january 2014
L'Agenda de l'EFEO
"Six circles in a dew drop" by Zenchiku (1466), Hôzanji Temple on Mount Ikoma, Nara
Colloquia, visits, and meetings
On January 9 Franciscus Verellen, Director, is taking part in the meeting of the Council of the Institute for Chinese Studies at the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
On January 18 Franciscus Verellen is participating in the international colloquium La France, l'Europe et le Vietnam depuis 1954 [France, Europe, and Vietnam since 1954](University of Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne).
On January 30 and 31 he will be in London and Oxford on behalf of the  Communauté d'universités etétablissements héSam [héSam Universities and Institutions Group].

On January 31 Philippe Le Failleris giving a talk in Marseille on "Le drapeau tricolore flotte sur les débits d'opium:quand les finances publiques de l'Indochine dépendaient des revenus du monopole [The French flag flying over the drug trade: when Indochinese public finances depended on income from the monopoly],"as part of the seminar run jointly by the laboratories of social and cultural anthropology(Aix-Marseille University-EHESS) with this year's topic Prise et emprise des drogues. Les sociétés observées dans leurs substances [Using and dealing in drugs: Societies as seen through their controlled substances].

On January 31, at 3:30 p.m.,Dominic Goodallis taking part in the colloquium Tempus et Tempestas being organized by INALCO and by theSociété Asiatique and is talking on the topic "Remarques sur les saisons dans la poésie sanskrite du Cambodge [Comments on the seasons in the Sanskrit poetry of Cambodia]"(Session held at the Académiedesinscriptionsetbelles-lettres).


From January 7 to February 21, Pierre Lachaier is in Ahmadabad to plan, with the Alliance française, possibilities for cooperation and to continue his fieldwork on the market places and their corporate association in this ancient capital and business centre of the Gujarati sultanate (India).

On January 30 FrançoisLachaudis taking part in the colloquium Tempus et Tempestas being organized by INALCO and by the Société Asiatique and is talking on the topic "Les mondes de l'impermanence et le temps inconstant des hommes: réflexion sur le panthéon bouddhique en peinture de Kanô Kazunobu [Transitory worlds and man's inconstant time: reflection on the Buddhist pantheon in the paintings of KanôKazunobu]"(3:30 p.m., in the large lecture hall of INALCO).

Frédéric Girard is giving two lectures at the International Philosophy Centre of Tōyō University:on January 17 he is talking on Buddhism and on January 29 on the topic "Emile Guimet et les problématiques du bouddhismede Meiji [Emile Guimet and problematics of Meiji Buddhism."

Peter,Skilling,"Prakrit Prajñāpāramitās:Northwest, South,and Center:Gleanings from Avalokitevrata and Haribhadra" in Bulletin of the Asia Institute New Series/Vol.23(Evosuyadi:Essays in Honor of Richard Salomon's 65th Birthday, pp.199-208,(Dated 2009).
Rachel Guidoni is visiting the Pondicherry Centre from January 26 to 31 to continue training on the handling of documents and consideration of the rearrangement of the collections.
EFEO Paris Seminar
The EFEO Paris seminar is taking place on Monday, January 27 (11:00 a.m. to 12:30
p.m.). François Lachaud (EFEO) is to talk on the topic: "Le Chef-d'œuvre inconnu : les Cinq Cents Grands Disciples du Bouddha de Kanō Kazunobu(1816-1863) [The Unknown Masterpiece: the Five Hundred Great Disciples of the Buddha by Kanō Kazunobu(1816-1863)],"Maison de l'Asie (in the salon on the first floor):22, avenue du Président Wilson, 75116 Paris.
Of Special Note
At the invitation of the Société Européenne pour l'Étude des Civilisations de l'Himalaya et de l'Asie Centrale, Gudrun Bühnemann (Professor in the Department of Languages and Cultures of Asia at the University of Wisconsin-Madison) is giving a lecture on the topic "Churned from the MilkOcean, Invoked into a Skull-Cup:The Goddess Vāruṇīin Nepal" on Tuesday, January 14(6:00 p.m., lecture hall of the Cernuschi Museum, 7, avenue Vélasquez, 75008Paris).

La vie des Centres
Julie Marquet (doctoral student in history at the University of Paris Diderot-Paris7) is visiting Pondicherry during January to work on the registers of the civil police tribunal (Lawspeth National Archives).

Lidia Joanna Szczepanik (doctoral student at the Jagiellonian University) is attached to the Pondicherry for three months, beginning in January. She is working on a project entitled "A Study of Sanskrit Messenger Poetry." She will study with Dr. Anjaneya Sarma.
From January 7 to 10 Christophe Pottier is visiting the Buriram region (in northeast Thailand) with Armand Desbat (CNRS) to see the remains of furnaces there. He will then visit Siem Reap from January 12 to 18 to take part - with the University of Sydney and APSARA - in the excavation season of the Greater Angkor Project.

Christophe Pottier is giving a talk entitled "Out of the Boxes"at the session dedicated to Newperspectives on the Khmer Empire:Origins, Expansions and Collapse at the meetings of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association at Siem Reap, from January 12 to 18.

From December 22 to January 11, 2014, Dr. Saerji (Research Institute of Sanskrit Manuscripts and Buddhist Literature, Department of South Asian Studies School of Foreign Languages, Peking University) is in Bangkok to work with Peter Skilling on their project "Descriptive Analysis of the Tibetan Buddhist Canon (Kanjur)."
From January 3 to 22, Arlo Griffiths is visiting India. From January 7 to 10 he is taking part in the Sixth International Vedic Workshop (http://ivw2014.org) in Kozhikode (Kerala).Then he is going to Deccan College, in Pune, to visit, along with colleagues from that institution, the sites at Ellora, Ajanta, and other Buddhist caves in the Aurangabad region.

On January 28,the EFEO Centre is organizing, in collaboration with the Indonesian National Library, a ceremony on the publication of a new work Naik Hajidi Masa Silam[Performing the Hajj in Ancient Times/Faire le hadj à époque ancienne], by Henri Chambert-Loir (Emeritus Directory of Studies at the EFEO and currently Visiting Professor at the University of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur), who will be present at the event. Also to be presented on this occasion is the work Kakawin Sumanasāntaka:Matikarena Bunga Sumanasa, karya Mpu Monaguṇa by Peter Worsley, S.Supomo, and Fletcher (an abbreviated Indonesian translation of the work Mpu Monaguṇa's Sumanasāntaka:An Old Javanese Epic Poem, its Indian Source and Balinese Illustrations, Leiden:Brill,2013).These two works constitute volumes 31 and 32 of the series "Naskahdan Dokumen Nusantara [Nusantara Texts and Documents]."
Siem Reap
On the invitation of the Yilan region's Cultural Affairs Service, Bertrand Porte is going to Taiwan. On January 16, at the Lan Yang Museum, he is talking on the conservation and restoration of sculptures going on at the Cambodian National Museum.
The exhibition Imagerie populaire triptyque [Popular triptych imagery] is being installed in Hanoi (after showings in Ho Chi Minh City and Danang)in the Gallery [Espace] at the French Institute in Hanoi, from January 13 to February 25. On Monday January 13, the opening day of the exhibition, Olivier Tessier and Pascal Bourdeaux are giving a presentation on this topic.

Pascal Bourdeaux is taking part in the colloquium Les relations entre la France, l'Europe et le Vietnam depuis 1954 [Relations between France, Europe, and Vietnam since 1954] being organized in Paris from January 16 to 18 (see above). He will talk on the topic "Décolonisation, sciences religieuses et dialogue franco-vietnamien [Decolonization, religious studies, and Franco-Vietnamese dialogue]."

On Wednesday, December 18 (6:00p.m.), Michel Wasserman (Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto) is giving talk in the Kyoto Lectures series on the topic "The Sirotas: A Political and Cultural Bridge between Japan, Asia, and the West." This lecture, organized jointly by the EFEO and ISEAS centres, is to be given at Kyoto University's Institute for Research in the humanities.On Thursday, December 19 (at 11:00 a.m.), the seminar on Buddhism organized by Iyanaga Nobumi is taking place at the French Institute of Japan Kansai.

The EFEO Centre's seminar on Buddhism is to take place on Monday January 6 and 20 (6:00-8:00 p.m., Tôyô bunko lecture room):Introduction to the Buddhist kanbun,reading of story #40 ("The journey of Prince Mahātyāgavat")from the Xianyu-jing/Gengu-kyō,8 et 9.

The new EFEO Centre in Kyoto:a view of the staircase going up from the ground floor as the steps are being installed. The central axis of the staircase is a library. The steps are supported on one side with in the vertical supports of the library wall and, on the other, along the length of the outside windows. (Photograph by Benoît Jacquet, December2013).

Si vous souhaitez recevoir (ou ne plus recevoir) l’Agenda de l’EFEO, ou si vous rencontrez des anomalies dans l’affichage merci d’en informer Isabelle Poujol : isabelle.poujol@efeo.net.
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22, av du Président Wilson, 75116 Paris
Tél. : + 33 1 53 70 18 60 | Fax : + 33 1 53 70 87 60 | www.efeo.fr