
Head: Dominic Goodall

École française d'Extrême-Orient
16-19 rue Dumas
605 001 Pondicherry, India

Tel: +91 413 233 45 39
Fax: +91 413 233 08 86 goodalldominic@gmail.com

Publication of the 1st volume of the Brahmayāmala
10 AUGUST 18
The Brahmayāmalatantra or Picumata. Volume I: Chapters 1–2, 39–40 & 83. Revelation, Ritual, and Material Culture in an Early Śaiva Tantra.Shaman Hatley,  ...
Pattrika 49
09 AUGUST 18
Pattrika 48, the latest issue of the newsletter of the French research institutes in India, can be consulted here.
Charlotte examines C7th inscriptions in Andhra Pradesh
Charlotte examines C7th inscriptions in Andhra Pradesh
Visit of Charlotte Schmid
06 AUGUST 18
Charlotte Schmid is visiting the Pondicherry Centre of the EFEO from 5th to 30th August to undertake missions in Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh for her work on the epigraphy and  ...
Visit of Jeremy Simmons
05 AUGUST 18
Jeremy Simmons, doctoral student at Columbia University, has been awarded an AIIS Junior Research Fellowship to spend 6 months from 5th August 2018 at the Pondicherry Centre of  ...

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