Agenda of May 2017
L'Agenda de l'EFEO
In Memoriam
It is with sorrow that we announce that R. Varadadesikan, Pandit of Sanskrit and Tamil at the EFEO Centre of Pondicherry died on 2nd May 2017 at the age of 94. He dedicated 44 years of his life to the EFEO, where he worked from 1968 to 2012. His deep understanding of Vaisnava texts and his great kindness guided very many studies carried out at the Centre and will remain in our memories always.

Yves Goudineau, Charlotte Schmid

Symposiums, missions and meetings
The EFEO recruitment committee meets on 3rd to 4th May at the EFEO to interview candidates for the post of Maître de Conférences (Buddhist studies) and for a post of Director of Studies (Oriental Asia).

On 3rd May, Michela Bussotti speaks in the seminar Savoirs et productions du monde au XVIe siècle. Lieux, acteurs, échelles of J-M. Besse, R. Mandressi and A. Romano (EHESS) on the first Chinese books in Europe.
Michela Bussotti, invited by the Radcliffe Institute of the University of Harvard, participates in the workshop Asian Images Inside-Out: What Can the Materials and Contents of Statues Tell Us about Religion in China and gives a presentation on the making of statues and sculptures in south China on 18th and 19th May.

From 3rd to 15th May, Luca Gabbiani is on mission in China. From 4th to 7th May he participates at the invitation of Bruno Latour (SciencesPo Paris), in the study workshop "Resetting Modernity in Different Countries: An Exercise in Philosophical Diplomacy, Europe x China", held at the Shanghai Himalayas Museum.
From 8th to 14th May, he is at Peking for a meeting, on 8th May, of the editorial committee of the review of the EFEO Centre EFEO Fago hanxue/Sinologie française; he coordinates Bruno Latour's stay in Peking (8th-14th May) and his three talks.
On 19th May, Luca Gabbiani speaks in the seminar on the history of law of Jérôme Bourgon (IAO, Lyon) and Frédéric Constant (université Paris Nanterre) on the question of fraud and its judiciary treatment under the Qing. The session is from 14h to 17h at the université Paris Diderot (room 481C - Grands Moulins building, 5 rue Thomas Mann, 75013 Paris).

Alain Arrault, as co-director of the thesis, is on the comité d'évaluation de l'avancement des travaux de doctorat of M. Raphaël Van Daele (université libre de Bruxelles, EHESS) on 8th May at the université libre de Bruxelles.
He participates as external member of the recruitment commission of the Inalco for a post of Professor of the University "Sociologie des religions de la Chine moderne et contemporaine" on 11th May at Inalco.
Alain Arrault, invited by the Radcliffe Institute of the University of Harvard, participates in the workshop Asian Images Inside-Out: What Can the Materials and Contents of Statues Tell Us about Religion in China and presents the digital cataloguing of the south China statuettes and the information that may be drawn form them, 18th and 19th May.

Christophe Pottier is invited to the Garden and Landscape Studies Symposium: Landscapes of Pre-Industrial Cities, at Dumbarton Oaks, Washington D.C. on 5th and 6th May. He gives a presentation entitled "Uncovering Ancient Landscapes in Angkor".
At the invitation of John Guy, curator of the South and Southeast Asian art department of the Metropolitan Museum of Art at New York, he gives, on 3rd May, a seminar on his recent archaeological works at Angkor.
In the framework of conferences organised by the Association française des Amis de l'Orient with the national museum of Asian art - Guimet, Christophe Pottier makes a presentation entitled "Les premières Capitales à Angkor: Nouvelles techniques et méthodes d'investigation sur l'émergence de l'urbanisme angkorien", on Thursday 11th May at 11h30 in the Jean-François Jarrige auditorium of the musée Guimet.
On 22nd May, he speaks at an EFEO Paris seminar on: "Architecture et construction dans le Cambodge ancien" (see below Seminar EFEO).
Christophe Pottier records a presentation entitled "De l'inventaire cartographique au paysage Angkorien" for an ongoing distance training programme entitled e-patrimoines developed by the department of European and International affairs of the Ministry of Culture and Communications of the general direction of European heritages in collaboration with the Université Francophone Mondiale (UNFM) and the Agence universitaire de la francophonie (AUF).

In the framework of the seminar of Frédéric Girard, Ishii Kiyosumi (Komazawa University,Tōkyō) gives a lecture on: "Dōgen (1200-1253), ses idées philosophiques et sa communauté monastique" Tuesday 9th May (from 9h-11h) at the Ecole pratique des hautes études, IVe section (Sorbonne, sairway E, 1st floor, room 064, 1 rue Victor Cousin 75005 Paris).

In the framework of research on Dunhuang carried out within the UMR 8155 (CRCAO: Centre of research on the civilisations of oriental Asia) and the EFEO, Chen Juxia and Wang Huimin (researchers at the Institute of Dunhuang) will each give a lecture on Tuesday16th May at the Maison de l'Asie (22 avenue du Président-Wilson, 75016 Paris, 1st floor hall, from 10h to 13h).
Their lectures concern the identification of the subjects of the paintings of grotto 2 of Yulin (Mme Chen) and of grotto 320 of Dunhuang (M. Wang).

Estelle Richard, recruited as assistant to the Accounting Officer, joins the EFEO on 2nd May. She was previously at CNAP, Centre national des arts plastiques.
Atakama Tauch, librarian of the Siem Reap Centre (Cambodia) completed training at the Library of Paris from 2nd to 12th May.

Antony Boussemart participates in Journées Réseau de l'ABES (Agence bibliographique de l'enseignement supérieur) at Montpellier from 9th to 11th May.

Clément Froehlicher-Chaix talks about his counterparts at the other Écoles françaises overseas at Rome from 15th to 17th May.
Photo Library
4 179 photographs of the archaeologist Bernard-Philippe Groslier (at the EFEO from 1951-1975, director of archaeologal research in Cambodia from 1959) are now on line. These photographs were taken in 1952 and 53 during missions to Indonesia, India, Malaysia and Thailand. The photographic collections of Bernard-Philippe Groslier will be digitalised this year.

Follow the virtual photo library on Instagram:
Editions EFEO
Vincent Tournier, La formation du Mahāvastu et la mise en place des conceptions relatives à la carrière du bodhisattva, Coll. Monographies 195, EFEO, 2017, xxiv + 632 p.

Dejanirah Couto & François Lachaud (éditeurs), Empires en marche. Rencontres entre la Chine et l'Occident à l'âge moderne (XVIe-XIXe siècles), coll. Études thématiques 28, Paris : EFEO, 2017, 336 p.
Jacques Leider, "Transmutations of the Rohingya Movement in the Post-2012 Rakhine State Crisis", in Ethnic and Religious Identities and Integration in Southeast Asia, edited by Ooi Keat Gin and Volker Grabowsky. Chiang Mai: Silkworm Books, 2017, p.191-239.

Peter Skilling,  "Caitya, Mahācaitya, Tathāgatacaitya: Questions of Terminology in the Age of Amaravati", in Amaravati: The Art of an Early Buddhist Monument in Context, edited by Akira Shimada and Michael Willis, London: British Museum, 2016, pp. 23-36.

Peter Skilling, "The Many Lives of Texts: The Pancatraya and the Mayajala Sutras", in Research on the Madhyama-agama, edited by Dhammadinna, Dharma Drum Institute of Liberal Arts, Taipei. 2017, p. 269-326.

Peter Skilling, Saerji, Prapod Assavavirulhakarn,  "A Possible Sanskrit Parallel to the Pali Uruvelasutta" in Manuscripts in the Schøyen Collection: Buddhist Manuscripts, Vol. IV. General editor: Jens Braarvig. Oslo: Hermes Academic Publishing, 2016, pp. 159-182.

Peter Skilling, Saerji, "How the Buddhas of the Fortunate Aeon First Aspired to Awakening: The purva-pranidhanas of Buddhas 501-750", in Annual Report of the International Research Institute for Advanced Buddhology at Soka University for the Academic Year 2016. Vol. XX, Tokyo: The International Research Institute for Advanced Buddhology, Soka University. 2017, pp. 167-204.

Peter Skilling, "Translation of excerpt from Voltaire", in Strange Tales of an Oriental Idol: An Anthology of Early European Portrayals of the Buddha, edited by Donald S. Lopez Jr. Chicago: Chicago University Press, 2016, 145-148.

V. Raby, H. David, J-P. Guillaume, J-L. Chevillard, B. Colombat, S. de Vogüé et J. Lallot (2017), "Repères pour une approche de l'énoncé dans les traditions linguistiques », Langages 205 (Avril 2017) : p.11-25.

H. David (2017), "Les définitions de l'énoncé (vākya) dans la tradition sanskrite : entre grammaire et exégèse", Langages 205 (Avril 2017), p.27-41.

A signaler
The EFEO has set up a YouTube line - view two videos on the restoration project of the western Mebon temple (Cambodia):

Exhibition Le Cambodge au fil de l'eau (entrance through the Maison de l'Asie library): 16 photographs in N/B de Luc Ionesco (1934 -1977), professional photographer for the journal Réalités for several years, he worked at the EFEO from 1962 to 1966. Based at Siem Reap (Cambodia), he covered number of temple and museums photographically and also carried out missions in India and in Asia in general.

Follow the activity of the network of the Écoles françaises overseas on the site:
Logo EFE
EFEO Paris Seminar
Two EFEO Paris seminars take place in May (11h to12h30):
- Monday 15th May, Brice Vincent (EFEO) speaks on "Le mercure au Cambodge: métallurgie, alchimie, médecine"
- Monday 22nd May, Christophe Pottier (EFEO) speaks on "Architecture et construction dans le Cambodge ancien"

These seminars are integrated into the Master seminar "Asies" (EFEO - EHESS - EPHE) 22, avenue du Président Wilson, 75116 Paris, Grand salon, 1est floor).

Musée national du Cambodge (négatif sur verre 3bis/6 - cliché H.15 - sept 1927).

Mercury in Cambodia: metallurgy, alchemy, medicine

Imported from the south of China and quickly integrated into the Khmer technological world, mercury was used for almost a millennium in Cambodia for the decoration of statues and other bronze objects pertaining to gods and kings. This unique liquid metal was also used during the Angkorian epoch in Buddhist medical alchemy, a trace, amongst others, of the influence of the Indian alchemical tradition. Specifically associated with the idea of the immortality of the human body, mercury has preserved that symbolic function up to modern times, particularly in royal funeral rites
Architecture and construction in ancient Cambodia 

"Excellent sculptors... but mediocre architects". Since its discovery almost 150 years ago, the, architecture of the temples of Angkor have been borrowed, observed, analysed and very often evaluated by the yardstick of the great constructional traditions of the Mediterranean world. Western research, which has since animated the study of ancient Cambodia. has generated a vision of the architecture which emphasises its omnipresent symbolism, its apparent immobilism technique, its limited typology and its subordination to the sculpture. A re-examination has however led to the highlighting of the coherence of the architectural spaces, a rich and singular creativity of conception and of the functionally and typologically significant technical development that characterise it amongst the constructional traditions of South-east Asia.

News of the PSL Research University
In the framework of the call to the PSL project by the EFEO to finance a film on the restoration of the western Mebon temple, PSL have put on line a presentation video of the project and its progress: Focus, L'EFEO à Angkor, restauration du Mébon occidental on its PSL internet site Exploreà-angkor-restauration-du-mébon-occidental .

PSL Social networks:
Life at the Centres
Hugo David is in Paris on 31st May to participate in a study day organised by Vincent Eltschinger (EPHE) at the Collège de France, on the question of universals in a comparative perspective (ancient India and medieval occident). He gives a talk entitled: "Une perspective linguistique sur les universaux? L'approche bhartṛharienne de la jāti".
Hugo David then goes to Vienna (Académie des Sciences - IKGA) at the end of May, to participate in a workshop organised by Elisa Freschi, on the Kāśikā of Sucarita Miśra (10th s.), a partly unpublished commentary on the Ślokavārttika of Doctor Mīmāṃsaka Kumārila Bhaṭṭa. This workshop is on 29th May to 2nd June.

Dominic Goodall is in Paris for the meeting of the EFEO recruitment commission on 3rd and 4th May.

S.L.P. Anjaneya Sarma goes to Vijayawada to give a lecture on "karmaṇā yam abhipraiti sa saṁpradānam" at the conference on four śāstras: Vedānta, Mīmāṁsā, Vyākaraṇa, Nyāya: Kanchikamakotimatham. He is then in Secunderabad from 8th to 11th May to participate in the conference on four śāstras: Vedānta, Mīmāṁsā, Vyākaraṇa, Nyāya: Vedabhavanam where he will discuss the subject "gatyarthakarmaṇi dvitīyā-caturthyau cēṣṭāyāmanadhvani (2.3.12) iti sūtrārthavicāraḥ ".
He also participates in a traditional conference (Sastra sadas) at Hyderabad on 13th and 14th May, organised by the Sri-Sitaramarajesvarasacchidanandavedantavidyaprotsahaka Trust, where he speaks on "śābdāparōkṣatvavāda in Advaitavedānta".
On 10th May Jacques Leider gives a lecture on the relation between violence and religion in Burma at the Institut des Hautes études internationales et du développement of the University of Geneva at the invitation of Professor Jean-François Bayart.
Phnom Penh
In the framework of a post-doctoral contract with the EFEO, Lucie Labbé (social anthropologist, specialist in Cambodian dance) is at Phnom Penh from 1st May to 31st August. She will be carrying out research on the iconography and textual sources of the Protectorate era.
Siem Reap
Eric Bourdonneau is in Paris for the meeting of the EFEO recruitment commission on 3rd and 4th May.

The western Medon excavation campaign (central islet and west canalisation) continues in collaboration with the APSARA and Heveha international up to 20th May.
Christine Hawixbrock is at Champasak, from 9th to 17th May to work on material from the excavation kept at the Vat Phou museum.
In the framework of the thematic cycle Histoire, Archéologie et Société (HAS) Sciences, techniques, savoirs: les nouveaux chantiers de la recherche en histoire des sciences en Chine et en Europe, Bruno Latour (SciencesPo Paris) gives a lecture on Tuesday 9th May (14h30) at the Institute of History and Natural Sciences of the Academy of Sciences on "The v19h) at the Normal University of Peking on Friday 12th May there is another lecture on "An anthropology of the Moderns and its consequence for 'diplomatic' encounters", while a round table is dedicated to the anthropology of Bruno Latour at the Central Academy of beaux-arts on Saturday 13th May at 14h.

In the framework of the cycle Histoire, Archéologie et Société (HAS) Figures de l'intellectuel. Regards comparatifs sur la production du théorique en Chine et en Europe, Qi Tao (Fudan University) gives a lecture on Friday 26th May at the Institute of Rsearch in Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Peking on "Yu Yingshi, un parcours d'intellectuel entre philosophie et histoire"
Une autre conférence a lieu le vendredi 12 mai (19h) à l'université normale de Pékin sur le thème « An anthropology of the Moderns and its consequence for 'diplomatic' encounters », tandis qu'une table ronde est consacrée à l'anthropologie de Bruno Latour à l'Académie centrale des beaux-arts le samedi 13 mai à 14h.

In the framework of the cycle of teachings organised by the EHESS, the EFEO and the Department of History of the University of Peking, Jean-Pierre Zuniga (EHESS) gives a lecture on "Discontinuités impériales. Territorialisation et représentations identitaires dans l'empire hispanique, XVII-XVIIIe siècles". The lecture is at 15h in the Department of History of the University of Peking (room B113).

Franciscus Verellen participates in the International Council of Orientation of the Institute of Chinese Studies of Hong Kong, on 26th May.
On 3rd May, Béatrice L'Haridon (University Paris Diderot) gives a lecture on "Biographical Judgment and the Ethics of Self-cultivation (Xiushen)", organised jointly by the EFEO and the research group "Histoire de la culture et de la pensée" of the Institute of History and Philology of the Academia Sinica. The lecture is to be given in Chinese.

Céline Kerfant (post graduate at the University Rovira i Virgili, Tarragone), research fellow for fieldwork of the EFEO, carries out a research residency at the Taipei EFEO Centre from 5th May to 15th June 2017. Her research project is called "Cordes et vanneries: Techniques de fabrication, utilisations et matériaux. Étude comparative des îles Batanes, Philippines et de l'île de Lanyu, Taiwan".

On 23rd May Akira Matsuda (University of Tokyo) gives a lecture on "New Perspectives in Museum Studies and Public Archaeology", jointly organised by the EFEO and the Department of Anthropology of the Institute of History and Philology of the Academia Sinica.

On 31st May, the EFEO and the National Palace Museum (Taipei) renew their cooperation agreement for 5 more years.
The 10th edition of the Seoul Colloquium on Korean Studies, organised by the Seoul EFEO Centre in collaboration with the Royal Asiatic Society (Seoul Branch) and the Asiatic Research Institute (ARI, Korea University), takes place on 18th May at the ARI, Korea University.
Benjamin Joinau (teaching-researcher at Hongik University, Seoul), speaks on "Constructing National Food: North and South Korean Cookbooks and the Standardization of National Cuisine".

In the framework of the Kyoto Lectures:
- on 16th May, Alan Strathern (Oxford University) gives the lecture: "Magic and the Conversion of the Lords of Kyushu (1560-1580): a Global Comparative Perspective"
- on 30th May, Fabio Rambelli (University of California, Santa Barbara) speaks on "Sea Theologies: Elements for a Conceptualization of Maritime Religiosity in Japan". 
These two lectures are at 18h at the University of Kyoto (Campus Yoshida)..

Si vous souhaitez recevoir (ou ne plus recevoir) l’Agenda de l’EFEO, ou si vous rencontrez des anomalies dans l’affichage merci d’en informer Isabelle Poujol :
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22, av du Président Wilson, 75116 Paris
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