Early Tantra

In the framework of its ANR-DFG Franco-German thematic programme, the French National Research Agency (ANR) has decided to allocate the sum of €129,065 to the EFEO (Dominic Goodall), effective as of December 28, 2007. Set to last for three years, the programme is entitled "Discovering the Interrelationships and Common Ritual Syntax of the Saiva, Buddhist, Vaisnava and Saura traditions" (or Early Tantra)

The principal objective of the programme is to elucidate the interactions and relations between the ancient Tantric traditions. It was felt that by studying the similarities and differences between their ritual systems and terminology it would be possible to reach a clearer understanding of how these traditions were established and defined. The programme is also intended to make available for the first time reliable scholarly editions of a certain number of the earliest Tantric texts, all of them previously unpublished.

In the German part of the programme, scholars will focus their expertise and experience on the study of Nepalese manuscripts, particularly Buddhist manuscripts and early Saiva material. German partner researchers have privileged access to the National Archives of Kathmandu. Meanwhile, French researchers possess unique expertise regarding such material as well as of Shivaism in general. The two groups will pool their databases on Tantric literature.

This close and intensive collaboration will be reinforced by annual two-week long workshops attended not only by the members of the French and German teams but also by a substantial number of leading international experts in Tantric traditions who have agreed to be associated with the project.

The programme will culminate in six principal publications. Five of those publications will be constituted by the texts themselves. Depending on the state of the sources, the texts will be published either as critical editions or as diplomatic transcriptions. Each publication will be accompanied by a DVD containing digital images of the manuscripts in colour. The sixth publication will be a collection of articles on the ritual syntax common to the earliest Tantric traditions.

EFEO Paris Seminar
Paris, France, 12 June 2023

Stéphen Huard (EHESS) speaks on "L’histoire à l’épreuve des cultes aux esprits. Le cas de Bodawgyi dans le centre du Myanmar".

This seminar is part of the sequence 6: "La question religieuse : sécularisation et réinvention" of the common core of the Master in Asian Studies.

From 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. The conference will take place online on the Zoom platform, with prior registration required.

International Seminar
Paris, France, 25 May 2023
Attend the seminar "New Research on Old Javanese Texts and Manuscript Culture" organised by the DHARMA project !

Thursday 25 May, from 9.30 am to 5 pm in the Grand Salon of the Maison de l'Asie and online on the Zoom platform

Learn more
Study day ''Pratique de l'estampage en Chine: matérialité, transmission, réception''
Paris, France, 29 March 2023

Wednesday, March 29, Michela Bussotti (EFEO/UMR CCJ) and Lia Wei (INALCO/IFRAE) are organizing a study day on "Pratique de l'estampage en Chine: matérialité, transmission, réception" [Stamping practice in China: materiality, transmission, reception] at the Pôle des langues et civilisations, 65 rue des Grands Moulins, 75013 Paris, on the occasion of the exhibition Pratique de l'estampage en Chine: images et objets inscrits [Stamping practice in China: images and inscribed objects], which is being held from March 6 to 30 at the Inalco.


Conference ''Le jardin, art et technologie''
Paris, France, 29 September 2022
Attend the 3rd edition of "L'art des jardins dans les civilisations de l'Europe et de l'Asie orientale" on the theme "Le jardin, art et technologie" organized by Nicolas Fiévé, Director of the EFEO and Professor at the EPHE (CRCAO), and Sabine Frommel, Professor at the EPHE (HISTARA). READ MORE
Presentation of Mémoires de Chine
Paris, France,

Alain Arrault will give a presentation of "Mémoires de Chine - La collection Louis Finot". He will present archival photographs from the Louis Finot collection taken in the early 20th century during expeditions to the Chinese province of Yunnan, which borders Vietnam.

On September 24 at 6 pm, at the Phénix bookshop in Paris

On registration