Classical Tamil Seminar

India, Pondicherry, 1st - 5th March 2021

From 1-5 March 2021 the team of the Tamil Cankam project at the EFEO centre in Pondicherry will conduct a miniature Classical Tamil Winter Seminar in order to read the Kalittokai, one of the Cankam anthologies that have been critically re-edited recently. The text represents the apex of the earlier type of sophisticated poetry, and matters are further complicated by the highly influential medieval commentary by Naccinārkkiṉiyar.

Outside participation will be welcome, but since the whole meeting will have to take place online, due to the continuing pandemic, the number of places will be restricted to twenty-five participants.

For participation and registration please contact Eva Wilden.


The 22nd Classical Tamil Winter Seminar (CTWS)
Pondicherry, India, 15 January 2024

We are happy to announce the upcoming 22nd Classical Tamil Winter Seminar (CTWS), scheduled for two weeks, from 12th to 23rd February 2024. The event will be hosted at the Pondicherry Centre of the École française d'Extrême-Orient (EFEO).

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Mini Classical Tamil Winter Seminar (CTWS)
Pondicherry, India, 19 January 2021
From 1-5 March 2021 the team of the Tamil Cankam project at the EFEO centre in Pondicherry will conduct a miniature Classical Tamil Winter Seminar in order to read the Kalittokai, one of the Cankam anthologies that have been critically re-edited recently. The text represents the apex of the earlier type of sophisticated poetry, and matters are further complicated by the highly influential medieval commentary by Naccinārkkiṉiyar.
The whole meeting will take place online, the number of places will be restricted to 25 participants. For participation and registration please contact Eva WildenREAD MORE
EFEO publications

In order to highlight the EFEO publications, a new website dedicated to them is online.
You can now consult the catalog of all the books published since the creation of the EFEO and buy directly those that interest you HERE.
EFEO on Instagram

Follow the virtual photo library of the EFEO on Instagram account: ecolefrancaisedextremeorient
14th Classical Tamil Summer Seminar (CTSS)
Pondicherry, India, 23 February 2016
The 14th CTSS will take place this summer from 1st to 26th August 2016  READ MORE