september 2013
L'Agenda de l'EFEO
Colloquia, visits, and meetings
Franciscus Verellen, director, member of the Institut de France, is visiting Hong Kong from September 18 to 20. On September 19 he is taking part, with the President of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) and the Permanent Secretary of the Academy of Inscriptions and Belles Lettres (AIBL), in the induction ceremony for Professor Jao Tsung-I (CUHK) organized jointly by the CUHK and the AIBL. Professor Jao was elected associate foreign member of the AIBL on December 7, 2012.
On September 30, Franciscus Verellen is taking part in the seminar organized by the French School in Rome on the place of the social sciences in the French Institutes Overseas (Écoles françaises à l'étranger - EFE). The seminar is to be followed, on October 1, by a meeting of the five directors of the EFE.

On September 29, in Colmar-Strasbourg, as part of the colloquium Pour une redécouverte de la culture et de la pensée japonaises [Towards a rediscovery of Japanese culture and thought], organized by the Centre Européen d'Études Japonaises d'Alsace (CEEJA - Europen Center for Japanese Studies, Alsace) and the University of Strasbourg (Japanese Studies department), in collaboration with Kyoto University, Frédéric Girard is giving a lecture on "Dōgen en Chine (1223-1227)." He is also to be the discussant at the lecture by Professor Keta Masako (Kyoto University) on the topic "Les associations religieuses dans les courants japonais de la Terre Pure [Religious groups in the Japanese traditions of Pure Earth]."

Beginning on September 1, Peter Skilling, Lecturer at the EFEO, is named Director of Studies in "Histoire et pensées de l'Asie du Sud-Est [Southeast Asian history and thought]." Daniel Perret, Lecturer at the EFEO, is named Director of Studies in "Histoire et archéologie de l'Asie du Sud-Est [Southeast Asian history and archaeology]."

Pierre-Yves Manguin and Henri Chambert-Loir are now directors of studies emeriti after having taken their retirement on September 1.

Ms. Rita Bamba, with a university diploma in finance and accounting, has been hired for the post of assistant to the administrators of accounts overseas.

Mr Dat-Wei Lau, most recently at the Bibliothèque Universitaire des Langues et Civilisations (BULAC - University Library of Languages and Civilizations), is rejoining the EFEO Library to take charge of the Chinese holdings. He is replacing Barbara Bonazzi, who is moving to the Centre d'histoire sociale du XXe siècle [Center for 20th-century social history] at the CNRS. After her fifteen years spent at the EFEO, all our very best wishes go with her.

Ms. Pinutsajee Sallaberry, formerly of the BULAC, is taking charge of the Southeast Asian holdings of the library, replacing Christophe Caudron, who has been named director of the Asian holdings of the Maison Asie Pacifique [Asia-Pacific House] (CNRS) in Marseille.

Cécile Lochet, in charge of database projects and geographical information systems, is leaving the EFEO on September 1. Her replacement is now being recruited.

The EFEO extends a warm welcome to its new collaborators.
Dyah Maria Wirawati Suharno, Kaum Tani di Pulu Seram: Pencitraan Lingkungan Alam dan Perilaku Pertanian Orang Alune di Desa Lumoli, Seram Barat, Maluku Tengah [Paysans de Seram: Représentation de l'environnement végétal et pratiques agricoles chez les Alune de Lumoli, Seram de l'Ouest (Moluques Centrales) - Seram peasants: the vegetation environment and farming practices among the Alunes of Lumoli, Western Seram (Central Moluccas)], Jakarta: EFEO, KPG (Kepustakaan Populer Gramedia), 2013.

Charles Illouz, Philippe Grangé (eds.), Kepulauan Kangean: Penelitian Terapan untuk Pembangunan [L'Archipel Kangean: recherches appliquées pour le développement - The Kangean Archipelago: applied research for development]. Jakarta: KPG (Kepustakaan Populer Gramedia), EFEO, and University of La Rochelle, 2013, ix-281 pp.

Henri Chambert-Loir, Dewaki Kramadibrata (eds.), Naskah Pecenongan Koleksi Perpustakaan Nasional: Sastra Betawi Akhir Abad ke-19 [Les manuscrits du quartier de Pecenongan à la Bibliothèque Nationale d'Indonésie: La littérature de Batavia à la fin du 19e siècle - Manuscripts ffrom the Pecnongan quarter at the Indonesian National Library: The literature of Batavia at the end of the 19th century], Jakarta: PNRI, 2013, xi-174 pp.

Frédéric Girard, "Un essai d'interprétation de la raison des choses selon Yamanouchi Tokuryū, l'appel fait à la philosophie bouddhique [An attempted interpretation of the reason behind things according to Yamanouchi Tokuryū, according to Buddhist philosophy]," Ebisu 49, spring-summer 2013, pp. 91-113.

Peter Skilling, "Vaidalya, Mahayana, and the Bodhisatva in India," in Bhikkhu Nyanatusita (ed.), The Bodhisattva Ideal: Essays on the Emergence of Mahayana. Kandy: Buddhist Publication Society, 2013, pp. 69-164.

Nobumi Iyanaga, Review of Jérôme Ducor and Helen Loveday's, Le Sūtra des contemplations du Buddha Vie-infinie: Essai d'interprétation textuelle et iconographique [The Sūtra of the contemplations of the Infinite Life Buddha: Attempted textual and iconographic interpretation]. Turnhout, Brepols, Library of the School for Advanced Studies, Religious Studies Division, 145, 2011, in Ebisu: Études japonaises, 49 (spring-summer 2013), pp. 187-189.

Rachel Guidoni is taking part, at the École des Chartes, in the jury for the defense of the master's degree of Tahee Onuma, trainee from the National Diet Library (Tokyo), who carried out an audit of EFEO databases from April until mid-July.

Antony Boussemart is organizing the 24th annual conference of the EAJRS (European Association of Japanese Resource Specialists) to be held September 18-21 at the BULAC (auditorium, 65, rue des Grands Moulins, 75013 Paris). He is to preside over the session dedicated to Japanese holdings in France. The program may be consulted in the EAJRS website (
EFEO Paris Seminar
The EFEO Paris seminar is taking place on Monday, September 30 (11:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m.). Pierre Lachaier (EFEO) is talking on the topic "Socio-morphologie de la vieille ville d'Ahmadabad (Inde) [Socio-morphology of the ancient city of Ahmadabad (India)]," Maison de l'Asie, 22 avenue du Président Wilson, 75116 Paris (second-floor meeting room).
La vie des Centres
Peter Skilling is scheduled to give two lectures this month. The first is on "Early Indian Mahayana: Thoughts and Questions," set for September 4 at the Center for Buddhist Studies at Hong Kong University, Pokfulam, at 7 p.m., Room 436, 4/F, Run Run Shaw Tower Centennial Campus) as part of the Tung Lin Kok Yuen Hong Kong Buddhist seminar with the support of the "cyber temple" Buddhistdoor. The second, on the topic of "Women in the vanguard? Reflections on early Indian Buddhism," is being presented at the 2013 Chulalongkorn Asian Heritage Forum: The Emergence and Heritage of Asian Women Intellectuals, at the Institute for Thai Studies, on September 10 and 11 (Imperial Queens Park Hotel, Bangkok).
As part of the ANR program Régir l'espace chinois [Ruling Chinese territory], the EFEO Centre in Peking, in collaboration with the Law School of the University of Tokyo and the French Office of the Maison franco-japonaise (Tokyo), is organizing a colloquium on the question of civil law in China under the Qing dynasty (1644-1911). It is being held on September 26-27 at the Maison franco-japonaise and brings together the following participants: Jérôme Bourgon (CNRS), Ch'iu Peng-sheng (Chinese University of Hong Kong), Maura Dykstra (University of California at Los Angeles), David Faure (Chinese University of Hong Kong), Luca Gabbiani (EFEO), Matsubara Kentaro (University of Tokyo), Kishimoto Mio (Ochanomizu University), Takamizawa Osamu (Institute of Oriental Culture, University of Tokyo).

In September the Peking Center is welcoming two ECAF grantees: Ilse Timperman (SOAS) for one month, and Carlo Ferri (EHESS, Oxford University) for three months.

Hong Kong
On September 13 at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), Lü Pengzhi is taking part in a panel on Religion and Belongingness from Comparative Perspectives as part of the colloquium Islamic Civilization in Multiple Perspectives organized by the Research Institute for the Humanities at CUHK. There he is presenting a talk entitled "Note brève sur les identités multiples du taoïsme [Short note on the many identities of Taoism]."
On September 12 and 13, Élisabeth Chabanol is taking part in the international colloquium organized at the University of Paris-Diderot and at the Maison de l'Asie by the Korean studies network and the centre for research on Korea. The topic is Villes capitales du monde coréen [Capital cities in the Korean world]. Her presentation is entitled "Capitales historiques coréennes et patrimonialisation à Kaesông et Kyôngju: une approche comparée [Historical Korean capitals and national heritage at Kaesông and Kyôngju: a comparative approach.]"

As part of the EFEO's research program Histoire, archéologie et histoire de l'art du site de Kaesông, en République populaire démocratique de Corée, RPDC [History, archaeology, and art history of the site of Kaesông, in the People's Democratic Republic of Korea, PDRK], the EFEO's Seoul Centre and the French office for cooperation in Pyongyang are inviting, from 14 to 29 September, under the aegis of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, three experts from the National Authority for Protection of Cultural Heritage (NAPCH) of the PDRK to take part in a study visit to France. The deputy general director of the NAPCH and the director of the Museum of Popular Arts and Traditions are to meet with officials from the management of cultural patrimony and to visit museum-related institutions and archaeological sites.

Élisabeth Chabanol was interviewed for Radio France International by Frédéric Ojardas on the topic Des trésors archéologiques méconnus en Corée du Nord inscrits à l'UNESCO [Unknown archaeological treasures recognized by UNESCO in North Korea] on July 24, 2013. The interview was taken up again on August 10, in an article published on the RFI website, Kaesong: quand l'archéologie permettait de rapprocher les deux Corées [Kaesong: when archaeology allows a rapprochement between the two Koreas].
The seminar on Buddhism of the EFEO Center in Tokyo is taking place on Monday, 9 and 23 September: "Introduction au Kanbun bouddhique: lecture du conte 40 du Xianyu-jing/Gengu-kyō, 1 et 2 [Introduction to the Buddhist Kanbun: reading of tale #40 from the Xianyu-jing/Gengu-kyō," 1 and 2], (6:00-8:00 p.m. in the Tôyô bunko lecture room).

On 28 September (1:00-2:50 p.m., in the Tôyô bunko lecture room),
Iyanaga Nobumi is lecturing on "Seiō ni okeru Tōyō hyōshō [Western depictions of the Orient]."
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