
Responsable: François Lachaud

École française d’Extrême-Orient
Tōyō bunko
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Publication : Cahiers d’Extrême-Asie 18
07 MARCH 11
We are pleased to announce the publication of the new issue of Cahiers d’Extrême-Asie, 18, special issue on Shugendō. Here is its Table of Contents:

Cahiers d’Extrême-Asie 18 (2009)

Shugendō : The History and Culture of a Japanese Religion / L’histoire et la dulture d'une religion japonaise.
En hommage à Carmen Blacker / In homage to Carmen Blacker

Responsable de rédaction / Guest editor
Bernard Faure, Max D. Moerman, Gaynor Sekimori

En hommage à Carmen Blacker — In Homage to Carmen Blacker

Sommaire / Contents

    Gaynor Sekimori    To Our Readers

1    Gaynor Sekimori    Introduction
    & Max D. Moerman   
17    Anne Bouchy     Transformation, Rupture and Continuity:
        Issues and Options in Contemporary Shugendō
47    Gaynor Sekimori    Defining Shugendō Past and Present:
        The "Restoration" of Shugendō at Nikkō and Koshikidake
73    Miyake Hitoshi    Japanese Mountain Religion:
        Shrines, Temples and the Development of Shugendō 
89    Satō Hiroo    Changes in the Concept of Mountain in Japan
103    Sekiguchi Makiko    The Sanbōin Monzeki and its Inception
        as Head Temple of the Tōzan Group
123    Fabio Rambelli    "Dog-men," Craftspeople or Living Buddas?
        The Status of Yamabushi in Pre-modern Japanese Society
141    Suzuki Shōei    The Development of Suijaku Stories about Zaō Gongen
169    Ōuchi Fumi    The Lotus Repentance Liturgy of Shugendō:
        Identification from Vocal Arts
195    Suzuki Masataka    Kumano Beliefs and Yudate Kagura Performance

223    Bibliographie / Bibliography

Rapports de recherche / Research Reports
251    Robert Duquenne    Enkū beyond the Boom:
    Off or On the tracks of Shugendō
    de l’alliance en ethnologie du Japon dans les années 2000

Comptes rendus / Book Reviews
261    Iyanaga Nobumi    Fujihara Sadao, Orientarisuto no yūutsu:
    Shokuminchi-shugi-jidai no Furansu tōyō gakusha
    to Ankōru iseki no kōkogaku
279    Robert Duquenne    D. Max Moerman, Localizing Paradise: Kumano Pilgrimage
     and the Religious Landscape of Premodern Japan   

Publications récentes / recent publications
291    Itō Kōsei    Publications récentes relatives aux études bouddhiques

Auteurs du présent volume / Contributors to this Volume


Here is the information as to how to purchase this volume:

Prix du numéro 40 €
Price of this issue 60 US$
Diffusion : Hors Japon/Distribution outside Japan
22, av. du Président Wilson
75116 Paris, France
Tél. : +33 1 53 70 18 37
Fax : +33 1 53 70 18 38/87 60
E-mail :
Price in Japan 6000 ¥
Distribution in Japan
Cahiers d’Extrême-Asie
4 Ushinomiya-chō, Yoshida, Sakyō-ku
Kyōto 606-8302, Japan
Tél. : +81 75 761 3946 / Fax : +81 75 761 3947
Hōyū shoten
8 Kaguraoka-chō, Yoshida, Sakyō-ku
Kyōto 606-8302, Japan
Tél. : +81 75 761 1285 / Fax : +81 75 761 8150

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