Responsable: Frank Muyard

École française d'Extrême-Orient
Institute of History and Philology
Academia Sinica, Nankang 11529
Tel: +886 2 2652 3177 / 2782 9555 #275
Fax: +886 2 2785 2035

演講: Véronique DEGROOT
26 MARCH 18
主講人 : Véronique Degroot博士(法國遠東學院研究員及雅加達中心主任)
講題 : Structure of the Territory in Ancient Central Java: An Archaeological

日期 : 2018年3月26日(週一)15:00-17:00 
地點 : 中研院史語所研究大樓703會議室
主持人:趙金勇助理研究員以及梅豪方(Frank Muyard)博士 
摘要 :From the 8th to the 10th century, Central Java was the epicenter of one of
Southeast Asia’s most powerful polity. The kingdom of Mataram has left us
magnificent vestiges, such as the Buddhist stūpa of Borobudur and the Hindu
temple of Prambanan. Yet, very little is known about the extent and organization of
its territory. While certain authors have presented it as a wide and centralized state,
other tend to think of Mataram as a loose mandala kingdom or even a theater-state.
I propose to scrutinize data from the inscriptions and confront it with results from
an extensive archaeological survey to draw a state of the art of the question.  


