
Responsable : Paola Calanca

École française d'Extrême-Orient
Institute of Chinese Studies
Université chinoise de Hongkong
Shatin, NT, Hong Kong
République populaire de Chine
Tél. +852 3943 1247
Fax +852 2603 5149 paola.calanca@efeo.net

F. Verellen with He Shouqiang 何守強, director of the Museum of Fangchenggang 防城港
F. Verellen with He Shouqiang 何守強, director of the Museum of Fangchenggang 防城港
Tanpeng Canal 潭蓬運河, Guangxi
20 MAI 18
Field and epigraphic investigation of the remains of the Channel of Heavenly Might 天威遙 (Tanpeng yunhe, Guangxi), excavated by Gao Pian 高駢 in 868 to open a route of communications, supplies, and trade between the Tang Protectorate of Annan (North Vietnam) and the Chinese mainland.

 field studies