
Responsable: Frank Muyard

École française d'Extrême-Orient
Institute of History and Philology
Academia Sinica, Nankang 11529
Tel: +886 2 2652 3177 / 2782 9555 #275
Fax: +886 2 2785 2035

Seminar: Michela BUSSOTTI
09 MAY 18
Speaker: Michela BUSSOTTI (Associate, École Française d’Extrême-Orient)

Title: Francesco Carletti (1573-1636), Florentine Merchant and globetrotter: Ragionamenti and Italien Notes on the Guangyu kao 

Date: Wednesday, May 09 2018, 3 p.m.  
Venue : Conference room 703, Research building, IHP, Academia Sinica, Taipei

At a time when global history studies are the talk of town, we discover the story of the globetrotter and slave trader Francesco Carletti. He left Europe with his father in 1594. The voyage was supposed to be limited between the Old Continent, Africa and the western coast of the Americas, but it finally became a world tour. Carletti came home along in 1606, after prolonged stays in Japan, Macao and Goa. Not only did he travel around the globe, passing through from Spanish dominated countries to these under Portuguese control, he was also witness by the end of the journey of the attack to hisPortuguese ship by the Dutch, an event foreshadowing a new world order in the
His tale is told in the Ragionamenti (“Reflections” on a World Tour), first published posthumously in 1701. We will present this book that has the particularity of being one of the first printed books made inItaly in which people attempted to reproduce Chinese characters, largely due to Carletti’s personal interest in Chinese writing. We will also discuss the handwritten notes attributed to the latter. It is an awkward but interesting
attempt to put down in Italian information gathered from the Chinese book he had brought back – a copy of an edition of the Guangyu kao, a geography compendium similar to the Guangyu tu, probably made in Wuyuan, south of Huizhou prefecture, by the end of the 16th century.
Organiszers :
-Research Center for Cultural and Intellectual History
-EFEO Taipei Center

The talk will be given in Chinese.

With the support of National Palace Museum (NPM)
