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CLUC, Flickr / (CC-BY-NC-ND)

The Library of the Maison de l'Asie has developed its own page on the Netvibes platform. It allows access to the main catalogs and search engines in Asian research, links to free-access electronic resources and also those available inside the library's reading room, it also provides handpicked webpages chosen by the librarians and a selection of websites of the main East Asian libraries in France.

New publication
Paris, France,

À l'ombre du palmier à sucre
Les campagnes cambodgiennes sous protectorat français à travers l'exemple de Kampong Thom

Mathieu Guérin

New publication
Paris, France,

Arts Asiatiques 77 (2022), École française d'Extrême-Orient, Paris, 2022, 180 pages.

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Photographic exhibition ''Louis Finot et le Yunnan''
Paris, France,

The photographic exhibition "Louis Finot et le Yunnan" is installed on the first floor of the EFEO until the end of December 2022.
Some fifty photographs present the trip that Louis Finot probably undertook in the 1920s to Yunnan fou (now Kunming). These photographs are a selection of those presented by Alain Arrault in the photographic album Mémoires de Chine (EFEO/Magellan, 2022).
The writing of Mémoires de Chine also allowed to provide information on the 850 stereoscopic glass plates of the Louis Finot collection taken in China. These pictures have just been put online on the photo library website.
New Publication

The Sumatipañjikā. A Commentary on Cāndravyākaraṇavṛtti 1.1 and 1.4Ramhari Timalsina, Collection Indologie 153,  Pondichéry : EFEO / IFP, 446 pages.

New Publication