Responsable: Brice Vincent

EFEO Angkor
Brice Vincent
Associate Professor at the French School of Asian Studies

Phum Boeng Daun Pa, Slorkram, Siem Reap
PO BOX 93300, Siem Reap, Cambodia
Mobile : (+855) 99 937 507

Atelier : Greater Mekong Basin
Du 12 au 14 janvier 2011, le Centre de Siem Reap accueille un atelier organisé par Brendan M. Buckley (Columbia University, USA) autour du projet Greater Mekong Basin.

Après une journée consacrée à la découverte du site et des chantiers d'Angkor, se tiendront deux journées de conférences. Le programme présenté ci-dessous est toutefois susceptible d'être modifié.

January 13 (Day 1): Paleoclimatology and Archaeology (Chair: Brendan Buckley and Dan Penny)
0900-0930: Welcome and overview and provocation (Brendan Buckley, with Andrew Bell and Kevin Anchukaitis)
0930-0945: Drought Atlases: updates to MADA and the future for a Northern Hemisphere synthesis (Ed Cook)
0945-1030: Progress in paleoclimatology in the Greater Mekong (Kevin Anchukaitis + Ben Cook)
1030-1100: Coffee break
1100-1145: Paleoclimatology discussion (New and existing data, logistics, hotspots?)
1200-1330: Lunch
1345-1415: The archaeology of Angkor: knowledge and state-of-the-art (EFEO)
1415-1445: Paleoecology, archaeology, and geochronology of Greater Angkor (Dan Penny)
1445-1515: Paleolimnology of the Tonle Sap (Mary Beth Day)
1515-1545: Molecular paleoenvironmental proxies and southeast Asian lakes (Tim Shanahan)
1545-1700: Coffee with Archaeology and paleoecology discussion (Chair: Brendan Buckley and Dan Penny)

Evening Talk (2000h): The future of the Bidoup Nui Ba Natural Park (BDNP Staff)

January 14 (Day 2): Toward Coupling Human and Natural Systems (Chair: Andrew Bell and Kevin Anchukaitis)
0900-1000: Toward coupled human-natural systems applications and modeling in the Greater Mekong (Andrew Bell)
1030-1100: Coffee Break
1100-1200: What can we know about southeast Asian history? Strange Parallels and beyond (Victor Lieberman)
1200-1330: Lunch
1330-1400: Progress on historical data rescue (Brendan Buckley, summarizing Aroonrut Wichienkeeo and Hoa Pham)
1400-1430: The Mekong River Basin: past, present, and future (MRC representative)
1430-1515: Transboundary water conflict as a coupled human-natural systems problem (Tanya Heikkila)
1515-1700: Coffee with History, Modeling, and Applications discussion

Evening Talk (2000h): Discussion: Concrete deliverables for ontegrating physical and natural science in Greater Mekong (chair: Andrew Bell)

 workshop paleoclimatology