October 2011
L'Agenda de l'EFEO
This month the non-profit organization The Friends of the EFEO is been incorporated in the state of California, with its headquarters in Berkeley. With donations from residents of the United States and foundation support, The Friends of the EFEO has the goal of financing the participation of North American scholars, librarians, and technical personnel in international scholarly activities organized by the EFEO. Their first project is to establish an annual lecture at the EFEO's Kyoto Center in memory of the noted EFEO scholar of Chinese religion, Anna Seidel, who died prematurely twenty years ago on a visit to San Francisco in the midst of an inspired career in Japan. The organization also hopes to take part in archaeological projects and the conservation of sites in Asia, and to finance researchers based in the United States as guests at the EFEO's Centers in Asia. The officers of The Friends of the EFEO are Phyllis Brooks Schafer (University of California at Berkeley), President, and Professor Stephen Bokenkamp (Arizona State University), Secretary-Treasurer. In addition, its distinguished Board of Directors includes Professor Nicola Di Cosmo (Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton), Professor Lothar von Falkenhausen (University of California at Los Angeles), Professor Michael Puett (Harvard University), Professor Stephen F. Teiser (Princeton University), and Dr. Huntington Williams III (Consultant, Baltimore, Maryland), along with the Director of the EFEO.
In memoriam
It is with profound regret that we learnt of the passing on September 16, 2011, of Jean Leclant, member of the Board of Administrators and of the Academic Council of the École Française d'Extrême-Orient. A leading Egyptologist, Jean Leclant was the permanent secretary of the French Academy of Inscriptions and Belles-Lettres (AIBL) and a corresponding member of many distinguished academies and learned societies abroad. At the helm of the AIBL, a noted founding member of the European Consortium for Asian Field Study (ECAF) coordinated by the EFEO, Jean Leclant was an unfailing supporter and valued mentor to our institution. As one of the French Schools Overseas founded by and affiliated with the Academy of Inscriptions and Belles-Lettres, the EFEO pays tribute and expresses its gratitude to an eminent scholar and a friend of long standing who will be greatly missed.
Franciscus Verellen
Colloquia, visits, and meetings
Franciscus Verellen, Director, is visiting Hong Kong on October 5 and 6 to take part in the annual meeting of the international Advisory Board of the Institute of Chinese Studies (ICS), Chinese University of Hong Kong, as well as visiting the EFEO Center in Hong Kong, housed in the ICS.

On October 14 Franciscus Verellen, Director and Member of the Academy of Inscriptions and Belles-Lettres, is taking part in a special session of the Academy in the presence of His Majesty Norodom Sihamoni, King of Cambodia. The meeting is dedicated to the history and archaeology of the Khmer world.

From October 15 to 21, Franciscus Verellen is visiting the United States, first Princeton and New York (October 16 and 17), and then Berkeley and San Francisco (October 18 to 20) where the organization The Friends of the EFEO is launched on October 19 (see the Editorial).
At the public session of the Academy of Inscriptions and Belles-Lettres on October 14, Pascal Royère, Director of Studies, and Eric Bourdonneau, Lecturer, are presenting, under the auspices of Franciscus Verellen, talks entitled respectively "Les travaux de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient sur le site d'Angkor au Cambodge [Work done by the EFEO on the site of Angkor in Cambodia]" and "La fondation du culte du Devarāja. Danse, sacrifice et royauté au Prasat Thom de Koh Ker [The establishment of the Devarāja cult: dance, sacrifice and royalty at the Prasat Thom of Koh Ker]."
pascal.royere@efeo.net , eric.bourdonneau@efeo.net
François Lachaud is presenting two seminars: on October 12 at the Freer Gallery of Art and the Arthur M. Sackler Gallery (Washington, D.C.) on the topic "The Merchant and the Unicorn: Collectors, Connoisseurs, Antiquaries, and Eccentrics in Eighteenth-Century Japan," and on October 17 at Harvard University as part of the Harvard Buddhist Studies Forum, where his topic is "Eighteenth-Century Japanese Buddhism: Eccentrics, Connoisseurs, and Antiquaries."

On October 19 François Lachaud is in Paris, taking part in the deliberations of the doctoral dissertation jury for Isabel Augusta Tavares Mourão at the Section des Sciences historiques et philologiques of the EPHE. The topic of the dissertation is "Gaspar do Amaral S.J. (1594-1646): La vie et l'oeuvre d'un Jésuite portugais fondateur de la mission jésuite du Tun Kim à la cour des Trinh [Gaspar do Amaral S.J. (1594-1646): life and work of a Portuguese Jesuit, founder of the Tun Kim Jesuit mission at the Trinh court]."
From October 9 to 14 Kuo Liying is visiting Rome, to take part in the international colloquium of the Société européenne pour l'Étude des Civilisations de l'Himalaya et de l'Asie centrale (SEECHAC: European Society for the Study of the Civilizations of the Himalayas and Central Asia]): Politique et religions en Himalaya et Asie Centrale. L'expression politique et religieuse de la souveraineté en Himalaya et en Asie Centrale: rituels, textes, représentations, institutions, de l'Antiquité à nos jours [Politics and religions in the Himalayas and Central Asia: the political and religious expression of sovereignty in the Himalayas and Central Asia: rituals, texts, images, and institutions from antiquity to today], to be held at the Museo Nazionale d'Arte Orientale Giuseppe Tucci, and in the round table Avalokiteśvara in India and Central Asia, at the Istituto Italiano per l'Africa e l'Oriente (IsIAO).

On October 18, at 10:00 a.m., at the invitation of the Centre de recherches sur les civilisations de l'Asie orientale [Center for research on the civilizations of East Asia] (UMR 8155), Dorothy Wong (Unversity of Virginia, USA) is giving a lecture on "Divergent Paths: Early Representations of Amoghapāśa in East, South, and Southeast Asia" at the Maison de l'Asie (2nd floor lecture hall, 22 avenue du Président-Wilson, 75116 Paris).
The library has received, through the intermediary of Andrew Hardy, a significant donation of Vietnamese books and periodicals from Mme Birgit Hussfeld, specialist in Vietnamese studies. It consists of ten boxes of works on Vietnamese art, literature, history, and ethnology, now being processed. This gift fills out the Vietnamese collection in the Paris library.

The Chinese collection in the library has also been enriched by the gift from Professor Lothar von Falkenhausen (History of Art Department, University of California at Los Angeles) of eight multi-volume works on Chinese historiography, literature, and philosophy.
François Bizot, Le Silence du bourreau [The silence of the executioner], Flammarion, septembre 2011, Paris.

Benoît Jacquet, « Dans les secrets du pavillon de thé, d'hier et d'aujourd'hui [Among the secrets of the tea pavilion, yesterday and today]», Sigila, no 28, 2011, p. 89-102.

François Lachaud, « Edo : à la croisée des mondes [Edo at the meeting of worlds]», in Études japonaises, textes et contextes, commémoration du 50e anniversaire de la fondation de l'institut des hautes études japonaises du Collège de France [Japanese studies, texts, and contexts; commemoration of the fiftieth anniversary of the founding of the Collège de France's Institute for Advanced Japanese Studies], de Boccard, Paris, 2011, p. 137-154.

François Lachaud, « Bouddhisme : des moines pas si zen que vous le croyez [Buddhism: monks not so zen as you might believe]», in Asies, p. 90-91, septembre 2011.

François Lachaud, « Comment le Japon a façonné Claude Lévi-Strauss [How Japan formed Claude Lévi-Strauss]», in Asies, p. 105, septembre 2011.

EFEO Paris Seminar
The EFEO's monthly Paris seminar takes place on Monday, October 24 (11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.). Michael Falser (Heidelberg University) is talking on the topic "Restaging Angkor Vat in Europe: Plaster Casts as a Colonial Tool for the Appropriation and Translation of Cultural Heritage" at the Maison de l'Asie (2nd floor lecture hall, 22 avenue du Président Wilson, 75116 Paris).
Of Special Note
François Bizot's new book (cf. supra) has been greeted with great media interest. The following French TV and radio programs are scheduled in October:
Ocrtober 3, France Culture, on Philippe Petit's program, Les nouveaux chemins de la connaissance (6:00 to 7:00 p.m.).
October 6, France 5, on François Busnel's program, La grande librairie (8:35 to 9:35 p.m.).
October 7, Public Sénat, on the Jean-Marie Colombani invite program (11:00 p.m.), re-broadcast on October 8 at 8:30 p.m. and 12:30 a.m., on October 9 at 12:30 and 8:30 p.m., on October 10 at 7:45 and 10:45 a.m.
On October 9, France Inter, on Paula Jacques' program (2:00 to 3:00 p.m.).
On October 22, France Culture, Alain Finkielkraut's program, Réplique (9:07 to 10:00 a.m.).

On October 18, as part of the seminar series Architectures et villes d'Asie: héritages et projets [Architecture and towns of Asia: heritage and future plans] organized by the ENSA de Paris-Belleville, Jean Attali, Bruno Fayolle-Lussac, and Nathalie Lancret speak on "Persistance et résistance des formes urbaines et architecturales dans la production de la ville contemporaine [Persistence and continuity of urban and architectural forms in the production of the contemporary town]." 2:30 to 5:00 p.m., at the ENSA of Paris-Belleville (instructors' room, Building A - 2nd floor), 60 boulevard de la Villette, 75019 Paris.

On Thursday, October 20, from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., the EPHE, Religious Studies Section, is organizing a meeting on the topic "Pensée et rites en Islam de Chine et du Xinjiang [Thought and rites in the Islam of China and Xinjian." This meeting will take place in the "Le France" building, 190 avenue de France (75013 Paris), 2nd floor, room 117. Contact: Françoise Aubin
Life in the Centers
Ute Huesken, Professor of Sanskrit (Department of Culture Studies and Oriental Languages, Oslo University) is spending October and November at the Pondicherry Center to continue his research work.
During the first two weeks of October, Pierre Pichard and Christophe Pottier are visiting various archaeological and restoration workshops in Isan (northeast Thailand).
Early in the month Arlo Griffiths is making a short trip to Lampung, Sumatra, with Pierre-Yves Manguin, to complete their visit (begun in August 2010) to historical sites and the project of making rubbings of inscriptions in this province. During the last two weeks of October, he travels to East Java in the company of Nigel Bullough, to visit sites from the Kediri period and record inscriptions surviving there.
Hong Kong
On October 6, at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), Marianne Bujard (EFEO Beijing) is giving a lecture entitled "Histoire écrite et histoire orale des temples de Pékin [Written history and oral history of the temples of Peking]"; the lecture is sponsored jointly by the Center for Taoist Culture Studies at the CUHK and the EFEO's Hong Kong Center.
The Tokyo EFEO Center's seminar on Buddhism is taking place on Mondays, October 10 and 31 (from 6 to 8 p.m., Tôyô bunko lecture hall): "Introduction au Kanbun bouddhique: lecture du Xianyu-jing/Kengu-kyo, 3and 4 [Introduction to the Buddhist Kanbun: reading of the Xianyu-jing/Kengu-kyo, 3 and 4]."

On Sunday, October 30, Nobumi Iyanaga is taking part as a commentator at the annual meeting of the Association Histoire intellectuelle du Japon [Japanese Intellectual History Association] at the panel on "Le shintō médiéval des moines savants bouddhiques [The medieval shintoism of Buddhist scholar monks]."
On October 20 (11:00 a.m.) the monthly seminar on Buddhism directed by Nobumi Iyanaga is taking place at the Kansai Franco-Japanese Institute.

On October 29 (2:00 to 6:00 p.m.), Benoît Jacquet is taking part in the seminar "Dispositifs et notions de la spatialité japonaise [Mechanisms and concepts of Japanese spatiality]" held at the International Center for the Study of Japanese Culture (Nichibunken) at Katsura.
efeo.kyoto@gmail.com , benoit.jacquet@efeo.net
Frédéric Girard has been invited, by Professor Shinkawa Tetsuo of the Philosophy Department, to spend two years at the Gakushûin University in Tokyo. On October 8 (4:00 to 6:00 p.m.), Frédéric Girard is taking part in the seminar run by Professor Saitô Akira (Tokyo University, Indian Philosophy Department), speaking on the topic of the vocabulary of Buddhism.

Si vous souhaitez recevoir (ou ne plus recevoir) l’Agenda de l’EFEO, ou si vous rencontrez des anomalies dans l’affichage merci d’en informer Isabelle Poujol : isabelle.poujol@efeo.net.
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