IHP-EFEO 2022 Young Scholars Workshop
IHP-EFEO 2022 Young Scholars Workshop
Organized by the Center for Cultural and Intellectual History, Institute of History and
Philology, Academia Sinica & EFEO Taipei Center
Date: Wednesday January 12, 2022 13:30 – 17:30
Venue: Room 703, Research Building, Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica
Chairs: CHEN Hsi-yuan (IHP, Academia Sinica) & Frank MUYARD (EFEO)
13:30-15:00 Session 1 - Religious Studies
Discussant: Paul R. KATZ (Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica)
Stefan KUKOWKA (PhD candidate, INALCO/NCCU, EFEO Fieldwork Fellowship): Between Local Embeddedness and Global Ambitions: The Network and Organisational Structure of Pure Land
Societies in Taiwan
CHIANG Fu-Chen (Postdoctoral Researcher, Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica): Buddhist and Daoist Interactions in West Sichuan in the Qing Dynasty from the Perspective of the 'Guangcheng
Yizhi' Tradition and Related Ritual Documents
15:00-15:15 Tea Break
15:15-17:30 Session 2 - Archaeological Studies
Discussant: LEE Hsiu-ping (IHP, Academia Sinica)
WANG Shih-han (PhD candidate, Columbia University, Doctoral Fellow, IHP): Capital or Border Town: The Ethnic Border of Bronze Age Lower Yangtze and the Formation of the Yancheng Site
(ca. 800-400 BCE)
CHEN Pei-yu (Assistant Research Fellow, IHP, Academia Sinica): Utilization of Subsistence Resources and the Development of Small-Scale Societies: Comparative Perspectives on the Early Andean Cases
WANG Li-ying (Postdoctoral Researcher, IHP, Academia Sinica): Social Changes and Cultural Resilience of Protohistoric Indigenous Society in Northeastern Taiwan
in Colonial Settings
Organized by the Center for Cultural and Intellectual History, Institute of History and
Philology, Academia Sinica & EFEO Taipei Center
Date: Wednesday January 12, 2022 13:30 – 17:30
Venue: Room 703, Research Building, Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica
Chairs: CHEN Hsi-yuan (IHP, Academia Sinica) & Frank MUYARD (EFEO)
13:30-15:00 Session 1 - Religious Studies
Discussant: Paul R. KATZ (Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica)
Stefan KUKOWKA (PhD candidate, INALCO/NCCU, EFEO Fieldwork Fellowship): Between Local Embeddedness and Global Ambitions: The Network and Organisational Structure of Pure Land
Societies in Taiwan
CHIANG Fu-Chen (Postdoctoral Researcher, Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica): Buddhist and Daoist Interactions in West Sichuan in the Qing Dynasty from the Perspective of the 'Guangcheng
Yizhi' Tradition and Related Ritual Documents
15:00-15:15 Tea Break
15:15-17:30 Session 2 - Archaeological Studies
Discussant: LEE Hsiu-ping (IHP, Academia Sinica)
WANG Shih-han (PhD candidate, Columbia University, Doctoral Fellow, IHP): Capital or Border Town: The Ethnic Border of Bronze Age Lower Yangtze and the Formation of the Yancheng Site
(ca. 800-400 BCE)
CHEN Pei-yu (Assistant Research Fellow, IHP, Academia Sinica): Utilization of Subsistence Resources and the Development of Small-Scale Societies: Comparative Perspectives on the Early Andean Cases
WANG Li-ying (Postdoctoral Researcher, IHP, Academia Sinica): Social Changes and Cultural Resilience of Protohistoric Indigenous Society in Northeastern Taiwan
in Colonial Settings