IHP-EFEO Young Scholars Workshop in Archaeology
IHP-EFEO Young Scholars Workshop in Archaeology
Friday October 21, 2022 14:30-17:30
Room 703, Research Building, Institute of History and Philology (IHP), Academia Sinica
14:30-14:40 Opening remarks: Frank MUYARD 梅豪方(EFEO/NCU)
Session 1 - Exploring cultural and social landscapes through archaeological ceramics
Chair: Scarlett CHIU 邱斯嘉 (IHP)
14:40-15:20 From pottery to people: Insights into the beginning of the Lapita Cultural Complex in the Bismarck Archipelago from the perspective of the ceramic record
Nicholas Hogg (PhD, University of Otago / Taiwan Fellowship Scholar)
15:20-16:00 Regionalism and internationalism in Early Bronze Age Attica: Beyond pottery typology
Che-Hsien Evin TSAI 蔡哲嫻 (Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, National Taiwan University)
Session 2 - Reconstructing metallurgical production and material movements
Chair: Kuan-Wen WANG 王冠文 (IHP)
16:10-16:50 Technologies and ancient copper exchange networks in Southeast Asia:Case study of the Vilabouly Complex (Laos)
Mélissa CADET (Postdoctoral Researcher, IHP)
16:50-17:30 Medieval silver assaying: An experimental approach
Yi-Ting HSU 徐苡庭 (PhD Candidate, University of Cambridge)
All communications will be presented in English 本會議正式語言為英文。
On-line registration: September 26 - October 14, 2022 https://reurl.cc/ERQE3v
Friday October 21, 2022 14:30-17:30
Room 703, Research Building, Institute of History and Philology (IHP), Academia Sinica
14:30-14:40 Opening remarks: Frank MUYARD 梅豪方(EFEO/NCU)
Session 1 - Exploring cultural and social landscapes through archaeological ceramics
Chair: Scarlett CHIU 邱斯嘉 (IHP)
14:40-15:20 From pottery to people: Insights into the beginning of the Lapita Cultural Complex in the Bismarck Archipelago from the perspective of the ceramic record
Nicholas Hogg (PhD, University of Otago / Taiwan Fellowship Scholar)
15:20-16:00 Regionalism and internationalism in Early Bronze Age Attica: Beyond pottery typology
Che-Hsien Evin TSAI 蔡哲嫻 (Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, National Taiwan University)
Session 2 - Reconstructing metallurgical production and material movements
Chair: Kuan-Wen WANG 王冠文 (IHP)
16:10-16:50 Technologies and ancient copper exchange networks in Southeast Asia:Case study of the Vilabouly Complex (Laos)
Mélissa CADET (Postdoctoral Researcher, IHP)
16:50-17:30 Medieval silver assaying: An experimental approach
Yi-Ting HSU 徐苡庭 (PhD Candidate, University of Cambridge)
All communications will be presented in English 本會議正式語言為英文。
On-line registration: September 26 - October 14, 2022 https://reurl.cc/ERQE3v