Texts and Terrain
Textes et Terrain. Remise en perspective de 20 ans d'activités de l'EFEO au Viêt Nam
On February 25, in the premises of the villa at 13 Hai Ba Trung in Ho Chi Minh City, an exhibition made up of some thirty panels shows the activities of both the EFEO (Textes et Terrain. Remise en perspective de 20 ans d'activités de l'EFEO au Vietnam [Texts and Terrain. An Overview of 20 years of EFEO Activities in Vietnam]) and the AFD (AFD: Objectif développement [AFD: Development Objectives]). This exhibition highlights the cooperative efforts, both scholarly and operational, that unite these two institutions.
To see the exhibition click here (PDF File, 7 Mb)
Call for applications
Paris, France, 30 September 2024
As part of its support for international mobility, the InSHS and the EFEO are offering researchers, teacher-researchers and research engineers from research units supervised or co-supervised by the CNRS, assistance in carrying out research activities in 2025.Read more
Photographic exhibition
Paris, France, 26 September 2024
The exhibition Le corps du texte, tatouages rituels du Cambodge et de Thaïlande is on show at the Maison des étudiants de l'Asie du Sud-Est (House of South-East Asian Students) at the Cité internationale universitaire de Paris until the end of September 2024.Read more
New Publication
Paris, France,
Le descendant de Raghu et les fils de Pāṇḍu
Poème épique à double sens de Kavirāja
Sylvain Brocquet
Le descendant de Raghu et les fils de Pāṇḍu
Poème épique à double sens de Kavirāja
Sylvain Brocquet
New Publication
Paris, France,
Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient 109 (2023), École française d'Extrême-Orient, Paris, 2024, 400 pages
Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient 109 (2023), École française d'Extrême-Orient, Paris, 2024, 400 pages
New Publication
- Āsanas of the Yogacintāmaṇi
- The Tamil Veda And Tangled Tales
- Naṭarājapaddhati of Rāmanāthaśiva
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- Āsanas of the Yogacintāmaṇi
- The Tamil Veda And Tangled Tales
- Naṭarājapaddhati of Rāmanāthaśiva
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