
Head: Dominic Goodall

École française d'Extrême-Orient
16-19 rue Dumas
605 001 Pondicherry, India

Tel: +91 413 233 45 39
Fax: +91 413 233 08 86 goodalldominic@gmail.com

New publication on the Mahābhārata
01 MARCH 23
Rajeswari, T., 2022, Pārata māvintam. Mūlamum uraiyum. Tokuti - 1 (āyvu
muṉṉuraiyuṭan mutal aintu carukkaṅkaḷ). Tokuti - 2 (āṟām, ēḻām  ...
Publication of the foundation inscripiton of the Eastern Mebon Temple
The East Mebon Stele Inscription from Angkor (K. 528). A Sanskrit Eulogy of the tenth-century Khmer Sovereign RājendravarmanDominic GoodallThe epigraphy of the ancient  ...
Edition by Ramhari Timalsina of the Sumatipañjikā
The history of Sanskrit grammar has largely been dominated by the work of Pāṇini and his followers, while the history and contributions of other Sanskrit grammatical schools  ...
Studies in Memory of Pandit N.R. Bhatt
This collection of essays honours the memory of the late Pandit N.R. Bhatt, who contributed to pioneering research into the history of Śaivism in the French institutions of  ...
Publication of the Tolkāppiyam with HIndi Translation by K. Nachimuthu
Publication by G. Vijayavenugopal of the inscriptions at the site of Piranmalai
29 JULY 22
The scenic hill known today as Piranmalai, which lies in Pandya country between Madurai and Pudukottai, is the site of a sizeable corpus of pre-modern inscriptions. Although the  ...
Publication of the 4th volume of the Vaiyākaraṇasiddhāntabhūṣaṇa
22 MAY 22
The Vaiyākaraṇasiddhāntabhūṣaṇa, also known as the Vaiyākaraṇabhūṣaṇa, is a commentary on the great 17th-century grammarian Bhaṭṭoji Dīkṣita's  ...
Publication of the Earliest Texts of Haṭha Yoga
This book introduces, edits, and translates the two earliest texts of the haṭhayoga tradition, the Amṛtasiddhi and the *Amṛtasiddhimūla (which survives only in  ...
A book-release function was held in Koonampatti Ātīnam
A book-release function was held in Koonampatti Ātīnam
Publication of part of the Vidyāpāda of the Kāmikāgama by R. Sathyanarayanan in collaboration with M.N. Kalyanasundara Sivachariyar
R. Sathyanarayanan, Śivaśrī M.N. Kalyanasundara Sivachariyar, Kāmikāgama
Jñānapāda (Part I), Vedagama Academy, Tiruccirappalli, 2022, 90 p.The book was  ...
Publication by Peter Bisschop of an old Vārāṇasīmāhātmya
12 AUGUST 21
The city of Vārāṇasī in North India is one of the most sacred Hindu places. Its unique location on the banks of the Gaṅgā adds to its special claims of holiness. These claims  ...
Publication of the 3rd volume of the Vaiyākaraṇasiddhāntabhūṣaṇa
09 AUGUST 21
The Vaiyākaraṇasiddhāntabhūṣaṇa, also known as the Vaiyākaraṇabhūṣaṇa, is a commentary on the great 17th-century grammarian Bhaṭṭoji Dīkṣita's  ...
Publication of the Matsyendrasaṃhitā in the new subseries of the Haṭha Yoga Project
28 JUNE 21
This volume presents the first critical edition, along with an English translation, of the core chapters of a Sanskrit work of perhaps the thirteenth century surviving in five  ...
Publication of a volume of articles on Multilingualism
09 APRIL 21
This volume brings together a broad range of scholarship on various aspects of multilingualism in South India and Sri Lanka, particularly with respect to written sources from  ...
Publication by T. Rajeswari of the Kuṟiñcippāṭṭu
The Peruṅkuṟiñci ("The Great Poem of Kuṟiñci"), better known under the title Kuṟiñcippāṭṭu, is traditionally counted among the "Ten  ...
Publication by Nirajan Kafle of the Niśvāsamukhatattvasaṃhitā
This volume presents the first edition, along with an English translation, of a Sanskrit work of perhaps the seventh century surviving in a single ninth-century Nepalese  ...
Publication by Deviprasad Mishra of the Śambhupuṣpāñjali
13 AUGUST 20
The Śambhupuṣpāñjali is a seventeenth-century manual in 824 Sanskrit verses, with some prose, that describes the worship of Śiva, not in a temple, but in a South  ...
Publication by Eva Wilden of 3 antātis of the Divyaprabandham
The early Antātis of the three Āḻvārs known as Poykaiyāḻvār, Pūtattāḻvār and Pēyāḻvār form the earliest layer in the Nālāyira Tivyappirapantam  ...
Publication of a volume of articles on South Indian commentarial literature
This volume presents several detailed studies of the commentary traditions of South India with a particular emphasis on Tamil, but extended to Sanskrit and Telugu as well. The  ...
A book-release function was held in Chennai
A book-release function was held in Chennai
Publication of a Sanskrit treatise on rudrākṣa beads (Elaeocarpus ganitrus) by R. Sathyanarayanan
Rudrākṣamāhātmyam of Śrīmat Paramaśivendrasarasvatī, critically edited with Tamil translation by R. Sathyanarayana Sarma. Trichy: Vedagama Academy, 2019.
Publication on Sanskrit Grammar
01 JULY 19
Publication of English translations of the Tamil poetry of Tirumaṅkai Āḻvār
14 MAY 19
This book is a study of the five shorter works of Tirumaṅkai Āḻvār, an eighth-century Tamil poet who had retired from a military career in South India to pursue his interest  ...
Publication about Temple Design in early Sanskrit Sources
15 MARCH 19
Temple Design in Six Early Śaiva Scriptures. Critical edition and translation of the prāsādalakṣaṇa-portions of the Bṛhatkālottara, Devyāmata, Kiraṇa,  ...
Publication of Keraḷiyatantrapāramparyaṃ, a book on Kerala tantra in Malaiyalam by S.A.S. Sarma
Keraḷiyatantrapāramparyaṃ, S.A.S. Sarma. Calicut: Indological Trust, 2018
Publication of Grammar of Old Tamil
A Grammar of Old Tamil for Students. Eva Wilden, Collection Indologie n˚ 137; NETamil Series n˚3, Ecole française d’Extrême-Orient  / Institut  ...
Publication of the 1st volume of the Brahmayāmala
10 AUGUST 18
The Brahmayāmalatantra or Picumata. Volume I: Chapters 1–2, 39–40 & 83. Revelation, Ritual, and Material Culture in an Early Śaiva Tantra.Shaman Hatley,  ...
Publication of a translation of the Perumāḷ Tirumoḻi of Kulacēkara Āḻvār
24 APRIL 18
This book is a complete annotated translation of a 9th-century Tamil bhakti poetic work known as the Perumāḷ Tirumoḻi, by Kulacēkara Āḻvār, as well as of its medieval  ...
Publication of the 3rd volume of the Sūkṣmāgama
23 APRIL 18
Sūkṣmāgama. Volume III. Chapters 54 to 85.Critical edition: S. Sambandhaśivācārya, B. Dagens, M.-L. Barazer-Billoret and T. Ganesan with the collaboration of J.-M.  ...
Publication of the Akanāṉūṟu in 3 volumes & launch of the “NETamil Series”, a series within the “Collection Indologie”
20 APRIL 18
A Critical Edition and an Annotated Translation of the Akanāṉūṟu (Part 1 - Kaḷiṟṟiyāṉainirai). அகனானூறு என்னும்  ...
Publication of the 1st volume of the Vivāhādikarmapañjikā
12 APRIL 18
The Karmapañjikā is a manual for the domestic rituals of the Paippalāda tradition. Claiming to follow a Sūtra of Paiṭhīnasi, the text was composed by an otherwise  ...
New publication in the “Early Tantra Series”
28 MARCH 16
Tantric Studies. Fruits of a Franco-German project on Early Tantra.Edited by Dominic Goodall and Harunaga Isaacson, Collection Indologie n°131; Early Tantra Series  ...
Early Tantra Series
With this mini-series, launched this year within the `Collection Indologie', we are releasing some of the fruits of a Franco-German project funded from 2008 to 2011 by the Agence  ...
T. Rajarethinam (EFEO/NETamil shcolar) published The Social Service and Management Principles of Perunthalaivar Kamaraj
16 JUNE 14
T. Rajarethinam (EFEO/NETamil shcolar) published a book entitled The Social Service and Management Principles of Perunthalaivar Kamaraj, International Institute of Tamil  ...
Publication of an article by S.A.S. Sarma
16 JUNE 14
SARMA, S.A.S., (2014), « The infant Krsna in the Guruvayur Temple with particular reference to the Narayaniya of Narayanabhatta », in The Archaeology of Bhakti I:  ...
Publication of an article by G. Vijayavenugopal
16 JUNE 14
VIJAYAVENUGOPAL, G., (2014), « From Ancient Poetics to Applied Poetics: continuance and change in Tamil Bhakti Poetry (With special reference ot Nammalvar akam poems)  ...
Publication of an article by S.A.S. Sarma
11 JUNE 14
SARMA, S.A.S., (2014), « Biography and Bibliography of Pandit R. Varadadesikan », in Mapping the Chronology of Bhakti: Milestones, Stepping Stones, and  ...
Publication of an article by R. Sathyanarayanan
01 APRIL 14
SATHYANARAYANAN, R., (2014) « Changing Social Role of Praayascitta in Saiva Sources », Proceedings of the two day national seminar on "Samskrtam Samskrtih  ...
Publication of SARMA, S. A. S., (EFEO) & NEELAKANDHAN, C.M., (2014), Dravyagunasatasloki of Trimallabhatta: A critical edition with introduction
07 MARCH 14
Publication of SARMA, S. A. S., & NEELAKANDHAN, C.M., (2014), Dravyagunasatasloki of Trimallabhatta: A critical edition with introduction, National Mission for  ...
Publication of Dhyānaratnāvali of Trilocanaśivācārya, Edited by R. Sathyanarayanan and S. A. S. Sarma (EFEO)
03 MARCH 14
Publication of Dhyānaratnāvali of Trilocanaśivācārya, Edited by R. Sathyanarayanan and S. A. S. Sarma, SSSRI Series No. 004, Srimath Srikanta Sivacharya Research  ...
Publication: Bibliotheca Malabarica: Bartholomäus Ziegenbalg’s Tamil Library. An annotated edition and translation by Will Sweetman with R. Ilakkuvan
31 JULY 12
Bibliotheca Malabarica: Bartholomäus Ziegenbalg's Tamil Library. An annotated edition and translation by Will Sweetman with R. Ilakkuvan, Collection Indologie n˚  ...
Publication: The Traditional Kerala Manor: Architecture of a South Indian Catuhsala House, by Henri Schildt
02 APRIL 12
The Traditional Kerala Manor: Architecture of a South Indian Catuhsala House, by Henri Schildt, Collection Indologie n˚117, IFP/EFEO, 2012, xiv, 473 p., including 176 p. of  ...
A Study in Nayaka-Period Social Life: Tiruppudaimarudur Paintings and Carvings.
24 AUGUST 11
Jean Deloche, Collection Indologie n°116, IFP/EFEO, 2011, xi, 137 p. Language: English. 1000 Rs (43 €) ISBN (EFEO): 978-2855-39-108-3ISBN (IFP):  ...
The Bhaktimandākinī : An Elaborate Fourteenth-Century Commentary by Pūrṇasarasvatī on the Viṣṇupādādikeśastotra Attributed to Śankarācārya.
24 AUGUST 11
A critical edition with introduction and an English translation of the stotra with notes by N.V.P. Unithiri, H.N. Bhat, S.A.S. Sarma, Collection Indologie n°118,  ...
To purchase, contact: Mme Shanti Rayapoullé: Shanti@efeo-pondicherry.org
To purchase, contact: Mme Shanti Rayapoullé: Shanti@efeo-pondicherry.org
New critical edition and English translation of the Kuṟuntokai in 3 volumes
சங்க இல்லகியங்கள் - செம்பதிப்பு / Critical Texts of Caṅkam Literature.Critical editions of the Caṅkam  ...
2nd volume of Pondicherry Inscriptions !
08 JULY 10
Putucceri Mānilakkalvēṭṭukkaḷ. Pondicherry Inscriptions. Part II.Dr. G. Vijayavenugopal provides a complete English translation of the inscriptions of the  ...