Cahiers d'Extrême-Asie 20 (2011)
Cahiers d'Extrême-Asie 20 (2011)
Buddhism, Daoism, and Chinese Religion
Teiser (Stephen F.), Verellen (Franciscus), eds.

Collection : Cahiers d'Extrême-Asie
Numéro de collections : 20
Langue : English and French
Support : Paper
Editeur : EFEO, Kyoto
Prix (Euros) : 40
Etat : Disponible
Distributeur : EFEO Diffusion

Description :
EFEO : Kyoto, 2013. 16 x 24 cm, 328 p.

ISBN 978-2-85539-172-4

ISSN 0766-1177

Table des Matières :
- Stephen F. Teiser & Franciscus Verellen, To Our Readers / À nos lecteurs

- Urs App, Alain Arrault, Catherine Despeux, Tiziana Lippello, In Memoriam : Monica Esposito (1962-2011)

- Stephen F. Teiser & Franciscus Verellen, Buddhism, Daoism, and Chinese Religion

Thought and Practice
- Funayama Tōru, Buddhist Theories of Bodhisattva Practice as Adopted by Daoists

- Lü Pengzhi, The Lingbao Fast of the Three Primes and the Daoist Middle Prime Festival: A Critical Study of the Taishang Dongxuan Lingbao Sanyuan Pinjie Jing
- Lai Chi Tim, The Daoist Identity of the Yellow Register Retreat in the Southern Song: A Case Study of Jin Yunzhong’s Great Rites of Lingbao
- Stephen R. Bokenkamp, The Early Lingbao Scriptures and the Origins of Daoist Monasticism

Spells and Talismans
- Eugene Wang, Ritual Practice Without a Practitioner? Early Eleventh Century Dhāraṇī Prints in the Ruiguangsi Pagoda
- Yu Xin, Personal Fate and the Planets: A Documentary and Iconographical Study of Astrological Divination at Dunhuang, Focusing on the “Dhāraṇī Talisman for Offerings to Ketu and Mercury, Planetary Deity of the North”
- Paul Copp, Manuscript Culture as Ritual Culture in Late Medieval Dunhuang: Buddhist Talisman-Seals and their Manuals

Local Religion and Popular Cults
- Vincent Goossaert, The Heavenly Master, Canonization, and the Daoist Construction of Local Religion in Late Imperial Jiangnan

Rapports de recherche / research reports
- Kuo Liying, Rencontres franco-chinoises sur les études de Dunhuang : actualité de la recherche et publications récentes

Comptes rendus / Book Reviews
- Jacqueline Stone, Hanano Jūdō, Tendai hongaku shisō to Nichiren kyōgaku
- Ochiai Toshinori, Miyai Rika & Motoi Makiko, Konzō-ron: Honbun to Kenkyū
- Dominic Steavu, Catherine Despeux, éd., Médecine, religion et société dans la Chine médiévale. Étude de manuscrits chinois de Dunhuang et de Turfan
- Luca Gabbiani, Shuk-Wah Poon, Negotiating Religion in Modern China: State and Common People in Guangzhou, 1900–1937
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