Responsable: Frank Muyard

École française d'Extrême-Orient
Institute of History and Philology
Academia Sinica, Nankang 11529
Tel: +886 2 2652 3177 / 2782 9555 #275
Fax: +886 2 2785 2035

演講:Florent Détroit
25 MAY 18
講者: Florent Détroit (法國國立自然史博物館副教授)

題目: The Evolutionary History of Homo Sapiens and his Contemporaries in
Island Southeast Asia : New Fossils, New Analyses, New Hypotheses

日期: 2018年5月25日(五),下午三時
地點: 中研院史語所703會議室

Callao Cave, Luzon Island, Philippines, is excavated regularly since 2007 in the frame of an international collaboration involving research institutions from the Philippines,
Australia and France, and directed by A.S. Mijares of the University ofthe Philippines. A human third metatarsal recovered from Callao Cave in 2007 and dated to c. 66,000 BP stands presently as the oldest direct fossil evidence of human presence in the Philippines (Mijares et al., 2010). Although this bone clearly belongs to the genus Homo, it presents a very small size and several unusual morphological characteristics
that distinguish it from H. sapiens (Détroit et al., 2013). Several other fossil hominin elements were recovered from the same cave during the 2011 and 2015 excavation seasons and are presently under analysis for publication. Due to the peculiar morphological characteristics and chronological age of this hominin fossil assemblage, we discuss here its affinities and potential relatedness with penecontemporaneous Southeast Asian hominins, including H. sapiens and H. floresiensis, a diminutive species of the genus Homo discovered in 2004 on Flores Island, which is; like Luzon Island, located in the Wallace area. We will also examine here the significance of these new discoveries in a larger geographical and evolutionary context that is rapidly changing those last few years, thanks to several important discoveries made in East Asia (China, Taiwan), mainland Southeast Asia (Laos) and island Southeast Asia
(Philippines, Indonesia).

主辦單位 :
- 法國遠東學院臺北中心
- 中研院史語所台灣與東南亞考古學研究室


