EFEO headlines

2012-02-13 France, Paris

EFEO Seminar

Lecture by François Joyaux on: "L’EFEO et la numismatique (1900-1956)"

2012-02-03 PRC, Hong Kong

The Fifth Annual General Meeting of the European Consortium for Asian Field Study (ECAF) and the Second International Conference organized by the FP7 program Integrating and Developing European Asian Studies (IDEAS), entitled National and Regional Identities: Appropriating the Past, are held back to back on February 4-5 at the Institute of Chinese Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, a founding associate member of the ECAF.


Arts Asiatiques

Arts Asiatiques 66 (2011), Paris, EFEO, 272 p. READ MORE

2012-01-30 France, Paris

EFEO Seminar

Claude Jacques (EPHE) talks on: « Quelques remarques sur le temples de Banteay Chmar » READ MORE

The network of EFEO centres across Asia