Responsable: Frank Muyard

École française d'Extrême-Orient
Institute of History and Philology
Academia Sinica, Nankang 11529
Tel: +886 2 2652 3177 / 2782 9555 #275
Fax: +886 2 2785 2035

演講: Véronique DEGROOT
28 MARCH 18
主講人 : Véronique Degroot博士(法國遠東學院研究員及雅加達中心主任)
講題 : 見微知著:中爪哇北岸印度教-佛教遺址及文物考古調查 

日期 : 2018年3月28日(週三)14:00 
地點 : 故宮南院集賢廳
摘要 :
In Indonesia – as in many places in world, archaeologists tend to focus on the
largest sites, on what they call centers of civilization. These sites are undoubtedly
impressive and appealing to the scientist and the general public, as well as to local
authorities – who often want to showcase archaeological sites for tourists. But what history are we writing if we look only at royal centers and neglect peripheral areas? How do we even put a kingdom on a map? Small outlying sites actually matter. They give us another perspective and help us understand the cultural history of a country, not only that of its capital.

This talk presents a research in progress. It focuses on the preliminary results of the
first large-scale archaeological survey along the north coast of Central Java.
From beaches to mountain peaks, we will explore some of the earliest
Hindu-Buddhist sites of Central Java as well as remains of the Majapahit era
and examples of cultural blending between the Hindu and megalithic traditions.
We will also show how, by putting small discoveries on a map – a pedestal here,
a statue there – we can actually get a picture of the occupation of the territory
during the Hindu-Buddhist period and see cultural centers emerging and waning
in turn.    


