.

The "Gabrielle" collection, 20,000 photos of sculptures, archaeological sites, conservation work, and epigraphy are available in the workshop of the museum in addition to a collection of rubbings of ancient Cambodian inscriptions.

A collection of local press reports is processed by the Centre on behalf of the BULAC library in Paris.

Call for applications
Paris, France, 30 September 2024
As part of its support for international mobility, the InSHS and the EFEO are offering researchers, teacher-researchers and research engineers from research units supervised or co-supervised by the CNRS, assistance in carrying out research activities in 2025.

Read more
Photographic exhibition
Paris, France, 26 September 2024
The exhibition Le corps du texte, tatouages rituels du Cambodge et de Thaïlande is on show at the Maison des étudiants de l'Asie du Sud-Est (House of South-East Asian Students) at the Cité internationale universitaire de Paris until the end of September 2024.

Read more
Exceptional summer closure
Paris, France, 24 July 2024
Due to the organisation of the Olympic Games in Paris, the EFEO will be close exceptionally closed from Friday July to Monday 19 August at 8 a.m.

We thank you for your understanding and wish you a pleasant summer break.

The Direction
Digital pass
Paris, France, 05 July 2024
Because of the Olympic Games, from 18 July to 25 July inclusive you will only be able to access the EFEO with a digital pass.
Available from the official website.

To obtain this pass you will need to provide a "proof of visit" issued by the EFEO library.

The request for this receipt should be sent to, who will reply within 48 working hours. Once you have your receipt, you can download the pass from the dedicated website.

The EFEO and the library will close on the evening of Thursday 25 July and reopen on Monday 19 August at 9am.

There are no restrictions on access during the Paralympic Games in September, so no passes will be required.
Photographic exhibition
Paris, France, 28 June 2024
The EFEO is displaying an exhibition as part of the symposium "Le Prince Damrong Rajanubhab et George Cœdès. Collaboration et regards croisés sur l'histoire du royaume de Siam" organized on May 15 by the Inalco - Langues O', the Inalco Foundation, and the EFEO.

Free admission, from 15 April to 30 June 2024, 9am to 6pm, EFEO, 1st floor landing.

More information on the symposium READ MORE