EFEO headlines
Debate on the book by Alain Arrault,
Debate on the book by Alain Arrault,

As part of the "Cycle de débats du Centre d'études de la Chine moderne et contemporaine (EHESS)," Alain Arrault's book A History of Cultic Images In China. The Domestic Statuary of Hunan (EFEO-CUHK, 2020) will be discussed, under the moderation of Marie-Paule Hille (CECMC-UMR CCJ, Ehess), by Pierre-Antoine Fabre (Ehess), Florence Galmiche (Université Paris Cité - LCAO, UMR CCJ), and John Lagerwey (Ricci Institute of Paris) on Thursday, June 30, from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., at the Condorcet Campus (Forum of the Espace associatif et culturel, ground floor).

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