Daoism: Religion, History and Society 5 (2013)
Daoism: Religion, History and Society 5 (2013)
Lai (Chi Tim), Verellen (Franciscus)

Collection : Daoism: Religion, History and Society
Numéro de collections : 5
Langue : English and Chinese
Lieu d'édition : Hong Kong
Support : Paper
Editeur : The Chinese University of Hong Kong / EFEO
Prix (Euros) : 0
Etat : Check with publisher
Distributeur : Chinese University Press

Description :
Hong Kong : Zhong wen da xue chu ban she / Chinese University Press, 2013, 247 p., ill. n & b.

Table des Matières :
論文 Articles
- Gilles Boileau / The Sage Unbound: Ritual Metaphors in the Daode jing

- Vincent Goossaert / The Local Politics of Festivals in Hangzhou, 1850–1950

- 趙衛東 / 河南濟源全真道宗派傳承考

-  陶金 / 蘇州《大洞無上九極天仙傳戒科儀》初探— 一個清代北京與江南文人乩壇交互影響的案例

- 謝聰輝 / 正一經籙初探 — 以臺灣與福建南安所見為主

書評 Book Reviews
-  Maggie C. K. Wan  / Picturing the True Form: Daoist Visual Culture in Traditional China, by Shih-Shan Susan Huang

- Mark Meulenbeld / The Ming Prince and Daoism: Institutional Patronage of an Elite, by Richard G. Wang

- Joshua Capitanio  / Signs from the Unseen Realm: Buddhist Miracle Tales from Early Medieval China, by Robert Ford Campany

- Gil Raz / Empowered Writing: Exorcistic and Apotropaic Rituals in Medieval China, by Stephan Peter Bumbacher

- Ori Tavor / The Emergence  of Daoism: Creation of Tradition, by Gil Raz

- Mark Meulenbeld / The Religious  Question in Modern  China, by Vincent Goossaert and David Palmer

- 高振宏 / 吳真著,《為神性加注:唐宋葉法善崇拜的造成史》

- 謝世維 / The Heavenly  Court: Daoist Temple  Painting in China, 1200–1400, by Lennert Gesterkamp

- 酒井規史 / 李志鴻著,《道教天心正法研究》

- 蕭進銘 / 郭武著,《丘處機學案》

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