November 2011
L'Agenda de l'EFEO
EFEO General Meeting
The biennial General Meeting of the École française d'Extrême-Orient is being held from 17 to 19 November in Chiang Mai, Thailand. This meeting brings together the academic staff based in France and in Asia, along with heads of central services. Past meetings were held in Pondicherry (2005), Paris (2007), and Hanoi (2009). The choice of Chiang Mai for this year's assembly allows all the participants to familiarize themselves with the new facilities available at the Chiang Mai Center. This center was opened in 1975, and reorganized in 2009-2010. With the construction of a much enlarged library and an increased capacity for hosting visiting scholars (office space, along with conference and meeting rooms) the Center now constitutes a major region-wide scholarly resource for studies of Southeast Asia and Theravada Buddhism. The General Meeting also provides a valuable forum for discussion and exchanges among EFEO personnel and local partners.
Franciscus Verellen

Flooding in Thailand
The monsoon rains that have devastated continental Southeast Asia over the past months have led to floods and more than 600 deaths in Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam. After hitting Chiang Mai and Siem Reap last month, the situation has become aggravated in Thailand's central plain where vast masses of water have accumulated since October 5, flooding some twenty provinces including that of the ancient capital Ayutthaya.
Bangkok has also been affected, especially in its northern districts around the old Don Muang airport, which has been closed, and on the west bank where the EFEO Center is housed in the Sirindhorn Anthropology Centre. The most critical period for the city center should soon be passed. Downtown Bangkok was spared, along with the Suvarnabhumi international airport, which is strongly protected and continues operations without interruption. The Sirindhorn Anthropology Centre and the EFEO, closed since October 15, will most likely reopen on November 7, the situation permitting. Recovery in outlying areas will probably take much longer, and the cost of the floods, as much in human terms as economic and political, will be considerable.
As the EFEO prepares to hold its General Meeting at Chiang Mai from November 17-19, we express our sympathy to our Thai colleagues for the trials that they are currently undergoing.
Christophe Pottier
Colloquia, visits, and meetings
In line with its new statutory regulations (decree of 10 February 2010) the EFEO's Board of Administrators and Academic Council are meeting on Thursday and Friday, November 3-4, at the EFEO.

From November 14-23, Franciscus Verellen, Director, is visiting Cambodia (the Siem Reap Center), Thailand (the Chiang Mai Center), and Japan (the Kyoto Center).

On November 25, the directors and directors of administratives services of the five Ecoles françaises à l'Etranger (French Institutes Overseas - including the EFEO) are meeting at the premises of the Academy of Inscriptions and Belles-Lettres (AIBL) and then participating in the formal meeting of the AIBL under the dome of the Institut de France.
On November 29, Franciscus Verellen, Director, is taking part in meeting of the heads of the member institutions of the Pres Hesam cluster with Laurent Wauquiez, Minister of Higher Education and Research.
From November 8-16, Pascal Royère, Director of Studies, is visiting Siem Reap to prepare the Western Mébon restauration project.
On 14 November Emmanuelle Maury, financial officer, is to be in Bangkok for the restoration of service at the Bangkok Center, and from 16 to 21 November she is taking part in the General Meeting and auditing operations at the Chiang Mai Center.
François Lachaud is the co-organizer of the international colloquium on Empires en marche. Rencontres entre la Chine et l'Occident à l'âge moderne (XVI e - XIX e siècle)/Empires on the Move. Encounters between China and the West in the Early Modern Era (16th-19th century) being held on 7 and 8 November under the aegis of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation (at the Fondation Calouste Gulbenkian, 39 boulevard de la Tour Maubourg, 75007 Paris). EFEO contributions to the program:
Monday, November 7:
• noon: François Lachaud, "Horse-headed Stoics and filthy brutes: Jonathan Swift in China and Japan."
• 2:30 p.m.: Paola Calanca: "Européens et politique maritime chinoise (XVIe-XVIIIe siècle)."
Tuesday 8 November:
• 2:00 p.m.: Alain Arrault: "Le Livre des mutations (Yijing) et le calcul binaire: prétextes et malentendus [The Book of Changes (Yijing) and binary calculation: pretexts and misunderstandings]."
• 4:00 p.m.: Michela Bussotti: "Transmission et reproduction: les techniques d'impression de Matteo Ripa et du Collegio dei Cinesi de Naples (XVIIIe-XIXe siècle) [Transmission and reproduction: printing techniques of Matteo Ripa and the Collegio dei Cinesi in Naples (18th to 19th centuries)]."
See all contributions at:

On November 10, at the Guimet Museum, François Lachaud is giving a lecture entitled "Sens interdits? Hakuin Ekaku (1685-1768) et la mise en forme des kôan [Wrong directions? Hakuin Ekaku and the structuring of kôan]."

On Wednesday, November 9, Alain Arrault is beginning his master's course at the EPHE (Religious studied section) on Chinese religions from the Han to the Tang and electronic resources for ancient texts.
From November 7-16 Éric Bourdonneau is visiting Phnom Penh et à Siem Reap to prepar the next archaeological investigation at Koh Ker, in collaboration with the team from the University of Heidelberg's Angkor Project Group.

As part of the Colloque sur les études khmères [Colloquium on Khmer studies] being organized in Paris on November 25-26 (Aefek/Langues O'/CNRS/Péninsule), he is presenting a talk entitled "L'histoire du Cambodge ancien: discipline impossible? [The history of ancient Cambodia: an impossible discipline?]"
Luca Gabbiani, « Qiren ye, hanren ye - Manzhou ren Shengyin (1762-1834) yu qi qingnian shiqi de shenghuo jingyan (Bannerman or Chinaman? The life and administrative career of the Manchu Shengyin, 1762-1834) », dans Zhongguo shehui kexueyuan Jindaishi yanjiusuo Zhengzhishi yanjiushi (ed.), Qingdai Man-Han guanxi yanjiu/A Study on Machu-Han relations in the Qing Dynasty, Pékin, Shehui kexue wenxian chubanshe/Social Sciences Academic Press, 2011, p. 266-274.

A. Griffiths et William A. Southworth, « La stèle d'installation de Sri Adidevesvara : une nouvelle inscription de Satyavarman trouvée dans le temple de Hoa Lai et son importance pour l'histoire du Panduranga [The installation stele of Sri Adidevesvara: a new Satyavarman inscription found in the Hoa Lai temple and its importance in the history of the Panduranga] », Journal Asiatique 299 (2011), p. 271-317.

Pierre-Yves Manguin, [direction scientifique, en collaboration avec A. Mani et G. Wade], Early Interactions between South and Southeast Asia: Reflections on Cross-Cultural Exchange, Singapore, New Delhi, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (Nalanda Sriwijaya Series 2) / Manohar, 2011, 513 p.

Pierre-Yves Manguin, « Introduction », in P.-Y. Manguin, A. Mani & G. Wade (eds.), India and Southeast Asia: Reflections on Cross-cultural Exchange, Singapore: Nalanda-Sriwijaya Centre, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 2011, p. XIII-XXXI.

Pierre-Yves Manguin [avec Agustijanto Indrajaja], « The Batujaya Site: New Evidence of Early Indian Influence in West Java », in P.-Y. Manguin, A. Mani & G. Wade (eds.), India and Southeast Asia: Reflections on Cross-cultural Exchange, Singapore, New Delhi, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (Nalanda Sriwijaya Series 2), Manohar, 2011, p. 113-136.

Pierre-Yves Manguin, « Late Mediaeval Asian Shipbuilding in the Indian Ocean: A Reappraisal », in Om Prakash (ed.), The Trading World of the Indian Ocean, 1500-1800, Calcutta, Centre for Studies in Civilisations (Project on History of Science, Philosophy and Culture in Indian Civilisation), 2011, p. 597-629.

Pierre-Yves Manguin, « The Maldives connection: pre-modern Malay World shipping across the Indian Ocean », in Chantal Radimilahy and Narivelo Rajaonarimanana (éds.), Civilisations des mondes insulaires. Mélanges en l'honneur du Professeur Claude Allibert. Paris: Éditions Karthala, 2011, p. 261-284.

Pierre-Yves Manguin, « The ships on the Borobudur Reliefs », in John N. Miksic, Noerhadi Magetsari, Jan Fontein, et al., Borobudur : Majestic, Mysterious, Magnificent, Yogyakarta : PT Taman Wisata Candi Borobudur/BAB Publishing, 2011, p.180-185.

Lü Pengzhi, « Lingbao liuzhai kao (Les six jeûnes du Lingbao) », Wenshi 96.3 (2011), p. 85-125.
EFEO Paris Seminar
The EFEO Paris Seminar is taking place on Monday, November 28 (11 a.m - 12:30 p.m.); Christine Hawixbrock (EFEO research associate) is talking on "Nouvelles recherches archéologiques au Sud-Laos: Nong Moung (ville ancienne de Vat Phu) et Nong Hua Thong (Savannakhet) [New archaeological research in Southern Laos: Nong Moung (ancient Wat Phu city) and Nong Hua Thong (Savannakhet)]," at the Maison de l'Asie (2nd floor room, 22 avenue du Président Wilson, 75116 Paris).
Of Special Note
UMR Iranian and Indian Worlds Seminar 7528 Archéologie de l'est de l'Océan Indien: échanges préhistoriques et du début de la période historique depuis les confins iraniens jusqu'à la Mer de Chine Méridionale [Archaeology of the eastern Indian Ocean: trade from the prehistoric and the beginning of the historical period from Iranian controlled areas to the South China Sea], organized by Bérénice Bellina (CNRS - UMR "Mondes iranien et indien [Iranian and Indian Worlds]"): on 8 November Noémie Martin (post-doctoral student at the Centre d'étude et de recherche sur l'Océan Indien occidental [Center for study and research on the western Indian Ocean]- CEROI-INALCO) is talking on "Production céramique de l'Océan Indien occidental [Ceramic production from the western Indian Ocean]," Maison de l'Asie, 10:00 to 11:30 a.m.
Life in the Centers
Daniele Cuneo, from the University of Vienna, Faculty of Philological and Cultural Studies, Department of South Asian, Tibetan and Buddhist Studies, and scholar of the EFEO, is completing a month-long stay to pursue his research on the Tantiyalankaram under the guidance of Eva Wilden and G. Vijayavenugopal.

Anne Davrinche, doctoral student at Paris III and fellow of the "Fondation Pierre Ledoux-Jeunesse Internationale" is leaving Pondicherry after spending two months at the EFEO Center to continue her research on temples around Senji.

Gaia Pintucci, student of the International M.A. Program in South Asian Studies of the University of Hamburg, has left Pondicherry after spending a study-period consisting of reading sessions with Dominic Goodall at the EFEO Center from mid-September to the end of October 2011.

Dominic Goodall is leaving the Pondicherry Center after a ten week stay during which he continued his various collaborative projects with Sanskritists at the Center.
Kuala Lumpur
On November 9-10, the Kuala Lumpur Center is organizing in Kuala Lumpur, with the Malaysian Association of Archaeologists (Ikatan Ahli Arkeologi Malaysia) and the support of the French embassy, a workshop titled Epigraphy of Southeast Asia. This workshop will bring together sixteen researchers coming from France, Indonesia, Malaysia, Cambodia, Thailand, and the Philippines. The meeting constitutes the first step in the assessment of the current state of epigraphic research in the region.
On November 9-10, Arlo Griffiths is taking part in the workshop on Epigraphy of Southeast Asia being organized in Kuala Lumpur by Daniel Perret. He is presenting a talk entitled "A Corpus Approach to the Study of Inscriptions in Old Malay Language" dealing with inscriptions in old Malay and those of the Cham.

From November 21 to December 6 he is in Vietnam, meeting with his co-members of the Corpus des inscriptions du Campa program to undertake a fieldwork visit in Quang Nam province and the production of a series of impressions at the Da Nang Museum of Champa Art.
Chiang Mai
The General Meeting of the EFEO is being held at the Chiang Mai Center from November 16-19 (see Editorial).

The early October floods in Chiang Mai covered the area in mud and uprooted a large tamarind tree on the Center's grounds. Its roots lifted the paving stones in the approach to the Center and the branches and leaves knocked over several palm trees. Repair work is underway.
On November 2, as part of a new series of lectures organized jointly by the EFEO and the Laotian French Institute, Vanina Bouté, Lecturer in social anthropology at the University of Picardy (Amiens), is presenting at the French Institute her new book, published by Editions EFEO: En miroir du pouvoir. Les Phounoy du Nord-Laos. Ethnogenèse et dynamiques d'intégration [Reflecting power. The Phounoy of Northern Laos. Ethnogenesis and dynamics of integration] (EFEO Monograph, 194). This lecture also marks the beginning of local availability of EFEO publications on Laos, with the sales outlet being provided by the local bookstore Monument Books.
From November 25-27, Luca Gabbiani is taking part in the international colloquium on The 1911 Revolution and the evolution of society at the end of the Qing dynasty, organized by the Institute for Manchu History at the Peking Academy of Social Sciences. His address deals with the transformation of the pattern of city government in Peking at the end of the Qing dynasty.
From November 5 to 10 Paola Calanca is in Paris to take part in the colloquium Empires en marche: rencontres entre la Chine et l'Occident à l'âge moderne (XVIe - XIXe siècle/Empires on the Move. Encounters between China and the West in the Early Modern Era (16th-19th century) (see above).

On Monday, November 14, Isabelle Landry-Deron (EHESS) is presenting a talk on the topic "Missionary sources: New approaches on Historical Researches in Late Imperial China." This lecture is being organized by the Taipei Center in cooperation with the CEFC and the World History team of the History and Philology Institute of the Academia Sinica (room 702 of the History and Philology Institute, noon to 2:00 p.m.).
The Tokyo EFEO Center's seminar on Buddhism is taking place on Mondays, November 14 and 28 (from 6 to 8 p.m., Tôyô bunko lecture hall): "Introduction au Kanbun bouddhique: lecture du Xianyu-jing/Kengu-kyo, 5 and 6 [Introduction to the Buddhist Kanbun: reading of the Xianyu-jing/Kengu-kyo, 5 and 6]."
On November 10 (6:00 p.m.), Benjamin Perry (Deputy Director of the Australian Centre on China in the World at Australian National University-Canberra) is giving a lecture as part of the Kyoto Lectures on the topic "Philosophy and Vain Deceit: Anti-Buddhist Polemics in mid-nineteenth century China" at the Institute for Research in the Humane Sciences (Jinbun kagaku kenkyûjo) of Kyoto University.

On November 12-13, the EFEO and ISEAS Centers are co-organizing two day-long workshops with the Australian Centre on China in the World (Australian National University) on the topic of "Scholarly Perspectives on China: The View from Japan," in collaboration with the Institute for Research in the Humane Sciences (Jinbun kagaku kenkyûjo) of Kyoto University.

On November 22, beginning at 9:30 a.m., an international jury of twelve members is meeting at the EFEO and ISEAS premises to make a final selection of the team of architects for the contract to build the new EFEO-ECAF Center in Kyoto.

On November 24 (11:00 a.m.) the monthly seminar on Buddhism, directed by Iyanaga Nobumi, is taking place at the Kansai Franco-Japanese Institute. ,
From November 2-13, Elisabeth Chabanol and Christophe Pottier are visiting the Korean People's Democratic Republic as part of the EFEO/MAEE program Mission archéologique à Kaesông [Kaesông archaeological mission] in order to follow up on the work done so far on the site of the historic city of Kaesông carried out in cooperation with the National Bureau for Cultural Properties Conservation of the KPDR.
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