November 2012
L'Agenda de l'EFEO
In memoriam
Passing of His Majesty the King Father Norodom Sihanouk of Cambodia

It is with great sadness that the École française d'Extrême-Orient has learned of the passing of His Majesty the King Father Norodom Sihanouk of Cambodia who died on October 15, 2012, in Peking. The EFEO has lost its oldest honorary member and wishes to express its deepest sympathy to Her Majesty the Queen Mother Norodom Monineath Sihanouk and His Majesty King Preah Boromneath Norodom Sihamoni of Cambodia.
Colloquia, visits, and meetings
Franciscus Verellen, Director, is taking part in the International Scholarly Council (ICS) meeting of the Chinese University of Hong Kong and is to be at the Hong Kong EFEO Center on November 12 and 13.

On November 14 Franciscus Verellen is giving a talk at the National Palace Museum in Taipei before visiting the Academia Sinica on November 15 to mark the twentieth anniversary of the establishment of the EFEO's presence in Taiwan. The EFEO's Taipei Center was opened in 1992 in the Academia Sinica itself and has been housed in the Institute for Modern History and Philology since 1996.

At the French Institute on November 29 Franciscus Verellen is taking part in a workshop bringing together the directors of all five French Schools abroad, the chairs of their administrative councils, and the General Directorate for Higher Education and Professional Development.
From October 25 to November 7 Alain Arrault is in Peking to complete the process of publishing three volumes of Xiangzhong zongjiao yu xiangtu shehui (Religions and local society of Hunan), published by Zongjiao wenhua chuban she, in collaboration with Peking Normal University.

Michela Bussotti is to be in Peking from October 30 to November 10 to set up, in cooperation with the Chinese National Library, the upcoming on-line publication of the database of Huizhou genealogies.

From November 4 to 12, Dominic Goodall is visiting Hamburg to work with Professor Harunaga Isaacson and to give a public lecture entitled "Tantrischer Śivaismus: Yoga und die Anfänge des Mantra-Weges (mantramārga) [Tantric Śaivism: yoga and the beginnings of the ‘way of mantras' (mantramārga)]" as part of a new lecture series called Der esoterische (tantrische) Weg im Hinduismus und Buddhismus-religionsübergreifender Austausch von esoterischen Modellen [The esoteric (tantric) path in Hinduism and in Buddhism-the exchange of esoteric models across religious boundaries].

François Lachaud is in Paris from November 14 to 25, where he is taking part in the defense of Héléne Vu Thanh's thesis "Pastorale et missions au Japon pendant le Siècle chrétien XVIe-XVIIe siècle [Pastoral care and missions in Japan during the Christian Century, 16th to 17th centuries]" on Saturday, November 24, at the University of Paris IV Sorbonne.

On Friday, November 16, François Lachaud is giving a lecture at the Guimet Museum's Buddhist Pantheon on the topic "Ikkyû et l'art du thé [Ikkyû and the tea ceremony]" along with the Reverend Yamada [Sôbin], high priest at the Shinju-an (Daïtoku-ji), one of the highest Japanese religious authorities (6:30 p.m., lecture hall of the Maison de l'Asie, 19 avenue d'Iéna 75116 Paris).

On November 20, François Lachaud is speaking at an EFEO Seminar (see below).

On November 23, at 9:30 a.m., Fabienne Jagou is presenting a talk entitled "Transmission et pérennité des enseignements bouddhiques tibétains dans les milieux religieux taïwanais et thaï [Transmission and survival of Tibetan Buddhist teachings in Taiwanese and Thai settings]" at the workshop La place de l'enseignement dans les processus de transmission et de conversion du bouddhisme [The place of teaching in the processes of transmission and conversion in Buddhism]. Conceived as part of the series of workshops on Anthropologie comparée du bouddhisme [Comparative anthropology in Buddhism] and organized by Nicolas Sihlé (CEH) and Bénédicte Brac de la Perrière (CASE), this daylong workshop is taking place at the Centre Asie du Sud-Est [Southeast Asian Center], Le France, room 638 (7th floor, Complex A), 190 avenue de France, Paris 75013).
The Scholarly Council of the EFEO is meeting on Thursday, November 22, at 2:30 p.m., and the Administrative Council on Friday, November 23, at 9:30 a.m. Both groups are meeting at the EFEO, in the Maison de l'Asie meeting rooms.
From November 2 to 7 Rachel Guidoni, Library Director, is visiting the Siem Reap Center of the EFEO.
Pierre-Yves Manguin has been named editor in chief of the Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient (BEFEO).

Arts Asiatiques 67, (2012), annals of the Guimet National Museum of Asian Art and the Cernuschi Museum, and notebooks of the École française d'Extrême-Orient. 188 pp. 251 color illustrations. Published by the EFEO with the cooperation of the CNRS and the Service des Musées de France.

Alain Arrault, guest editor, "Religions et société locale. Études interdisciplinaires sur la région centrale du Hunan [Religions and local society. Interdisciplinary studies on the central region of Human]," Cahiers d'Extrême-Asie, 19, 2010, 354 pp.
Alain Arrault, guest editor, « Religions et societe locale. Études interdisciplinaires sur la région centrale du Hunan », in Cahiers d'Extrême-Asie, 19, 2010, 354 p.

Alain Arrault, « La société locale vue à travers la statuaire domestique du Hunan », in Cahiers d'Extrême-Asie, 19, 2010, p. 47-132.

Michela Bussotti, « Observations sur les sculpteurs de statuettes religieuses du Hunan », in Cahiers d'Extrême-Asie, 19, 2010, p. 135-181.

Luca Gabbiani, « Une visite à la Cité interdite », in Les Collections de L'Histoire, n° 57 (octobre-décembre 2012), p. 16.

Frédéric Girard, « Introduction » (p. I-XXIII) and « The Treatise of the Golden Lion attributed to Fazang in China and Japan » (pages 307-338), in Avataṃsaka Buddhism in East Asia, Origins and Adaptation of a Visual Culture, éditeur Robert Gimello, Frédéric Girad and Imre Hamar, Asiatische Forschungen 155, Harrassowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden, 2012, XXIII + 412 p.
Anne Bouchy (Centre d'anthropologie sociale, Maison de la Recherche , Université de Toulouse-Le Mirail, Toulouse, and EHESS)
- "L'ethnologie du Japon: introduction méthodologique et thématique [Ethnology of Japan: Methodological and thematic introduction]" (M1): Anthropologie du Japon (UE 143 - SOA0143X)
Topic for 2012/2013 "Comment la société, les communautés locales et les individus gèrent-ils l'ordinaire et l'aléatoire? [How do society, local communities, and individuals run their lives in normal and abnormal situations?]" Tuesdays, at the Centre d'anthropologie sociale, beginning September 27.

- "Les dynamiques du fait religieux au Japon-le shugendō [Dynamics of religion in Japan-shugendō]" (M2) and doctoral candidates: Anthropologie de l'Asie (UE 354 - SOA0354X)
Topic for 2012/2013 "Corps, intériorité et paysage dans les rites initiatiques du shugendō [The body, inner life, and landscape in shugendō initiation rites]."
Tuesdays, at the Centre d'anthropologie sociale, beginning October 4.

- Seminar, "Faire du terrain en Asie et ailleurs [Fieldwork in Asia and elsewhere]" (part of UE 242 - SOA0242X: practicum in written and oral communication) open to M1, M2, doctoral candidates, post-doctoral workers, researchers.
Fridays, 4:30-6:30 p.m., at the Centre d'anthropologie sociale, dates still to be set.

- Monthly seminar of the EHESS "Les modes d'action du religieux [Ways of behaving among the religious]"
Jean-Pierre Albert (Director of Studies at the EHESS) and Anne Bouchy (Director of Studies at the École
française d'Extrême-Orient)
Topic for 2012/2013: Les modes d'accession à une fonction de spécialiste religieux [Ways of becoming a religious specialist].
Fridays, 10:00 a.m. to noon, meeting room at the Centre d'anthropologie MDR, dates still to be set.

- Monthly seminar of the EHESS "Environnement, société et ruptures - Expérience, savoir-faire, perception et réflexivité [Environment, society, and upheavals - Experience, know-how, perception, and introspection"
Anne Bouchy (Director of Research at the EFEO) and Nicolas Ellison (Lecturer at the EHESS)
Tuesdays, 4:30-6:30 p.m., Maison de la recherche, dates still to be set.

For more details on the dates and times of courses and seminars, visit the website

Marianne Bujard (École pratique des hautes études (EPHE), department of historical and philological studies)
- "Histoire et Épigraphie de la Chine des Han, rituels impériaux, cultes locaux et religion personnelle [History and Epigraphy of Han China: imperial rituals, local cults, and religious office holders]."
Wednesdays, 2:00-4:00 p.m., the Maison de l'Asie, 22 avenue du Président Wilson, 5th floor, beginning November 14.

Frédéric Girard (École pratique des hautes études (EPHE), department of historical and philological studies)
- "Le Bouddhisme de Kamakura en question [Questioning Kamakura Buddhism]." Mondays, 2:00-4:00 p.m., Sorbonne, 1 rue Victor Cousin, Room H 646, Stairway U, 5th floor,
Beginning November 26.

Dominic Goodall will resume his lectures at the EPHE (Religious Sciences Section) beginning November 4:
- "Kālidāsa et la religion : lectures du Raghuvaṃśa et de ses commentaires [Kālidāsa and Religion: readings in the Raghuvaṃśa and its commentaries]", Wednesday 1:00-2:00p.m.
- "Les débuts du tantrisme sivaïtes à travers de sources sanskrites inédites [The beginnings of tantric Śaivism through unpublished Sanskrit sources]," Wednesday, 3:00-5:00 p.m.,
- "Textes sanskrits indiens et inscriptions du Cambodge [Indian Sanskrit Texts and Cambodian Inscriptions]," from 3:00-5:00 p.m., on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of every month (alternating with the lectures of Gerdi Gerschheimer and Claude Jacques on Khmer inscriptions), also at the Maison de l'Asie.

Fabienne Jagou
- "Politique et religion au Tibet [Politics and Religion in Tibet" (M1 et M2) as part of the training on contemporary East Asia organized by the Lyon Institut d'Asie Orientale in collaboration with the École Normale Supérieure (ENS) in Lyon and the Lyon Institut d'Études Politiques in Lyon.
At the ENS, 15 parvis René Descartes.
- "Histoire de la Chine [History of China]" (Licence 2).
Université de Savoie, 27 rue Marcoz, Chambéry

Kuo Liying (EPHE, department of historical and philological studies)
- "Philologie du bouddhisme chinois: 1. La chronique des maîtres de la lignée du Buddha Vairocana, composée à Dunhuang (fin IXe - début Xe siècle); 2. Lecture de manuscrits et de textes canoniques imprimés se rapportant à ce sujet [Philology of Chinese Buddhism: 1. The chronicle of the masters in the lineage of the Buddha Vairocana composed at Dunhuan (end of the 9th to beginning of the 10th century); 2. Reading of manuscripts and printed canonical texts related to this topic]."
First and third Fridays, 2:00-4:00 p.m., beginning November 23, at the Maison de l'Asie, 5th floor meeting room.

EFEO Paris Seminar
Élisabeth Chabanol (EFEO is talking on the topic "Fouiller Kaesông: travaux récents de la Mission Archéologique à Kaesông (République populaire démocratique de Corée) [Excavating Kaesông: recent work of the Archaeological Mission at Kaesông]," Monday, November 26 (11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.), Maison de l'Asie (2nd floor meeting room), 22, avenue du Président Wilson, 75116 Paris).
The December EFEO seminar has been moved forward to Tuesday, November 20 (11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.), when François Lachaud (EFEO) will give a talk entitled "Les Clochards célestes. Le bouddhisme zen et l'Amérique des années cinquante [Heavenly bums: Zen Buddhism and the U.S. of the 1950s]."
Of Special Note
Li Xiao (Professor at the People's University, Peking, and Director of the Institute for Research on Turfan), a guest of the Research Group on Dunhuang and Central Asia, UMR 8155 (CRCAO) is giving two lectures on the following topics:
- "Nouvelles découvertes archéologiques à Turfan - Les échanges Europe/Asie à l'époque Protohistorique [New archaeological discoveries at Turfan - European/Asian trade in the protohistoric period]," Wednesday, November 14, 2:00-4:00 p.m., at the Collège de France (Cardinal Lemoine branch: 52, rue du Cardinal Lemoine, 75005 Paris, Lévi-Strauss Room, ground floor) ;
- "L'oasis de Turfan, un carrefour sur la route de la soie (IIe s. av. J-C - XIIIe s. ap. J-C) [The Turfan oasis, a crossroads on the Silk Road (2nd century BCE to 13th century CE]," Friday, November 16, 10-00 a.m. to noon, Maison de l'Asie (2nd floor meeting room).
Life in the Centers
Until November 19 Peter Skilling is continuing his fieldwork in North India. He is visiting various sites in Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, and Rajasthan.

From November 23 to December 3 Peter Skilling is in Korea. There he will give an address entitled "Buddhist Meditation: Who holds the monopoly?" at the conference Buddhist Meditation from Ancient India to Contemporary Asia: International Conference on Buddhist Studies to commemorate 100 years of Master Seongchul at Dongguk University in Séoul.

Christophe Pottier is presenting his material on "Geoinformatics and Heritage: Recent advances in remote sensing in the archaeology of Angkor" at the STIC - Asie 2012 seminar being held in Bangkok from October 29 to 31 at the Pulllman Hotel.

From November 8 to 18 Christophe Pottier is visiting the People's Democratic Republic of Korea to take part in the Archaeological Mission to Kaesông (MAK, MAEE Consulting Commission on Archaeological Excavations Abroad) being run by Élisabeth Chabanol (EFEO), in collaboration with the National Bureau for Cultural Properties Conservation. This campaign is continuting the study of the fortress at the ancient capital of Koryô and plans to start digging at the Namdae Gate (Great Gate to the South).
Chiang Mai
On November 8, at the University of Illinois at Urbana/Champaign, Illinois, Jacques Leider is attending the forum Ethnicity, Citizenship and Human Rights in Burma, History and Plight of the Rohingya. He is giving a talk titled "Communal strife at a cultural frontier: Buddhists and Muslims in Arakan in a historical perspective."
On Monday, November 12, at 2:00 p.m., at the EHESS, Yves Goudineau is taking part in a thesis defense jury for Steven Prigent's "L'émancipation des galopins: une ethnologie de l'enfant dans un village de riziculteurs cambodgiens (2007-2011) ["The liberation of street urchins: ethnology of children in a Cambodian rice-raising village (2007-2011)]," a thesis which he, Goudineau, directed.

On November 19, 20, and 21, in Vientiane, Yves Goudineau is chairing the series of meetings on the Humane and Social Sciences during the meetings Journées lao-françaises de la Recherche [Franco-Lao Research Days] that he has organized with the French Embassy and the Laotian Academy of Social Sciences.
Kuala Lumpur
On November 6 and 7 the Kuala Lumpur Center is organizing, with the cooperation of the History department of the University of Malaysia and the support of the French Embassy in Malaysia, an international conference on the topic Seals as Symbol of Power and Authority in Southeast Asia. During this conference, taking place at the University of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, there are to be twenty-two presentations by Malaysian, French, Indonesian, Japanese, Vietnamese, and British researchers.
From November 1 to 11 Véronique Degroot is visiting Batujaya, at the invitation of Agustijanto Indrajaya (Indonesian National Archaeological Center), in order to take part, as a consultant, in a new set of excavations of Buddhist structures.

From November 22 to December 5 Véronique Degroot - accompanied by Amelia Driwantoro and Agustijanto Indrajaya - is to be away in the Kendal region as part of a program of archaeological prospecting on the north coast of Central Java, in cooperation with the Indonesian National Archaeological Center.

Phnom Penh
Ham Seihasarann and Khom Sreymom of the sculpture conservation workshop at the Cambodian National Museum are rejoining Arlo Griffiths for another expedition in East Java, from November 12 to 27, to take impressions of stone inscriptions. At the end of their stay, they will conduct a seminar in Jakarta on techniques of making such impressions.
From November 16 to 23 Luca Gabbiani is in Taipei. He is attending the formal opening of the exhibition of photographs of Angkor at the Taipei Technical University. He is also giving a talk, on Thursday, November 22, on the topic "Histoire urbaine et histoire du gouvernement urbain dans la Chine imperial tardive [Urban history and the history of urban government in late imperial China]" as part of the monthly seminar at the Center for French Study of Contemporary China, in collaboration with the Taipei EFEO Center.

On November 27, Wu Yanhong (Professor in the History department at Zhejian University, Hangzhou) is giving a lecture at the Institute for Legal Studies at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, as part of the series Histoire, Archéologie et Société [History, Archaeology, and Society]. His talk is entitled "Savoir juridique et justice locale sous la dynastie des Ming (1368-1644): une reevaluation [Judicial knowledge and local justice under the Ming dynasty (1368-1644) a re-evaluation."
Hong Kong
From November 9 to 11, in Hong Kong, Lü Pengzhi is attending the Ghost Cultural Festival co-organized by the Department of Cultural and Religious Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, and the Centre for Humanities Research, Lingnan University of Hong Kong. The festival includes both the viewing of Taoist rituals for the dead and the international colloquium on Ghost Culture in Religion, Literature and Film.

On November 13, Franciscus Verellen is visiting the EFEO's Hong Kong Centre (see above).
On November 14 Franciscus Verellen, Director, is presenting a talk at the National Palace Museum in Taipei on the topic "Une page régionale de l'histoire de l'art visuel en Chine, transmission et innovation au royaume Shu du Xe siècle [A regional page in the history of visual art in China: transmission and innovation during the Shu kingdom of the 10th century]." (See above).

November 17: formal opening of the travelling exhibition Vestiges archéologiques d'Angkor: travaux de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Archaeological remains at Angkor: work of the EFEO], organized jointly by the Taipei National University of Technology, the EFEO, and the southern branch of the National Palace Museum. (To run from September 8 to October 14 in Chiayi and from November 17 to December 29 in Taipei.)

On November 23 Bertrand Porte is giving a lecture at the National Palace Museum on the topic "Avec les danseuses royales du Cambodge [With the royal dancers of Cambodia]," using the photographs of George Groslier (drawn from the photographic holdings of the Cambodian National Museum).
On November 8, at the historical museum of the city of Seoul, an exhibition, Jeong-dong 1900, is opening. Élisabeth Chabanol collaborated on the sections concerning the Korean Pavilion at the 1900 Exposition Universelle in Paris and the French Legation in Korea.

Élisabeth Chabanol and Christophe Pottier will be at the Kaesông site in the People's Democratic Republic of Korea from November 8 to 18 as part of the Mission Archéologique à Kaesông (MAE-EFEO). They are continuing excavations of the base of the Namedae gate and undertaking the post-excavation work.
The seminar on Buddhism at the EFEO Center in Tokyo is on Monday, November 12 and 27. Introduction to the Buddhist Kanbun, reading of the Xianyu-jing/Kengu-kyo, n° 27 et n° 28 (6:00 to 8:00 p.m., Tôyô bunko lecture hall).
On Tuesday, November 13, at 6 p.m., Vincent Giraud (of the Philosophy of Religions Department at the Kyoto University) is giving a talk in the Kyoto Lectures series on the topic "Decentering Existence: Nishitani and Augustine," at the Institute for Research in the Humane Sciences of Kyoto University.

On Thursday, November 29, at 11 a.m., the seminar on Buddhism organized by Iyanaga Nobumi is taking place at the French Institut of Japan-Kansai.
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22, av du Président Wilson, 75116 Paris
Tél. : + 33 1 53 70 18 60 | Fax : + 33 1 53 70 87 60 |