Archives HAS Lectures Series

7 June 2013

As part of the lecture series Histoire, Archéologie, Société, 2012-2013,Robert Descimon, professor at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales is giving a lecture on :

La vénalité des charges publiques en France durant l'Ancien Régime (16e-18e siècle) : crédit public et/ou corruption ?

on June 7 at 2 p.m. at Beijing University, History Department, Jing Yuan Cour no. 2, salle de réunion 108 (北京大学历史系,静园二院108会议室).

Contact :

Luca Gabbiani (EFEO)
Tél. : 64 00 69 99 (bureau).
E-mail :

25 April 2013

As part of the lecture series Histoire, Archéologie, Société, 2012-2013, Simona Cerutti, Professor at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales is giving a lecture on 

Qu'est-ce qu'un étranger dans l'Europe de l'époque moderne?
Réflexions autour des catégories juridiques et des pratiques sociales

On April 25 at 9.30 a.m., at Institute of World History of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Institut d'histoire du monde, No. 1 Dongchang hutong, Wangfujing, Dongcheng District, Beijing (北京市东城区王府井大街东厂胡同一号,中国社会科学院世界历史研究所). Conference room, 9th floor (九楼会议室).

27 March 2013

As part of the lecture series Histoire, Archéologie, Société, 2012-2013, Mr. A. Feng, researcher at the History Institute of the Chinese Social Sciences Academy, is giving a lecture on 

Pièces à conviction, preuves et procédure judiciaire civile sous la dynastie des Ming

[Conviction, proof, and civil law procedures under the Ming dynasty]." On March 27, at the University for Law and Social Sciences.

20 December 2012

On 20 December, as part of the Franco-Chinese lecture series Histoire, archéologie et société [History, Archaeology and Society] organized by the EFEO's Beijing Center, . Jérôme Bourgon, Research Fellow at the Centre national de la recherche scientifique, Institut d’Asie orientale, Lyon, talks on

Principe de légalité et règle de droit dans la tradition juridique chinoise

Monday, 20 December at 9 a.m. at the Institute of History of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, meeting room 1246 (中国社会科学院历史研究所,1246会议室) Jianguomen da jie, no 5 (建国门内大街5号).

4 December 2012

On December 4, Ms Wu Yanhong, professor in the History Department of Zhejiang University (Hangzhou), is giving a lecture at the Legal Studies Institute of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences as part of the series History, Archaeology and Society 2012-2013. Her presentation is entitled

Juridical knowledge and local justice in the Ming dynasty (1368-1644): a reevaluation

27 November 2012

On 27 November, as part of the Franco-Chinese lecture series Histoire, archéologie et société [History, Archaeology and Society] organized by the EFEO's Beijing Center, Wu Yanhong (professor at the Department of History, University of Zhejiang, Hangzhou), talks on

Savoir juridique et justice locale sous la dynastie des Ming (1368-1644) : une réévaluation

at the Academy of Social Sciences, Institute of Law.

26 September 2012

On 26 September, as part of the Franco-Chinese lecture series Histoire, archéologie et société [History, Archaeology and Society] organized by the EFEO's Beijing Center, M. Xie Yang, researcher at the Institute of history of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,, talks on:

La mort de Li Mo 李默 (?-1556). Les « lois de jugement par analogie » et la situation politique à la fin du règne Jiajing des Ming (r. 1522-1567)

Wednesday 26 September 2012 at 2 p.m. at Beijing University, Hiostory Department, Jing Yuan Cour no.2, meeting room 108 (北京大学历史系,静园二院108会议室).

26 June 2012

On 26 June, as part of the Franco-Chinese lecture series Histoire, archéologie et société [History, Archaeology and Society] organized by the EFEO's Beijing Center, Mrs Lee Dian-Jung, Lecturer at the Chinese University of Law and Political Science, talks on:

La procédure d'appel à la capitale sous la dynastie des Qing. Approche documentaire

Twesday 26 June 2012 at 10 a.m. at Academy od Social Sciences, Institute of Law, Library, Conference romme, 3rd floor. (中国社会科学院法学研究所,图书馆,三层,会议室)


5 June 2012

As part of the Franco-Chinese lecture series Histoire, archéologie et société [History, Archaeology and Society] organized by the EFEO's Beijing Center, M. Pierre-Etienne Will, Professor at the Collège de France, talks on:

Règlement des conflits et éducation du peuple : quelques exemples tirés de recueils de jugement au 19e siècle

Twesday 5 June at 9.30 a.m. at the Chnese Academy od Social Sciences, Institute of Modern History, No. 1 Dongchang Hutong, Wangfujing, 2nd floor, conference room (北京王府井大街东厂胡同一号,中国社会科学院近代史研究所,二层,报告厅)

17 April 2012

On 17 April, as part of the Franco-Chinese lecture series Histoire, archéologie et société [History, Archaeology and Society] organized by the EFEO's Beijing Center, Mrs Zhang Xiaoye, Professor at the Chinese University of Law and Political Science, talks on:

La contribution de l'anthropologie historique à la compréhension du droit traditionnel chinois sous les dynasties Ming et Qing

Twesday 17 April 2012 at 15.30 p.m. at the singhua University (清华大学法学院,明理楼318会议室)

21 March 2012

On 21 March, as part of the Franco-Chinese lecture series Histoire, archéologie et société [History, Archaeology and Society] organized by the EFEO's Beijing Center, M. Sun Jiahong, research fellow at the Right Institute of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, talks on:

La notion d'"harmonie entre le Ciel et l'homme" dans la pratique judiciaire sous les Ming et les Qing et sa disparition à la fin de l'ère impériale

Wednesday 21 March 2012 at 14.30 p.m. at the Chinese Academy of social sciences, Xueyuan Lu Campus,Haidian Qu, 25 Xi Tucheng Lu, (中国政法大学学院路校区,海淀区西土城路25号)Library's Conference room (图书馆会议室).

16 December 2011

On 16 December, as part of the Franco-Chinese lecture series Histoire, archéologie et société [History, Archaeology and Society] organized by the EFEO's Beijing Center, Mrs Yang Zhishui, research fellow at the Literature Institute of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, talks on:

Images des arts du lettré : à la croisée du raffiné et de l'ordinaire

friday 16 December 2011 at 2 p.m. at the Chinese Academy of social sciences, room 510 (北京市海淀区中关村东路55号中国科学院自然科学史研究所510会议室).

29 November 2011

On 29 November, as part of the Franco-Chinese lecture series Histoire, archéologie et société [History, Archaeology and Society] organized by the EFEO's Beijing Center, Mr Lü Pengzhi, visiting scholar at the École française d'Extrême-Orient and at the Sichuan university talks on:

Nouvelle recherche sur l'histoire du rituel taoïste. Origine et développement du rite jiao

monday 29 novembre 2011 at 10 a.m. at the Chinese Academy of social sciences, room 843 (中国社会科学院,世界宗教研究所,843室)Jianguomennei, no 5建国门内大街5号.

27 October 2011

On 27 October, as part of the Franco-Chinese lecture series Histoire, archéologie et société [History, Archaeology and Society] organized by the EFEO's Beijing Center, Mr Luo Wenhua, research fellow at the Palace Museum, talks on:

Les conceptions de l'au-delà au Tibet. De l'infinie transmigration des âmes au paradis réservé de la Terre Pure

Thursday 27 October 2011 at 4.30p.m. at the Renmin University Build. 2, room 2117 (中国人民大学,教二楼,2117教室).

15 September 2011

On 15 September, as part of the Franco-Chinese lecture series Histoire, archéologie et société [History, Archaeology and Society] organized by the EFEO's Beijing Center, Mr Dominique Barthélémy, directeur d'études à l'École Pratique des Hautes Études :

Les moines de l'an mille et leur environnement social

Thursday 15 September 2011 at 3 p.m. at the Beijing University, History Department, room 108 (北京大学历史系,108会议室).

20 May 2011

On March 1st, as part of the Franco-Chinese lecture series Histoire, archéologie et société [History, Archaeology and Society] organized by the EFEO's Beijing Center, Mr Jean-Michel Mouton, Professor at the École pratique des Hautes Études on :

L'évolution des pratiques funéraires des princes de Damas (Syrie) au Moyen Âge

Friday 20 May 2011 at 2.30 p.m. at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Institute of Archaeology, 27 Wangfujing, 8th floor, conference room (北京王府井大街27号,中国社会科学院考古所,八楼,多功能厅).

13 and 14 April 2011

On March 1st, as part of the Franco-Chinese lecture series Histoire, archéologie et société [History, Archaeology and Society] organized by the EFEO's Beijing Center, Mr Alain Testart, Professor at the CNRS, talks about archaeology. The first lecture is about

Suivre le maître dans la tombe ou l'origine de l'Etat

on wednesday 13 April 2011 at 2.30 p.m. at the Normal University of Beijing, room 700A (北京市新街口外大街19号,北京师范大学,新主楼B座700A 励耘学术报告厅).

The second lecture is about

La préhistoire des autres : du déni au défi

on twesday 14 April at 6.30 p.m. at the French Cultural Centre. More informations on the website

1st March 2011

On March 1st, as part of the Franco-Chinese lecture series Histoire, archéologie et société [History, Archaeology and Society] organized by the EFEO's Beijing Center, M. Zhang Zong, research fellow at the Wordl religions' Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, talks on the topic:

Réincarnations dans l'au-delà :

interprétation des peintures de Dunhuang et des sculptures du Sichuan

Venue: Beijing University, History Department, Meeting romme 108

Contact : Rong Xinjiang (Centre de recherche sur la Chine ancienne)
Tél. : 62 75 24 76 (bureau). E-mail :
Marianne Bujard (EFEO), Alain Thote (EFEO)
Tel. : 64 00 69 99 (office). E-mail :


1997 - 1998 - 1999 - 2000 - 2001 - 2002 - 2003 - 2004 - 2005 - 2006 - 2007 - 2008 - 2009 - 2010

Lecture on urban settings in late imperial China.
Italy, Venice, 02 February 2012
Lecture by Luca Gabbiani on real estate in urban settings and on "living in the city" in late imperial China. READ MORE
HAS Lectures Series
PRC, Beijing, 16 December 2011
Lecture by Mrs Yang Zhishui on: "Images des arts du lettré : à la croisée du raffiné et de l'ordinaire"

HAS Lectures Series
PRC, Beijing, 29 November 2011
Lecture by Lü Pengzhi on: "Nouvelle recherche sur l'histoire du rituel taoïste. Origine et développement du rite jiao" READ MORE
International colloquium on the 1911 Revolution
PRC, Beijing, 25 November 2011
Luca Gabbiani is taking part in the international colloquium on The 1911 Revolution and the evolution of society at the end of the Qing dynastyREAD MORE
HAS Lectures Series
PRC, Beijing, 27 October 2011
Lecture by Luo Wenhua on: "Les conceptions de l'au-delà au Tibet. De l'infinie transmigration des âmes au paradis réservé de la Terre Pure" READ MORE
HAS Lectures Series
PRC, Beijing, 20 May 2011
Lecture by M. Jean-Michel Mouton on: "L'évolution des pratiques funéraires des princes de Damas (Syrie) au Moyen Âge" READ MORE
Two lectures on archaeology
PRC, Beijing, 13 April 2011
M. Alain Testart, Professor at the CNRS, gives two lectures about the archaeology in Beijing. READ MORE
HAS Lectures Series
PRC, Beijing, 01 March 2011
Lecture by M. Zhang Zong on: "Réincarnations dans l'au-delà : interprétation des peintures de Dunhuang et des sculptures du Sichuan" READ MORE
HAS Lecture Series
Beijing, 17 December 2010
Lecture by M. Liu Xiaomeng on the topic "Pékin, capitale multi-ethnique." READ MORE
Lecture on Chinese Bronze Age
Beijing, 23 November 2010
On November 23, Alain Thote, Professor at the Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes and currently a Visiting Scholar in the EFEO Beijing Center, presents a lecture at the French Cultural Center in Beijing on "Artistes et artisans en Chine à la fin de l'âge du Bronze (9e - 3e s. av. J.-C.) [Chinese artists and craftsmen at the end of the Bronze Age (9th to 3rd centuries B.C.E.]."