Atelier : Hazards and Fortunes at Seas
Atelier : Hazards and Fortunes at Seas: Maritime Routes and Landscapes in the Mediterranean and the Taiwan Strait
Date : Novembre 22, 2017
Lieu : Salle 703, Bâtiment de recherche, IHP, Academia Sinica, Taipei
1:00 pm-2:20 pm:
What is a Maritime Route? The Case of the Ancient Mediterranean and Surrounding Oceans
By Prof. Pascal Arnaud (Professor, University of Lyon 2)
2:20 pm-3:40 pm
The Maritime Landscapes of the Mediterranean:Approaches and Sources
By Prof. Timmy Gambin (Associate Professor, University of Malta)
4:00 pm-5:30 pm
Table Roude Table
Pascal Arnaud, Timmy Gambin, Liu Shiuh-feng (RCHESS),
Liu Yi-chang (IHP), Paola Calanca (EFEO), Chen Kuo-tung (IHP)
Organisateurs :
- EFEO Taipei Center
- IHP, Academia Sinica
Date : Novembre 22, 2017
Lieu : Salle 703, Bâtiment de recherche, IHP, Academia Sinica, Taipei
1:00 pm-2:20 pm:
What is a Maritime Route? The Case of the Ancient Mediterranean and Surrounding Oceans
By Prof. Pascal Arnaud (Professor, University of Lyon 2)
2:20 pm-3:40 pm
The Maritime Landscapes of the Mediterranean:Approaches and Sources
By Prof. Timmy Gambin (Associate Professor, University of Malta)
4:00 pm-5:30 pm
Table Roude Table
Pascal Arnaud, Timmy Gambin, Liu Shiuh-feng (RCHESS),
Liu Yi-chang (IHP), Paola Calanca (EFEO), Chen Kuo-tung (IHP)
Organisateurs :
- EFEO Taipei Center
- IHP, Academia Sinica