
Responsable: François Lachaud

École française d’Extrême-Orient
Tōyō bunko
Tōyō bunko
Honkomagome 2-28-21, Bunkyō-ku
Tōkyō 113-0021
Tel/fax +81 050-3704-8994

Tōyō bunko's new building
Tōyō bunko's new building
Move of the Centre office
On January 13th, 2011, Tokyo Centre office moved from the provisional building to the new building of Tōyō bunko.
In November 2008, the construction for the new building of Tōyō bunko began, and the Center office moved, with all the other offices of the institution, to the provisional building. The old building, which was there since several decades, became decrepit; the room for books, which were every year more numerous, was too small, and the building itself was not robust enough against big earthquakes. The construction work lasted two years, and the main building, of seven floors, was finished at the beginning of 2011. It has more room for books, and there are spaces for a museum and a coffee shop named “Marco Polo.”
The move into the new building was done on January 13th. Our office, on the seventh floor, has more room than in the provisional building.
The Library is closed from the December 25, 2010, until 1st May, 2011. The museum and the coffee shop will open after October of this year.

 move of the office