Agenda EFEO April 2014
L'Agenda de l'EFEO
With the approval of the Academic Council, Yves Goudineau, Director of the EFEO, has appointed Charlotte Schmid, Lecturer in the history of Indian art at the EFEO, to the position of EFEO Director of Studies. She has taken up her position as of 1 April 2014.
Colloquia, visits, and meetings
From April 21 to 30, Yves Goudineau, Director, is visiting the EFEO Centers in Chiang Mai and Vientiane.

On April 10, Yves Goudineau is giving a lecture on "Du métis à l'indigène. Ethnographie et décolonisation intérieure chez Georges Condominas [From half-caste to native. Ethnography and the inner decolonization of Georges Condominas]" as part of the EHESS/Collège de France seminar Les ethnologues et le fait colonial [Ethnologists and colonial reality] being organized by par Daniel Fabre, Christine Laurière, and André Mary.

Yves Goudineau is now coordinator of the SEATIDE project and Andrew Hardy has been named Scholarly Coordinator, the post previously occupied by Yves Goudineau. Franciscus Verellen, coordinator of the SEATIDE project during his term as Director of the EFEO, is continuing to work with the project as a special adviser, especially on the relations between China and Southeast Asia. On April 16 and 17, Andrew Hardy and Ėlisabeth Lacroix (organizer of the project) are going to Cambridge University for a SEATIDE meeting with Tim Harper of the Centre for History and Economics at Magdalene College. On April 28 Andrew Hardy, Muhadi Sugiono (Gadjah Mada University), Silvia Vignato (University of Milano Bicocca), Tim Harper (Cambridge University) and Ėlisabeth Lacroix are meeting with H.E. the Ambassador of Indonesia in Brussels in order to discuss the joint organization of the third distribution workshop to be part of the SEATIDE project in 2015.

At the inivitation of the Smithsonian Institution, François Lachaud is in Washington from March 28 to April 2 on the occasion of the exhibition Kiyochika: Master of the Night of which he was one of the scholarly organizers. It is being mounted at the Arthur M. Sackler Gallery. On this occasion he is giving a talk entitled "Nagai Kafū and Kiyochika: Tōkyō's Modernity Reconsidered."

Fabienne Jagou is organizing the colloquium on Today's interactions between Tibetan, Taiwanese and Chinese Buddhisms, in collaboration with the Chiang Ching-kuo for International Exchange Foundation, at the Academia Sinica's History and Philology Institute Institute, in Taipei, on April 2, 2014. She is presenting a paper on "Tibetan mummies and relics in Taiwan: Tibetan heritage or hybrid innovation?" A daylong workshop is planned for the participants in the Practice of Tibetan Buddhism in Taiwan project on April 3 and a day of group fieldwork on April 4.On April 10, from 5:00 to 6:30 p.m., Fabienne Jagou is giving a lecture entitled "Momies et reliques de maîtres tibétains à Taiwan aujourd'hui [Mummies and relics of Tibetan masters in today's Taiwan]" at the meeting of the Société française d'études du monde tibétain (SFEMT) [French Society for the Study of the Tibetan World], first-floor hall of the Maison de l'Asie.

As part of the Master's seminar on Histoire du droit chinois, droit codifié et justice sociale: les lois de la Chine impériale étaient-elles appliqués? [History of codified Chinese law and social justice: were the laws in imperial China applied?], Fabienne Jagou, along with Fernanda Pirie of Oxford University, are leading the session on Friday, April 11, dedicated to Le centre et les "marches-frontières": les lois chinoises s'appliquaient-elles dans les régions tibétaines? [The center and the borderlands: were Chinese laws applied in Tibetan regions?], at the IHEC (room B, 4th floor, from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m.).

On April 30, a lecture by Padma Kaimal (Professor of Art and Art History, Colgate University, Hamilton, New York) is scheduled on the topic "Same, same, but different: present and past at a Hindu temple," co-organized by Charlotte Schmid (EFEO) and the themed workshop on "Régionalisme & Cosmopolitisme" (CEIAS) at the Maison de l'Asie, from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m., in the large 2nd floor hall, 22, avenue du Président Wilson, 75116 Paris.

During April, Po Dharma Quang is visiting Malaysia to continue the cooperation program among the EFEO, the University of Malaya (Malaysia), and Sun Yat Sen University (China) dealing with the digitization, inventory, and indexing of the Royal Champa archives dating from the 18th and 19th centuries, and on the study of the 408 seals used in these documents.

On April 11, Michela Bussotti, Dejanirah Couto, and François Lachaud are organizing a day of studies on Dictionnaires et lexiques en Asie orientale: au-delà des outils linguistiques [Dictionaries and lexicons in East Asia: more than linguistic tools]:
- 11:20 a.m.: presentation by François Lachaud: "Moines et interprètes: renaissances du zen et redécouvertes du chinois à l'époque Edo (1603-1867) [Monks and translators: rebirths of Zen and rediscoveries of the Chinese of the Edo period (1603-1867)"
- 4:50 p.m.: presentation by Michela Bussotti: "Des parcours divergents: des manuscrits du dictionnaire de Brasilio Brollo aux publications françaises et aux tentatives éditoriales italiennes. [Differing routes: from the manuscripts of Brasilio Brollo's dictionary to French publications and Italian editorial attempts."
Large lecture hall at the Maison de l'Asie, 22, avenue du Président Wilson, 75116 Paris.
As part of the seminar on Usages techniques, objets élaborés et patrimoine culturel immatériel dans le monde chinois [Technical procedures, manufactured objects, and the non-material cultural heritage in the Chinese world], organized by C. Bodolec (CNRS), F. Obringer (CNRS) and M. Bussotti (EFEO), Claude Laroque (Université Pariis I) is talking on the topic "Méthode de fabrication des papiers asiatiques [Methods of making Asian papers]."

As part of the study series on East Asian philosophies at the École Polytechnique, Frédéric Girard is presenting a lecture: "La philosophie japonaise moderne [Modern Japanese philosophy]" (École Polytechnique, Palaiseau, 7:00-9:00 p.m., April 15).
On April 24 and 25 Frédéric Girard is taking part in the symposium Inoue Enryō et le Japon de l'époque Meiji - philosophie, religions, education [Enryō and Meiji Japan - philo-sophy, religions, education], organized by the Japan Foundation, Tōyō University (International Center for Philosophical Research), at the Budapest Center for Japanese Culture, Budapest University VIII, Muzeum krt 4 (in Japanese). He is giving a talk on the topic "Philosophy and religious studies during the Meiji period - around Inoue Enryō -" (Meiji jidai ni okeru tetsugaku to shūkyōgaku - Enryō no baai to sono shūhen -).
François Lachaud, "The Scholar and the Unicorn: Antiquarians, Eccentrics, and Connoisseurs in Eighteenth-Century Japan," in World Antiquarianism. Comparative Perspectives, Los Angeles, Getty Publications, coll. Issues and Debates, pp. 343-371.

Peter Skilling, "Reflections on the Pali Literature of Siam" in Paul Harrison and Jens-Uwe Hartmann eds., Buddhist Manuscript Research. From Birch Bark to Digital Data: Recent Advances (Papers Presented at the Conference Indic Buddhist Manuscripts: The State of the Field, Stanford, June 15-19, 2009) (Beiträge zur Kultur- und Geistesgeschichte Asiens, 80, Denkschriften der philosophisch-historischen Klasse, 460), Vienna, Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2014, pp. 347-366.

Peter Skilling, "Precious Deposits: Buddhism Seen through Inscriptions in Early Southeast Asia," in John Guy (ed.), Lost Kingdoms: Hindu-Buddhist Sculpture of Southeast Asia, 5th to 8th Century, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York (Yale University Press), 2014, pp. 282-305.
Franciscus Verellen, Professor in the History of Daoism, has been named head of the EFEO Center in Hong Kong, Institute of Chinese Studies (ICS), Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), as of April 1, 2014. Franciscus Verellen is a member of the ICS and its International Advisory Board as well as Adjunct Professor at CUHK.

EFEO Paris Seminar
The EFEO Paris seminar is taking place on Monday, April 28 (11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.): a presentation by Ronan Allain (from the National Natural History Museum) on the topic "Les dinosaures du Laos. Bilan de vingt années d'études dans le bassin de Savannakhet [The dinosaurs of Laos. Summary of twenty years of studies in the Savannakhet Basin." (Large conference room of the Maison de l'Asie, 22, avenue du Président Wilson, 75116 Paris.)
La vie des Centres
From April 10 to May 16, Daniel Perret is leading the fourth season of excavations on the site of Kota Cina (North Sumatra) with the cooperation of the Indonesian National Center for Archaeological Research.

Early in April, Arlo Griffiths is taking part in training in Reflectance transformation imaging (RTI) at the University of Southern California (Los Angeles). On April 7 he will be talking at UCLA on the topic "The Relation of Early Buddhism in Northeast South Asia with Buddhism in Areas of Burma." From April 23 to May 10 he is to visit Buma with Bob Hudson (University of Sydney), to work on inscriptions in the Pyu language using the RTI technique.
Phnom Penh
On April 25 the EFEO-MNC seminar is beginning again with students of the Royal Fine Arts University. Sok Soda is discussing the shipping and installation of twenty sculptures from the Phnom Penh National Museum to be part of the exhibition Lost Kingdoms Hindu-Buddhist Sculpture of Early Southeast Asia, 5th to 8th Century at the Metropolitan Museum in New York.
The Peking EFEO Centre EFEO, formerly housed in the Palace of Prince Fu, moved on March 24 into temporary premises: 68 Xinzhong Street, Julong Garden, Building 7, Appt. 10-G, Chaoyang District, 100027 PEKING (100027 北京市 朝陽區 新中街68號 聚龍花園 7號樓 10-G). Telephone and fax numbers remain the same.
As part of the archaeological project in Kaesông, Ėlisabeth Chabanol, San Kosal (APSARA) et Nicolas Nauleau (INRAP) are to be in the People's Democratic Republic of Koreae from April 17 to May 15 in order to start the third season of excavations of the Great Gate of the South (Namdaemun) at Kaesông along with members of the National Authority for the Protection of Cultural Heritage.
Iyanaga Nobumi's seminar on Buddhism at the EFEO's Tokyo Center takes place on Monday, April 7 and 21 (from 6:00-8:00 p.m., Tôyô bunko lecture hall): introduction to the Buddhist kanbun, reading of story du conte 40 ("Voyage du Prince Mahātyāgavat") of the Xianyu-jing/Gengu-kyō, 14 and 15.
On Wednesday, April 16 (at 6:00 p.m.), Wiebke Denecke (Boston University) is giving a lecture in the Kyoto Lectures Series on the topic "Classical World Literatures: Sino-Japanese and Greco-Roman Comparisons: A Book Talk." This lecture, co-organized by the EFEO and ISEAS Centers, is taking place at the Institute for Research in the Humanities of Kyoto University.
On Thursday, April 24 (at 11:00 a.m.), the seminar on Buddhism organized by Iyanaga Nobumi is taking place at the new EFEO Center in Kyoto.
On Wednesday, April 30 (at 6:00 p.m.), Benoît Jacquet dis giving a lecture at the École nationale supérieure d'architecture de Paris-La Villette on the topic "Existe-t-il une spatialité japonaise? Discours et pratiques de l'architecture contemporaine au Japon [Is there a Japanese sense of space? Discourse and practice in modern architecture in Japan]."

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22, av du Président Wilson, 75116 Paris
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