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Research Seminar
Research Seminar

As part of the research program "Essais 'au fil du pinceau' (zuihitsu) à l’époque d’Edo (XVIIe-XIXe s.) : recueils de réflexions et d’observations sur le passé et le présent des savants japonais (pré-) modernes" [Miscellaneous ‘running brush’ Essays (zuihitsu) in the Edo period (17th-19th c.). ): collections of reflections and observations on the past and present of (pre-)modern Japanese scholars], Christophe Marquet gives a communication on "The notion of "essay of critical reflection through evidence" (kōshō zuihitsu 考証随筆) through the case of the painter-writer Santo Kyoden, alias Kitao Masanobu (1761-1816)".

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