

The catalog of EFEO Publications, running to some 600 titles, includes works on a wide range of disciplines in the humanities and social sciences (archaeology, history, anthropology, literature, philology, etc.), centered on Asia, from India to Japan. These publications address both specialists, and a wider public interested in Asian civilizations and societies.

Several EFEO series bridge the various disciplines represented by the institution and its academic partners, and present the fruits of their on-site research in Asia:

  • "Monographies" (Monographs)
  • "Etudes thématiques" (Thematic Studies), results of collaborative research projects, conference proceedings, collections, etc.
  • "Mémoires archéologiques" (Archaeological Reports), works covering archaeology and the history of art and architecture
  • "Textes et documents sur l'Indochine" (Indochinese Texts and Documents), a series of original texts (epigraphic, literary, etc.) from Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam
  • "Réimpressions" (Reprints), facsimiles or republications of standard works or articles from EFEO series that are out of print.

Several other series, published by the EFEO Centers in Asia, complete the School publication program.

Occasional publications include reference works and dictionaries.

The EFEO in addition publishes five scholarly journals on an annual or twice-yearly basis:

New publication

Arts Asiatiques 78 (2023)

École française d'Extrême-Orient, Paris, 2023, 144 pages.

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New Publication

The Holy Island in the Kāverī: a Hagiotopography  
Critical Edition and Translation of the Śrīraṅgamāhātmya

R. Sathyanarayanan, Marzenna Czerniak-Drożdżowicz

New publication

Cahiers d'Extrême-Asie, vol. 32 (2023)
Aspect of Lived Religion in Late Medieval and Early Modern Japan
Aspects de la religion vécue dans le Japon de la fin du Moyen Âge et de l'époque prémoderne

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New Publication
Paris, France,

Armand Desbat, Les Grès angkoriens (9e-14e siècle). Caractéristiques, typologie et originesMémoires Archéologiques n° 29, EFEO, 2023, 372 pages.

Happy New Year 2023
Paris, France,

The École française d'Extrême-Orient (EFEO - French School of Asian Studies) wishes you a Happy New year 2024

Follow this link to watch the EFEO New Year card.