Hong Kong
The Hong Kong Center, People's Republic of China
Head : Paola Calanca
Ecole française d'Extrême-Orient
Institute of Chinese Studies
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Shatin, New Territories
Hong Kong
People's Republic of China
Tel.: + 852 3943 7369
Fax: + 852 2603 5149
After many years of collaboration between EFEO scholars and the Chinese studies community in Hong Kong, a permanent EFEO Centre was established there in 1994. It is housed in the Institute of Chinese Studies (ICS) at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK).
The EFEO Centre is operated in partnership with the ICS and the Centre for Studies of Daoist Culture, CUHK (joint edition of the journal Daoism: Religion, History and Society, organisation of conferences and lectures). The Centre's network of scholarly cooperation also extends to the CUHK Departments of Anthropology, History and Fine Arts, the CUHK - Sun Yat-sen University Centre for Historical Anthropology and the Universities Service Centre for China Studies, as well as the Jao Tsung-I Petite Ecole of the University of Hong Kong and other partners in Hong Kong, mainland China and Taiwan.
The research programmes organized by the EFEO Centre have traditionally focused on the history and anthropology of Chinese religion, in particular Daoism: Dynamic and Structures of Rural China, Heavenly Masters Daoism in South China during the Six Dynasties, the Daoist Canon, Religious Movements in 20th Century China: Tradition and Modernity at the Crossroad of Religion and Politics, and History of Daoist Ritual.
Current research topics include:
- Community and ritual in medieval Daoism (2nd to 10th centuries)
- Regional autonomy and innovation in late Tang and Five Dynasties China (850-965)
- History of the Chinese Protectorate General of Annam
- Cultural History of Sichuan
The Centre hosts French and international graduate students and visiting scholars and facilitates research visits of CUHK doctoral students and faculty to France. Candidates are eligible for EFEO Field Scholarships and the Flora Blanchon Scholarship created in 2014 by the Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres with a vue to supporting academic exchanges between France and East Asia.
The EFEO Centre is co-editor with the CUHK Centre for Studies of Daoist Culture of the bilingual journal Daoism: Religion, History and Society 道教研究學報:宗教、歷史與社會 (Daoism RHS), published annually in English and Chinese by the Chinese University Press. An open access electronic edition of Daoism RHS is available since 2014.
École française d'Extrême-Orient
Institute of Chinese Studies
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Shatin, NT, Hong Kong
People's Republic of China
Tel +852 3943 1247
Fax +852 2603 5149
香港中文大學 香港 沙田
電話 +852 3943 1247
傳真 +852 2603 5149

Religious tests to "One country, two systems" in Hong Kong and Macao
23 March 2011
The Long Wall of Quang Ngãi – Bình Ðinh: Politics, Poverty and Ethnic Relations in the History of a Central Vietnamese Province
25-27 March 2011 READ MORE