
Responsable : Christophe Marquet

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Publication CEA 32
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Cahiers d'Extrême-Asie 32 (2023)

Aspect of Lived Religion in Late Medieval and Early Modern Japan /
Aspects de la religion vécue dans le Japon de la fin du Moyen Âge et de l’époque prémoderne

Éditeur: Martin Nogueira Ramos, Gaétan Rappo , Kenkō Suzuki
Édition: EFEO (2024)40,00 € (6000 JPY)
ISBN-13 : 9782855391830
ISSN : 0766-1177
Langue : Français, Anglais

Vous pouvez acheter le livre au Japon (6000 yens) directement au centre
EFEO de Kyoto ou en nous écrivant à l'adresse suivante :

En dehors du Japon, vous pouvez commander le livre sur le site de l'EFEO

General Introduction: Religion as Practice and Experience in Late Medieval and Early Modern Japan (Martin Nogueira Ramos, Gaétan Rappo & Suzuki Kenkō)
Fortune, Long Life, and Luck in Battle: The Cult of the Three Devas and Worldly Rituals in Medieval Japan (Gaétan Rappo)
The Preaching of the Manuals: Kana hōgo and the Popular Perception of Zen Doctrines in Early Edo Japan (Didier Davin)
Secret Spaces for Amida: Their Functions in Rituals and Their Doctrinal Backgrounds (Markus Rüsch)
The Historical Strata of the Cult to Sanbō Kōjin in the Scroll Paintings of the Blacksmith God: Mount Gassan and Shugendō in the Edo Period (Suzuki Kenkō)
The Hanging Scrolls of Yudono: Materiality, Landscape, Aesthetics, and Bodies (Andrea Castiglioni)
The History of Japanese Christianity under the Microscope: A Study of the Second Stage of Repression in the Shimabara Domain (1625–30) (Martin Nogueira Ramos)

 The Preservation of the Social Order and Heterodox Religious Activities in Early Modern Japan (Ōhashi Yukihiro)

 Practitioners of the Proscribed Creed: Gender and Motive in the 1827 Kyoto-Osaka Kirishitan Incident (Miyazaki Fumiko)
Lion Throne Buddhist Tiles Unearthed in Early Japan (Yoko Hsueh Shirai & Nicolas Revire)
En no Gyōja in Time: Pivotal Roles of the Founding Figure of Shugendō (Carina Roth)
Book Reviews

Book Review

Matthias Hayek, Les Mutations du yin et du yang. Divination, société et représentations au Japon, du vie au xixe siècle (Martin Nogueira Ramos)

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