
Responsable : Elisabeth Chabanol

#201, Asiatic Research Institute
Korea University, 145 Anam-ro
Seongbuk-gu, Séoul 02841, République de Corée

Tél : +82 2 921 4526
Fax : +82 2 953 2386

Recens et integra orbis descriptio (51 x 57 cm), Oronce Fine, 1536. Reproduced with permission from BNF, Cartes et Plans, Rés. Ge DD 2987 (63)
Recens et integra orbis descriptio (51 x 57 cm), Oronce Fine, 1536. Reproduced with permission from BNF, Cartes et Plans, Rés. Ge DD 2987 (63)
XXXVe Seoul Colloquium in Korean Studies, Jérémie Eysette
25 MARS 21
Le XXXVe Seoul Colloquium in Korea Studies est organisé par le Centre de l'EFEO à Séoul, en collaboration avec la Royal Asiatic Society. Il est animé par Jérémie Eyssette, assistant à la Chosun University, Kwangju, sur le thème : "Instrumentalizing Cartographic Voids and Visions in Neo-Confucian Chosŏn and Renaissance France (15th-16thcenturies)". S'inscrire auprès du Centre EFEO. Afin de suivre les mesures sanitaires, le séminaire a lieu en ligne, sur la plateforme Zoom.
Instrumentalizing Cartographic Voids and Visions in Neo-Confucian Chosŏn and Renaissance France (15th-16th centuries)  
The aim of this presentation is to examine Chosŏn and Renaissance maps through the prisms of landscape painting and perspective. To establish the validity of a cartographic comparison between Neo-Confucian Chosŏn and Renaissance France, this presentation will first explore the epistemological and technical substrates that differentiate but also interconnect the 1485 Ryūkoku Kangnido (混一疆理歷代國都之圖) –in which the lost 1400 P’altodo (八道圖) is admittedly subsumed– and Oronce Fine’s Recens et integra orbis descriptio (1536) and Nova totius Galliae descriptio (1538). In the light of sensitive political contexts, it will then be argued that cartographers were compelled to divulge, dissimulate, distort or simply omit different sets of data. Ultimately, this contribution contends that the Kangnido cartographer and Oronce Fine resorted to their respective painting techniques and concepts to structure their work in binary categories of disclosed and concealed elements –science and ignorance, spiritual and administrative imperatives, past and present policies, status quo and revisionist concepts. In doing so, they turned landscape painting and perspective into a new art –the instrumentalization of cartography in the name of Neo-Confucian Chosŏn and Renaissance France.
Jérémie Eyssette is assistant professor at Chosun University. His research focuses on the instrumentalization of culture through maps, languages, technologies and Official Development Assistance (ODA).

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 séoul colloquium in korean studies
 séoul colloquium in korean studies
 séoul colloquium in korean studies
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