Responsable: Frank Muyard

École française d'Extrême-Orient
Institute of History and Philology
Academia Sinica, Nankang 11529
Tel: +886 2 2652 3177 / 2782 9555 #275
Fax: +886 2 2785 2035

講者:Luca GABBIANI教授 (法國遠東學院副教授)

題目: 城市的房產與法律––清代法制史資料與十八世紀北京生活的日常

日期 : 2019年9月11日(三), 上午十時
地點 : 國立故宮博物院圖書文獻大樓4 樓會議室

This talk will be based on a series criminal cases, most of which I have
found in the holdings of the National Palace Museum Library. These
cases are set in 18th and early 19th century Beijing and link real
estate assets with financial swindles. The main objective of the
presentation will be to introduce the audience to how, basing themselves
on such judicial cases, historians can provide an innovative
description of the economic and social environment of the city, which
was at the time the capital of the Qing empire. It will start by a brief
sketch of the history of the city and of its institutional framework.
It will then turn to specific examples of financial crime case records,
in order to shed light on the specifics of these cases and on what they
reveal of the workings of the local economy as well as on the inner
workings of the city’s social fabric. To conclude, it will seek to put
these results in perspective, by bringing into the picture some elements
of comparison related to other urban settings in China as well as to
examples drawn from the European experience at the time.

主辦單位 :
- 法國遠東學院臺北中心- 國立故宮博物院

