Agenda June 2016
L'Agenda de l'EFEO
The international jury responsible for evaluating Idex (initiatives of excellence) projects, in the ComUE, having already benefited from considerable funding for the first investment in the future (PIA1) programme, has decided to extend the ComUE PSL project starting with a trial period of eighteen months (three Idex are confirmed: Aix-Marseille, Bordeaux, Strasbourg ; two have closed down: Université Sorbonne Paris-Cité, Toulouse; and three have been renewed after a trial period: PSL, Paris-Saclay, Sorbonne Universités). In the opinion of the jury PSL should benefit from this trial period to develop its project towards a university, which, without being combined, would be more and better integrated than it currently is. It is up to the member establishments of the PSL to make their wish for a common government clearer, to know the already existing effective collaborations between them more thoroughly, and be convincing in the sincerity of their aspiration for a genuinely shared identity. A strategic seminar bringing together all the heads of PSL establishments will take place this month. We note that the EFEO is for the moment only an "associate member" of PSL (as are EPHE, EHESS and the École des chartes) and will, between now until the close of 2016 be confirmed in its integration as a full member. PSL represents for the EFEO an opportunity and a challenge. An opportunity to join a community of institutions as prestigious as they are varied (the Collège de France, ENS-Ulm, the École des Mines, CNS de Musique, Femis, Paris-Dauphine, etc., and its traditional allies, the EPHE and the EHESS), with ambitious projects in common and the necessary means to put them into operation. A challenge to achieve, as expected of our partners, the pitch of excellence "Asie" of PSL. This is a challenge we can rise to without apprehension, since our institution already enjoys wide scientific recognition in both Asia and Europe and beyond. But it is a challenge that demands that we take accurate measure of the perspectives offered by new research projects and shared teaching and the greatly increased possibilities to welcome colleagues and the organization of scientific events. At the same time we have the responsibility, for our part, to open Asia up to our PSL partners who will be able to profit from our presence in a dozen countries of the continent and from the knowledge we have acquired over more than a century.
Yves Goudineau, Director
Seminars, missions and meetings
Yves Goudineau, Director, presides on Monday 14th June at the Maison de l'Asie over the General Assembly of the AFAO (Association française des amis de l'Orient). On Saturday 18th June he participates in a strategic thinking seminar of the heads of the establishment of the ComUE PSL, following the renewing for eighteen months of the financing of Idex made at PSL.
The Director is on mission in Cambodia from Monday 20th June to Friday 24th June, where he will participate at Siem Reap in the 26th technical session of the CIC-Angkor (International committee for the safeguarding and development of the historic site of Angkor); he will visit the restoration project of the temple-îlot Mebon and will meet at Phnom Penh the Cambodian partners of the EFEO as well as the French Ambassador. On Monday 27th June in Paris he will meet with the leaders of the department Establishments of the HCERES to prepare the organization of the mission of Comité de visite, beginning in October, who will be in charge of the five-yearly evaluation of the activities of the EFEO carried out on behalf of the Ministry of Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche.

Charlotte Schmid, Director of studies and publications, is a member of the jury for the defence of the thesis of Marion Le Sauce-Carnis " L'émergence du culte de Rāma en Inde à travers le développement de son iconographie entre les Xe et XVIe siècles ", directed by M. Vincent Lefèvre, on Monday 27th June at the l'université Paris 3.

Hugo David participates on 3rd June, in the study day Pluralisme religieux et apologétique dans la philosophie indienne, organized by Vincent Eltschinger (EPHE) and the review ThéoRèmes.

Professor Wang Zhenzhong (Fudan University Shanghai), at the invitation of the École française d'Extrême-Orient, gives a lecture on: "Associations of merchants, division of zones of activity and urban space in late imperial China: management and functioning of the association of Huizhou at Jingdezhen since the 17th c.". The lecture (in Chinese with a French translation) will take place at the EFEO, Maison de l'Asie, First floor hall on 6th June from 11h to 13h.

Alain Arrault, gives, during the study day Portraits de famille of the Association française d'études chinoises, a talk entitled "Cultes domestiques en Chine rurale (XVIe-début XXe siècle)", on 4th June at INALCO (65, rue des Grands Moulins, 75013 Paris, Room 3.05).
In partnership with Caterina Guenzi (EHESS), he speaks in the master Asies (EHESS, EPHE, EFEO) on "Temps et calendriers" on 6th and 13th June.
Alain Arrault, in the study day, is discussing in honour of Brigitte Baptandier Le féminin et le religieux, at the Université Paris-Ouest-Nanterre-La-Défense, Maison de l'archéologie et de l'ethnologie, on 30th June.

Frédéric Girard is pre-reporter and president of the jury for the thesis of Alexandre Goy on "Le shugendō d'Akyūbō Sokuden dans le Japon médiéval - Construire et transmettre une identité" at the University of Strasbourg, on 7th June at 13h30 (amphithéâtre du Collège doctoral européen, école doctorale des Humanités ED 520, groupe d'études orientales, slaves et néohelléniques EA 1340, for the grade of Doctor of the Université of Strasbourg, Japanese studies).

François Lachaud, in the framework of the seminar Hiéroglossie II organized by Jean-Noël Robert at the Collège de France on 8th June 2016, gives a talk on: "Contes de la lune vague après la pluie : encres de Chine et fantômes du Japon". He gives a lecture: "De l'autre côté du miroir : Lévi-Strauss interprète des arts japonais ", at the Claude Lévi-Strauss et le Japon symposium at the musée national des arts asiatiques Guimet, in Paris, on 25th June.
François Lachaud speaks at the EFEO monthly seminar from 13th June (see below).

Peter Skilling and Nalini Balbir (UMR 7528 Mondes iranien et indien, EPHE) are organizing the Deuxième semaine internationale d'études palies from 20th to 23rd June at the Sorbonne (place de la Sorbonne, 75005 Paris, staircase U, Claude Bernard gallery, 4th floor-H 627) with the support of the Fragile Palm Leaves Foundation, of the Henry Ginsburg Fund and the Khyentse Foundation: full program

Pierre-Yves Manguin will be in Indonesia from 15th to 26th June, and will give a lecture at the Institut français d'Indonésie on the ancient sailors of the insulindia.
He will then be, until 1st July, at the International Conference on Martime History at the Murdoch University (Perth, Australie). He will participate in the workshop organized by Paola Calanca (joint Academic-Sinica/EFEO programme financed by ANR) on the subject Seafarers on board in China seas and will give a talk on " Sailing from Melaka and Macao: the pilots aboard sixteenth and seventeenth century Portuguese ships".

Kuo Liying and his colleagues at UMR 8155-CRCAO are organizing on 16th June a study day on Les grottes bouddhiques : Monastères, sanctuaires ou temples ancestraux at the Maison d'Asie (22 avenue du Président-Wilson, 75016 Paris, grand salon on the 1st floor, from 9h15). Speakers will give talks on the following themes:
- Monika Zin (Universities of Münich and Leipzig): "The Paintings in the Caves of Ajanta and their Soteriological Significance and Between India and China - The Paintings in the Buddhist Caves of Kucha",
- Liu Jianjun (Director of the Institute of the Site of Yungang ): "Le creusement des grottes de Yungang au VIe siècle et la sinisation des grottes 9 et 10",
- Zhang Xiaogang (Dunhuang Academy) : "Les portraits des rois de Khotan et des membres de leur famille dans les grottes de la famille Cao de Dunhuang",
- Zhang Xiantang (Vice-directeur de la Dunhuang Academy) : "Grottes-temples ancestraux à Mogao : une étude des portraits de donateurs défunts".
Guillaume Dutournier (guillaume.dutournier@efeo) has been appointed head of the Peking Centre from 1st June. He succeeds in the post Luca Gabbiani who will be assigned to Paris from that date.

After three and a half years taking care of editions, Chloé Beaucamp to be editing secretary of the ethnological review Terrain from 1st June.
Titles and honours
Dominic Goodall has been elected foreign correspondent of the Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres as of the session of Friday 13th May 2016.
Photo Library
The 450 photographs of Indian heritage value and the virtual exhibition Au fil de l'eau that presents some of these photographs is on line at:
Benoît Jacquet, « Japanese or not? How do Modern Architects make Japanese Architecture », Archiv Weltmuseum Wien 65 (2015), p. 196-217.

François Lachaud : « Chinmoku no koe to rekishi no michi » (Les Voix du Silence et les chemins de l'histoire) in Reisei to tôzai bunmei (Spiritualités d'Orient et d'Occident), Tôkyô, Benseisha, p. 230-251.

François Lachaud portrait of Marilynne Robinson: "Marilynne Robinson: les Grands Espaces du protestantisme", Réforme, 10th June 2016 number.

Charlotte Schmid and Emmanuel Francis (ed.), "Gods and Devotees in Medieval Tiruttaṇi », in The Archaeology of Bhakti II, Royal Bhakti, Local Bhakti, École française d'Extrême-Orient/Institut Français de Pondichéry (Collection Indologie no. 125), pp. 443-494.
EFEO Seminar Paris
On Monday 13th June (from 11h to 12h30h), François Lachaud (EFEO) speaks on "Les calendriers de l'au-delà : temps cyclique et âges du monde dans l'art bouddhique du Japon", at the Maison de l'Asie (22, avenue du Président Wilson, 75116 Paris, 1st floor hall).

"How are the different systems of temporality of works in Buddhism to be represented? This question has never ceased to inspire Japanese artists whose role is determined within the diffusion and acculturation of the "great religion of Asian salvation". The impermanent visions of the Six Destinies (from hells to heavens) correspond to those of the seasons and to the epochs of history but also to attempts to represent the absence of duration -, time being abolished. These pathways will be illustrated by several sequences of paintings of a collection unique to the painter Kanō Kazunobu (1816-1863)."

The thematics of the monthly EFEO seminar are included in those of the Master "Asies" seminar (EFEO - EHESS - EPHE) which is held at the Maison de l'Asie, on Mondays from 9h to 11h. The subject of the sessions on 6th and 13th June is Le temps et les calendriers.
On 22nd June at 18h, the library of the Centre d'Études de l'Inde et de l'Asie du Sud -CEIAS (EHESS) organizes a literary meeting around the work Until the Lions, a discussion between the auithor Kartika Naïr and Laetitia Zecchini (Thalim-CEIAS) the great hall of the Maison de l'Asie (1st floor, 22 avenue du Président Wilson, 75116 Paris).
Actualités de PSL Research University
Differents social networks of the PSL:
Life at the Centres
Christophe Pottier participe à la 2e SEAMEO SPAFA International Conference on Southeast Asian Archaeology du 30 mai au 2 juin, à Bangkok. Avec A. Desbat et V. Merle (CNRS), il y donne une communication sur le thème « Buriram Stonewares Revisited ». Puis il assiste à la 26eme session technique du CIC-Angkor qui a lieu le 22 et le 23 juin à Siem Reap. Il présente la campagne 2016 de fouilles de la mission MAFKATA.
Phnom Penh
Following on from the exhibition organized for the Angkor-Photo festival at the EFEO Centre of Siem Reap in December 2015, a more limited selection of photographs of Cambodia coming from the archives of the EFE the will be presented at the Institut français du Cambodge at Phnom Penh from 9th June to 15th August.
Élodie Richard (CNRS) gives three lectures at the University of Peking in the framework of the joint seminar EFEO-EHESS-Université de Pékin:
- Monday 30th May (15h-18h): "Histoire des droits sociaux en France au XIXe siècle - general introduction"
- Friday 3rd June (14h-16h): "Penser la protection sociale. Définition et prise en charge des populations vulnérables en France sous l'angle de la longue durée"
- Monday 6th June juin (15h-18h): "La législation sociale sous le Second Empire (1851-1870) et la Troisième République (1870-1939)".

In the framework of the cycle of lectures Histoire, Archéologie et Société 2015-2016, Tuesday afternoon 7th June, Liu Xiao and Wang Bin speak at the Institute of History of Sciences of the Chinese Academy of Sciences:
- Liu Xiao: "La découverte de la fusion ternaire et quaternaire de l'uranium, ou l'aboutissement d'une collaboration internationale entre Qian Sanqiang (1913-1992), He Zehui (1914-2011) and Cecil Frank Powell (1903-1969)"
- Wang Bin: "Deux ou trois choses que vous ne savez pas à propos de M. Zhan Tianyou (1861-1919), le promoteur du développement des chemins de fer en Chine à l'époque moderne".
Franciscus Verellen participtes from 3rd to 10th June in several commissions and councils of the Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres.
Bernard Dupaigne (Muséum national d'histoire naturelle), Stéphane Feuillas (université Paris 7) are invited to give lectures by the Institute of History and Philology of the Academia Sinica and the EFEO Centre of Taipei:
- 3rd June, Bernard Dupaigne speaks on "Old Currencies in Cambodia, Laos, Siam, Annam and beyond",
- 6th June, Stéphane Feuillas on "Political and personal Writing of the "Green Stanzas" in the Works of Su Shi and Su Zhe. The Appropriation by Song Scholars of a Daoist Ceremony".

The 14th June, Radu Bikir (université Paris-Diderot, l'EFEO scholarship at Taipei) participates in the study day organized jointly by the EFEO and the research team Histoire de la culture et de la pensée of the Institute of History and Philology of the Academia Sinica. He wll speak on "La mise en scène littéraire d'une technique mantique hybride, le guige guaying, dans le Yijian zhi de Hong Mai (1123-1202) ".

Paola Calanca organizes in the framework of the International Conference on Maritime History (Murdoch University, Perth) a panel on Seafarers on board in China seas, and gives a talk on "Crew members of Chinese ships".
On 16th June, the Seoul Colloquium on Korean Studies organized at the University of Korea by the EFEO Centre of Seoul, welcomes Michael Lammbrau (University of North Korean Studies) who gives a talk entitled « Role in Regime Legitimization. A Topic Modelling Approach ».
Kathryn Weathersby (Professor at the Sungshin Women's University of Seoul, and at the School of Advanced International Studies of the Johns Hopkins) willl present the progress of her research on the Korean war.
From 18th to 27th June, Élisabeth Chabanol will be at the EFEO Centre of Siem Reap (Cambodia) to organize a think tank on the problematics of the management of an urban site classified on the UNESCO world heritage list, in collaboration with Dominique Soutif, Christophe Pottier and Bertrand Porte. Three experts responsible for the running of the Kaesông site and members of the National Authority for the Protection of Cultural Heritage NAPCH (whose vice-director general is Ro Choi Su) will also participate in this workshop. All the participants will attend the 26th technical session CIC-Angkor (International Coordination - Angkor) on 22nd and 23rd June.
On 16th June 16 (at 2 p.m.), Benoît Jacque will participate in the conference on L'Institut, 80 ans de présence et d'échanges franco-japonais, where he will speak on : "L'Institut français, un modèle d'architecture française au Japon" (Institut français du Japon - Kansai).
On 30th June (at 6 p.m.), Benoît Jacquet welcomes Kaneko Fumiko in the framework of the seminar on "La conservation et la restauration de l'architecture au Japon" (Nihon ni okeru kenchiku no hozon to saisei) at the Kyoto EFEO Centre.
Si vous souhaitez recevoir (ou ne plus recevoir) l’Agenda de l’EFEO, ou si vous rencontrez des anomalies dans l’affichage merci d’en informer Isabelle Poujol :
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