Responsable: Christophe Marquet

École française d'Extrême-Orient
Kitashirakawa bettô-chô 29, Sakyô-ku
606-8276 Kyoto
Tel: +81 75 701 0882
Fax: +81 75 701 0883
〒606-8276 京都市左京区北白川別当町29

「大津絵 青面金剛」 18世紀中期 雄琴庚申講蔵・大津市歴史博物館寄託
「大津絵 青面金剛」 18世紀中期 雄琴庚申講蔵・大津市歴史博物館寄託
27 MAY 23


* Anyone who is interested in Asian studies may participate in the Conference. Please apply next rink by May 8.

Application Form

*Registration Fee 会議参加費:4,000 yen (学生2,000円)

Kansai Session

Date: May 27, 2023 (Saturday)
Place: Kyoto International Community House (Event Hall) 京都市国際交流会館 (イベントホール)

2-1, Toriichō, Awataguchi, Sakyō-ku, Kyoto (京都市左京区粟田口鳥居町2-1) Tel. 075-752-3010
・6 minutes’ walk from the subway station “Ke’age” on the Tōzai Line (15 minutes from Kyoto Station). 地下鉄東西線“蹴上”駅 (京都駅から烏丸線 “烏丸御池” 乗換え、約15分) 下車、徒歩6分

Registration Fee 会議参加費: 4,000 yen (Student: 2,000 yen)

Opening Address (10:30−10:40)
AKAMATSU Akihiko 赤松明彦, Representative of Kyoto Branch of the Tōhō Gakkai
Lectures (10:40−12:50)  (講演要旨) 

10:40−11:40 Christophe MARQUET (France):庶民の神仏画としての大津絵についての一考察 (A Consideration of Ōtsu-e as Folk-Religious Paintings) (in Japanese)

11:50−12:50 SUENAGA Takayasu 末永高康 (Japan):礼経と記の成立 (The Origins of the Canonical Texts of the Rites and Their Notes) (in Japanese)

The two guest speakers will be introduced to the audience by Profs. AKAMATSU Akihiko, Professor Emeritus of Kyoto University, and USAMI Bunri 宇佐美文理, Professor at Kyoto University, respectively.

Luncheon Party (13:10−14:00)
A welcome luncheon party will be held in the Special Conference Room (特別会議室) on the 2nd floor of the Community House at the invitation of the Tōhō Gakkai (seated style).

After the luncheon party, participants will visit the Otsu City Museum of History 大津市歴史博物館 and Onjōji 園城寺 (三井寺) Temple by sightseeing bus. Participants will be able to see the collection of Ōtsu-e 大津絵, which are folk pictures sold at the roadside in Otsu since the early Edo period, and the reception hall (kyakuden 客殿) of Kōjō-in 光浄院 at Onjōji, which is a national treasure representative of the “shoinzukuri 書院造” style of architecture.

The party will break up at the JR Kyoto Station around 17:00. (参観後、観光バスにて烏丸御池経由JR京都駅八条口付近で17:00頃解散)

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