
Responsable : Elisabeth Chabanol

#201, Asiatic Research Institute
Korea University, 145 Anam-ro
Seongbuk-gu, Séoul 02841, République de Corée

Tél : +82 2 921 4526
Fax : +82 2 953 2386

XVIe Seoul Colloquium in Korean Studies/CITY_NKOR
22 MARS 18
Le 22 mars, le XVIe Seoul Colloquium in Korean Studies, organisé par le Centre de l'EFEO à Séoul en collaboration avec la Seoul Branch de la Royal Asiatic Society et l'Asiatic Research Institute de la Korea University, est animé par YIM Dongwoo, doctorant au Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology et assistant à la Hongik University Graduate School of Architecture and Urban Desing, autour du thème Unprecedented Pyongyang. Cette conférence est la première d'un cycle consacré à l'étude des villes nord-coréennes dans le cadre de l'ANR EFEO/EHESS « CITY-NKOR Ville, architecture et urbanisme en Corée du Nord ».
This March Presentation is the first of a series of conferences on the theme “City, urban planning and architecture in North Korea," which is the core of the new CITY-NKOR research project conducted by the EHESS (Paris) and the EFEO (Seoul). Despite the notorious fact of it being one of the most veiled countries in modern history, North Korea recently has started to get engaged with the rest of the world, and now we can easily witness various socio-economic changes of the nation which was seen in the 1990s in other post-socialist countries. And as the capital of
the nation, Pyongyang has already entered into fast transformation stage with
numbers of developments both in public and private sectors since the new regime
of Kim Jung Un. However, we sometimes overlook the fact that the city was built based on the goal to be an ideal socialist city. After the three years of Korean War in the 1950s, Pyongyang was completely demolished and had a unique chance to build a new city based on the socialist ideology. Although the current morphology may not be exactly same as the original master plan, many urban spaces and infrastructures
remain as evidences of socialist urban planning. And interestingly enough, these are urban elements that have major conflict with the idea of market-oriented economy, and at the moment, the morphology of the city is already changing. Then, the question is, will Pyongyang become one of post-socialist cities, having them as precedents to the city, or will it have its own development path that is unprecedented? Dongwoo Yim is the co-founder of PRAUD and an assistant professor at Hongik University Graduate School of Architecture and Urban Design. He received his master degree at
Harvard University and bachelor’s degree at Seoul National University, and currently is a PhD candidate from RMIT. He is the winner of Architectural League Prize 2013, and the author of Pyongyang, and Pyongyang After, and the co-author of (Un) Precedented PyongyangNorth Korean Atlas and I Want to be METROPOLITAN among others. His works have been exhibited worldwide including the award winning Korean Pavilion in Venice Biennale 2014, Museum of Modern Art in New York, DNA Galerie in Berlin. Dongwoo Yim was an adjunct professor at Rhode Island School of Design from 2011 through 2017, and visiting assistant professor at Washington University in St. Louis in 2016.

 anr city_nkor   séoul colloquium in korean studies 

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 anr city_nkor
 archéologie urbaine
 asiatic research institute
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 édouard chavannes
 époque coloniale
 études coréennes
 céramique coréenne
 centre efeo
 corée du nord
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 séoul colloquium in korean studies
 séoul colloquium in korean studies
 séoul colloquium in korean studies
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