Responsable: Frank Muyard

École française d'Extrême-Orient
Institute of History and Philology
Academia Sinica, Nankang 11529
Tel: +886 2 2652 3177 / 2782 9555 #275
Fax: +886 2 2785 2035

演講:Alain THOTE
08 MARCH 18
主講人 : 杜德蘭(Alain THOTE)教授(法國高等實踐學院(EPHE, PSL), Paris)
講題: The Sanxingdui Civilization and its Heritage: Preliminary Investigations

日期: 2018 年 3 月 8 日(週四)15:00~17:30
In the summer of 1986 an outstanding discovery was made in Sichuan at Sanxingdui. Two sacrificial deposits buried around 1200 BC and containing startlingly original artefacts by hundreds came then to light. Earlier on archaeologists had been investigating the remnants of an earthen city wall of rather big size, but without expecting such a major discovery. Indeed over the past thirty years much work has been done in Sichuan to understand how the Sanxingdui civilization came into being and why it suddenly disappeared, but no precise answers to these questions have been given yet. However, a close look to some recent discoveries made in several sites, some of which far away from Sanxingdui, shows that this civilization had a long-lasting impact on material cultures that developed not only in Sichuan but in the peripheral regions of this province, and beyond.

