
Responsable : Elisabeth Chabanol

#201, Asiatic Research Institute
Korea University, 145 Anam-ro
Seongbuk-gu, Séoul 02841, République de Corée

Tél : +82 2 921 4526
Fax : +82 2 953 2386

XXIXe Seoul Colloquium in Korean Studies_Brian MYERS
Le XXIXe Seoul Colloquium in Korean Studies, organisé par le Centre de l’EFEO à Séoul, en collaboration avec la Royal Asiatic Society et l’Asiatic Research Institute de la Korea University, a lieu au Centre de l'EFEO le 17 juillet. Il est animé par Brian R. Myers, professeur and directeur du Département d’études internationals à la Dongseo University de Pusan, sur le thème For a New Approach to Modern Korean HistoryAlthough the East Bloc archives declassified in the 1990's gave the lie to key “revisionist” assertions about post-colonial Korea, they did little to weaken that school’s grip on Korean Studies in the West. Instead of coming to terms with the new evidence, scholars shifted their attention to areas where it could more easily be ignored. In the South, in contrast, a correction set in even before the archival revelations, thereby justifying the title of a retrospective book entitled The revisionism that bowed its head (Jeon Sangin, 2001). But for years now the orthodoxies of the 1980s have been back in the ascendant in South Korea, aided this time by libel and memory laws. The peacetime histories of the two Koreas continue to be regarded in careful isolation from each other, with exceptions made only for undeniable intersections like military clashes and summits. North and South Korean Studies are especially far apart in the West, where the former has been laicized through an endless influx of Pyongyang watchers without Korean skills. In my presentation, as in the book I am now writing, I make the case for a taboo-free and pan-Korean approach to the political history of the modern peninsula. If we cannot unify North and South Korean studies, let us at least confederate them. Recognition of the political interwovenness of the two Koreas will in turn make for a different approach to developments today. I also discuss the challenges facing historians at a time when historical discussion plays a particularly divisive role in Korean public life. 
Brian R. Myers is a professor and director of the department of international studies at Dongseo University in Busan. He received his Magister in Slavic Studies at the Ruhr University and his Ph.D. in Korean Studies at the University of Tübingen. He is the author of Han Sorya and North Korean Literature (1994), The Cleanest Race (2010) and North Korea’s Juche Myth (2015).

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 séoul colloquium in korean studies
 séoul colloquium in korean studies
 séoul colloquium in korean studies
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