
Head: Dominic Goodall

École française d'Extrême-Orient
16-19 rue Dumas
605 001 Pondicherry, India

Tel: +91 413 233 45 39
Fax: +91 413 233 08 86 goodalldominic@gmail.com

Kunthea Chhom and Dominic Goodall studying an inscription
Kunthea Chhom and Dominic Goodall studying an inscription
Studying inscriptions in Cambodia
30 JUNE 17
After teaching two weeks in June at the Royal University of Fine Arts in Phnom Penh as part of the Manusastra Project (Course: Analysis of Ancient Historical Sources - Master 1),  ...
Maintenance of 19, Dumas Street: the annex
15 JUNE 17
View of the courtyard through a new window in the archives room
Maintenance of 19, Dumas Street: the annex
13 JUNE 17
The old outside staircase has been reused in the rear courtyard, which is now doubled in size.
S. Gowri Sankaran, R. Sathyanarayanan, Thirukumaran
S. Gowri Sankaran, R. Sathyanarayanan, Thirukumaran
Murugappa Foundation Scholarships
12 JUNE 17
The French Institute of Pondicherry (IFP) and the Pondicherry Centre of the École française d’Extrême-Orient (EFEO) have been engaged in studies of the  ...
Maintenance of 19, Dumas Street: the annex
08 JUNE 17
Painting the archives room
Maintenance of 19, Dumas Street: the annex
06 JUNE 17
Work underway in the rear courtyard.
Maintenance of 19, Dumas Street: the annex
06 JUNE 17
The doors and windows are being prepared.
Detail of a leaf of a manuscript that transmits a commentary on the Kirātārjunīya
Detail of a leaf of a manuscript that transmits a commentary on the Kirātārjunīya
Doctoral Viva of Andrey Klebanov
02 JUNE 17
Andrey Klebanov defended his thesis summa cum laude at the University of Hamburg on June 2, 2017. He was able to benefit from several stays at the Pondicherry Centre over the course  ...
R. Ramya joins the Centre
01 JUNE 17
R. Ramya joined the Pondicherry Centre of the EFEO on 1st June 2017 to produce electronic texts of Sanskrit works on Yoga within the framework of an agreement signed between the  ...

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